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Posts posted by Wales87

  1. Hi Wales, im sure you should get the marker removed & financial reputation back if that is your biggest worry? Im not holding out much hope for you getting ALL your money back though!


    I really don't want anything back, I just want this CIFAS marker removed so I can carry on with my sad little life hassle free with no bank account closing, bills not being paid because of it! It's ruined my my life right now

  2. Who is the bank?


    What further action, if any, did the Police take?


    Have you had a final response from AF?


    Have you had a final response from your local Plod?


    Have you informed your local MP about this?


    Have you got all the evidence regarding payments/transactions/correspondence/emails/telephone conversations/ receipts?


    Police just directed me to Fraud action line, they sent me a letter saying they didn't have enough evidence to continue with my case. I have just sent a formal complaint to B*****ys bank awaiting a response! I don't have any idea how I would go about talking to an MP or what they'd be able to do. I was even thinking of going to BBC watchdog for help??

  3. End of last year I invested £1,000 into a Binary Trading Account.

    Over time my profits built up on my online account

    after a few months I requested a withdrawal of $2,000.



    A few weeks had gone by and I hadn't received my withdrawals and neither had the others who invested money.

    We were getting excuses from the trader that the IRS (USA inland revenue) are saying we should be paying tax,

    we all agreed to pay tax but still no withdrawal.



    All of a sudden a few more weeks later I had a message on Facebook from the trader asking if I can confirm I have £10,050 in my bank account, I checked and it was there.



    I asked him what it was for and he said sorry that amount was put in your account by mistake it was only meant to be £1100 which was my withdrawal.



    he told me keep my £1100 and forward the rest on to the UK finance Director for the other investors.

    I done this and didn't think anything of it.



    A couple of weeks after I had a letter from my bank saying the money is being recalled

    I spoke to the Binary trader to ask him why,

    he said it wasn't his company doing it, but he'll look into it.



    Didn't get anything back from him.

    At the same time I spoke to my bank and said this money was mine from my binary trading account transferred from USA, they replied that this money came from the UK.



    When I went back to the trader and questioned him about it

    he said tell your bank the he (trader) will pay the money back, as he didn't want me getting involved in all of this.

    I questioned him about what was going on and didn't get a straight answer



    I immediately attended the local police station who directed me to action fraud,

    reported it to my bank that I believe this man is a fraudster and can they investigate it, I didn't get anywhere!

    I phoned on a number of occasions and they kept replying with the same "why do you believe this is fraud".



    A few weeks later I had a letter from Fraud action line saying there wasn't enough evidence but they may open case again if more evidence comes to light, which I was gutted about!

    I wasn't getting anywhere!


    All of a sudden 3 months after trying to get my bank to investigate this fraud

    they decide to block my account while I was stranded 27 miles away from home in a petrol station unable to pay.

    The investigation goes on for a while

    I then get a letter saying my bank is closing my account,

    I wasn't too fussed as I had a guts full of them when I went to them for help!

    Went to my new bank account, carried on with my life



    I get a letter my new bank are closing my account!

    My old bank have placed a CIFAS marker against me despite sending them ALL evidence from contract of binary trading,

    conversations from the trader making me believe it was all genuine binary trading, but they have labelled me as a fraudster while the real fraudster is getting away with it!


    What can I do next?!



    I need to get this CIFAS marker removed it's ruining my life!



    I just don't know what to do. Someone please help


    Thank you x


    * what I can gather from what imformation I have found out is that someone was purchasing something from a company (value of £10,050) and somehow the fraudster hacked this persons account and sent it to mine and made me believe it was my trading profits.

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