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Everything posted by Stormborn

  1. Yes I was, I know it's my fault for accepting increases but I never meant to max it out it just got so tempting to pay for things that way. Telling myself it's fine when it wasn't. Yes I think it might have been passed to a debt collector because they aren't responding to my letter yet and I've missed multiple minimum payments.
  2. A year or two ago I applied for a credit card for people with bad credit, it started off with a £500 limit and every three months they increased it and I accepted until I had a £6,000 limit. I reached the limit recently and can't afford to make any payments, I'm unemployed claiming ESA for severe long-term mental health problems. I don't have any assets, a car, or own house etc. I have no idea what will happen next? I'm trying to prepare myself. Will I end up with a CCJ (which I'd deal with) or will I be forced bankrupt to get back at me, the fear of being made bankrupt is making me feel sick and unable to sleep. I barely leave the house and never speak on the phone because of my anxiety I could never go through that sort of process. I can't get the debt under £5,000 either. What will happen!?
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