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Posts posted by PSY.1984

  1. Hi guys,


    This is a long read, I know, but I believe that not only have I purchased a car with a fraudulent MOT, I have also uncovered a rather large fraud involving a very well known scrap collection company.


    I bought a 52 plate (2002) Ford Mondeo on eBay on 10th July. The car was advertised as having 12 months MOT and it was stated that the car passed with zero advisories on the 6th July and that it had been 'fastidiously maintained'. I checked it's MOT online and it showed that it had indeed passed with no advisories. This obviously gave me the confidence to bid on the vehicle without test driving, which in hindsight was very stupid! (Lesson well and truly learned)


    I collected the vehicle on the 11th and on the drive home there was considerable knocking sounds coming from the rear of the car so I took it straight to my local garage to have it looked at. The mechanic who looked at the car stated that it was physically impossible for this car to have passed an MOT just 5 days previous, let alone passed it with no advisories. He said there were a number of dangerous faults and he advised me not to drive the vehicle home.


    He told me I could leave the car there for a few days and said that I should contact the DVSA to complain about the MOT carried out on the 6th July. I filled in the necessary form and the DVSA inspected the vehicle yesterday (22nd). The inspector phoned me to inform me that he had discovered a very long list of failures which included 5 dangerous faults. He immediately, and understandably, issued the vehicle with a Prohibition Notice and told me in no uncertain terms that not only had the vehicle been incorrectly passed on the 6th but that he believed the tester who passed it hadn't even seen the car before issuing the pass certificate.


    Thing is now, the car has cost me £450 so far (not a lot to many people but it is to me) and I'm left with a vehicle with a scrap value of £65! Now here is where it gets interesting. I've looked into scrapping the car and I've been shopping around for the best prices when I found a site called Car Take Back. They arrange for a local company to collect your vehicle for you and it is supposedly taken away and recycled. That's what their website says, anyway.


    But the company they list as being my local collection agent just so happens to operate from the same unit under the same owner with the same telephone number as the company I purchased the Mondeo from on eBay. Could it be that he is collecting scrap cars from members of the public via Car Take Back, sticking fraudulent MOT certificates on them and then listing them under his other company name on eBay?


    Almost all of the cars he lists have 12 months MOT with no advisories, which is very suspicious.


    If this is the case then this obviously needs to be stopped. The chap from DVSA must have done his research, too, as he also mentioned that the company I purchased the vehicle from also collects scrap for Car Take Back. He never came out and said it but he's obviously thinking along the same lines as me. He has assured me that in addition to the company that wrongly passed the vehicle, he will also be fully investigating the company that I bought the car from. Whilst I welcome that and hope justice is done, I'm still out of pocket.


    So, for those of you that have stuck with me this far; what do you think is the best avenue for me getting my money back?


    I have today written to the previous owner listed on the logbook explaining what has happened and asking them to confirm whether they did scrap the car via Car Take Back. But, I am unsure of my next steps. Trading Standards? Contact the seller with all of the evidence I have so far and ask him to refund me? Last time I spoke to him he denied any knowledge of the MOT and said it was nothing to do with his company. Contact the MOT station that issued the MOT and ask them to bring the car up to MOT standard? Wait for the DVSA to finish then pursue the seller with whatever evidence they uncover?


    I'd really appreciate any advice or help from someone that might have been through this before and might be able to advise the best route to getting my money back.

  2. Any further news on this from yesterday? I was unable to post much from mid-morning onwards I'm afraid.


    I'm really sorry for the delay in responding, I've only just seen this question when I logged on this morning.


    I sent the details of this case to a friend of a friend who is a journalist. She sent B&S a very lengthy and detailed email asking a lot of questions and basically tore them apart for their behaviour. She told them she'd be doing a story about this and within 2 days of her sending her email, my friend has today received a letter from B&S informing her that they will now be passing the account back to the council as they have no intention of dealing with the media.


    A great result for her :)


    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread with their advice and kind words. You've all been extremely helpful and we cannot thank you enough.

  3. I am really sorry I have completely misunderstood your earlier posts.


    I assumed from your earlier posts that the amended 'template letter' was sent to B & S over the bank holiday weekend and that B & S had not as yet responded to that particular letter. I now realise that they have done so. I would not want you to post their reply on the open forum so I will approach a moderator for permission to contact you.


