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Posts posted by DaveTheMonkey

  1. Just wanted to update this and say thanks for the help.


    She has been able to negotiate a repayment plan with all her creditors with the exception of Very,

    who reply to her email with an email telling her to ring a number.


    She doesn't want to do it by phone and has replied to them telling them this, but still they tell her to ring the number.


    Does anyone know why they insist on doing it by phone?


    She has sent them the breakdown of finances and reasons for needing a repayment plan.


    Any further help would be much appreciated, thanks.

  2. OK, thanks for the info.

    I will get a new letter written.



    We thought we did explain things in good detail, we did a complete breakdown of the finances, including monthly incomings and outgoings and an accompanying letter, outlining the resons for the inability to pay, all the other creditors responded quickly and without any objections, that said, the BC debt is the largest, so maybe that's part of it. I think the only thing we didn't put in was a timescale.

  3. Thanks, yes, we have been truthful, 100%.

    I'm unsure why you think we weren't?



    I think my main worry is that if she does go for a 12 month suspension of fees and is only paying off at 100 per month, she's still going to be owing 7800 or so and once that interest kicks in again after 12 months, she will be back in the same sitiuation where the minimum payment is far more than she can afford and as a result, the debt grows instead of decreases.

  4. Just updating this.

    we sent BC a budget breakdown and it showed that we could pay £92, she rounded it up to 100.



    Sent off all the letters to the other creditors and BC were the only ones that never responded.



    We contacted again a few days ago and they claim to have sent a letter, weeks ago, but we never received it.



    After much back and forth, they have re-sent the letter via secure webmail:


    Before we can consider your offer of £100.00 per month, we need to


    gain an understanding as to whether your financial situation is


    likely to be short term (up to 12 months) and you will be able to


    revert back to your contractual payments including interest or


    long term."


    That's pretty much where we are, now.

    We should be going for a long term freeze on the interest?

    Can that be done?

    Not sure how this works.



    Thanks for any help, much appreciated :)

  5. Then contact barclaycard and see if you can come to an agreement. perhaps fill in a National debtline budget summary ( not barclaycards pretty intrusive one), and see if you can arrange lower repayments for a period of 6 months . You also want them to stop all interest and charges otherwise its pointless as the interest would keep acrruing.


    Ok thanks for that, she is going to contact them tomorrow. She hasn't ever spoken to them, just been paying whatever they ask for.


    Hi Dave,


    If you (or YW) were unable to maintain the required payments, you should have asked BC to stop adding interest and/or penalty charges.


    If BC were, or they should have been, aware YW was in financial difficulty, they had a duty to help their customer. Read The Lending Code - sections 224 to 227 if I recall correctly.


    1. Do you have details of all penalty charges added over the years ? (These can be reclaimed)


    2. Do you know when BC were first told, or they should have been aware, of YW's inability to service the a/c as required.


    3. Is this a/c showing at all on YW's CRA files.


    On a general note, if YW paid penalty charges to ANY lender such as a catalogue or a credit card, these can be reclaimed.




    I was unaware of the situation, we don't have joint accounts or anything like that and until now, she had never mentioned it, so it's a bit of a bombshell, to be honest. She is going to contact them tomorrow to see if she can get the payments down and interest/penalties stopped.


    I'm not sure they were/are aware yet, other than the missed payments and increased interest rate + penalties, which I'm guessing is all automated?


    1. I'm sure we can get these, she has just informed me that she messed up on this card many years ago too, but they gave her a new one once she had cleared it!


    2. As above, I do not think they are aware of the situation as yet.


    3. She checked clear score last night, but we will check the others tonight.


    Thanks for the information on the penalty charges, that's something we can do once we know where we are.


    A friend has recommended Payplan, I have also seen it mentioned on here. Is that worth a look? Thanks again for all the help, it is very much appreciated!


    At the last count there were 4 CRA's providing postal Credit reports @~£3 each. Each needs to be checked as each obtains data from diff sources. Some CRA's allow free/limited offer online access.

    Tell wife to destroy the card, it won't prevent interest accruing but will avoid temptation for further use

    Negotiate a mutually acceptable/binding repayment plan with BC to clear the CC account



    Thanks. We are going to do this tonight. The card was destroyed months ago. I honestly think that all lines of credit need to be cut so she can't do it again. I wonder if an IVA may be the answer?

  6. OK thanks, so we need to check the credit file. Is this just a case of making an account with any of equifax, experian or the other one that I can't remember the name of?


    She has listed most of the incomings and outgoings and she will put them in a spread sheet ready for tomorrow. Once I find out how to check the credit file and get the info you need, I'll report back, probably tomorrow, if that's OK?


    Thanks for your help.

  7. Thank you.


    The card was taken out around 2003/4.


    Yes, Barclaycard increased the interest rate after a default. I'm not sure what it is, but I will find out if needed.


    I get PIP, we get a small amount of working tax credits and child tax credits.


    I own the house, no mortgage.


    Yes, it's just Barclaycard that she has defaulted on, I think she had a couple of missed payments on a women's clothes catalog, but is now up to date. I beleive she's 3 payment's behind with Barclaycard.


    Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated.

  8. Hi,


    My partner has got herself into 9k's worth of debt with a credit card company.


    She kept it secret for years and has been paying £300-£350 minimum amount per month, but the interest keeps coming and she's missed payments because of other debts and outgoings.


    We don't have any joint savings to throw at it, I'm disabled and not working and we have a child of 4. She works full time.


    I'm not sure what further details are required, so please let me know and I'll add them.


    I would really appreciate some guidance as to what our options are.


    My first thought was to get a consolidation loan to bring down the payments to manageable levels, but I doubt she'd be able to get a loan because of the missed payments.


    CC firm don't seem interested in helping and the interest is mounting up.


    She hasn't spent anything on the card for many months since she first defaulted.


    Thank you.


    P.S. apologies if this is in the wrong section.

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