    You seem very concerned about the possibility of enforcement fees being added to the remaining accounts. Can I please reassure you that will not happen. It is precisely for debtors such as your friend, that the government introduced a clause into the regulations permitting 'multiple' fees from being added to accounts. What must happen is that the enforcement company may add a Compliance Fee of £75 to EACH account but they must enforce each account at the same time and may only charge ONE enforcement fee of £235.


    Thank you very much BA, you have removed a weight from our shoulders so to speak. It was the fear of them adding another £235 to the remaining 3 accounts that we were most concerned about and had no idea they wasn't allowed to do this. Hearing this is fantastic news and we can all relax a little now.


    Also, you have no need to apologise, maybe with all the stress and sense of urgency I just wasn't describing what had happened clearly enough and wasn't getting the important points across.


    I'd very much welcome any assistance that you feel you could offer, As I have previously admitted I am completely out of my depth with this one.


    Ploddertom, there really isn't any joined up thinking here. B&S are telling us that the can't discuss the ins and outs of the account as that's down to the council and the council are telling us that they can't discuss the account nay more as it is with the bailiff and that we have to direct all questions back to B&S.


    It's just one big merry-go-round of incompetence!

  4. Given that the 'draft' letter was not sent until the 28th May (which of course was over this bank holiday weekend) there can be no doubt that it has not even been read yet. Personally, I think that it would be a good idea to wait a couple of days to see what response is received.


    Given the severe financial difficulties being encountered, I would not suggest making payment of the enforcement agent fees at this time.


    Hi BA, thanks for the reply.


    Our email was read and responded to in some detail. B&S broke down each paragraph and responded fully. They have given my friend until the 7th to accept their proposed payment plan of £750 per month before taking what they say will be further action against her.


    Coughdrop, it is a difficult one. Trying to balance holding off and waiting for it to be passed back against possible enforcement fees on the three remaining accounts currently without any is a hard decision to make.

  5. It sounds to me like your friend needs something putting in place asap for peace of mind given their mental health issues. It is an immensely stressful experience without the additional burden MH and potential suicidal tendencies place on the situation. I am hopeful that BA will be able to help you - the previous letter seems to have been rather overlooked by the council.


    Their vulnerability should be recognised. It doesn't mean the debt goes away, but it does mean they should receive more careful handling. I am sure BA will ensure this happens.


    The situation is so similar to my own, save for the fact mine was under the old regulations and I didn't know where to turn for help. I also had 4 LO's and some illness issues as mentioned previously. The relief of getting something in place would be immense, I can assure you.


    I will leave you in their hands, but I wish you and your friend the very best - they are lucky to have you!


    Thank you very much for your kind words and thoughts. It is really good to speak to like-minded people who have been where we are now and come out the other side, so to speak.


    I'm really glad you managed to get something sorted with your own situation.


    BA has been very helpful, as has everybody else. I just wish I'd found this place sooner and maybe gotten this sorted earlier.


    I know I keep saying this but I really do appreciate yours and everyone else's help and advise.

  6. Thank you all very much for the replies and advice.


    I'm going to try to answer them as best as possible.


    1) Firstly, in regards the fees, there are a total of 4 liability orders - One has a compliance fee and an enforcement fee added to it and the other three only have compliance fees. If my friend does sit and wait it out to be returned to the council, doesn't that leave them scope to add enforcement fees to the other three accounts?


    2) BA's letter was sent, adapted to suit my friend's circumstances obviously, but it was the above letter that the bailiff responded to.


    3) I will download the Income & Expenditure form now and drop it round to her to complete.


    4) Yes, B&S do know that the council is aware of what is going on. I have been CC-ing the council in on all emails so far.


    Coughdrop - Thank you for your replies, I really appreciate the depth and detail you have gone into. It is a very stressful situation and my friend suffers terribly with her mental health and has been suicidal in the past. I'm trying my best to resolve the issue for her and shield her from as much further stress as possible but it's honestly not something I have ever had experience in. I'm extremely grateful for everybody's help and advice.


    As you and Dodgeball have said, my friend would be more than happy and will to pay bailiff fees to get this gone. The fees aren't the issue, it's just trying to get them to accept a payment plan that is the issue for her.

  7. Please don't close this thread!


    Thanks to everyone that has replied, I appreciate the advice offered.


    We wrote to B&S and made an offer of £50 per month. They have responded by email saying the very least they would be prepared to accept is £750 per month!! They said failure to agree to this will lead to enforcement action.


    We have asked the council to take the debt back on multiple occasions and they have refused, so that isn't an option.


    I don't know what else to do now. Anybody any ideas?


    We will be making our first £50 payment tomorrow, regardless of their refusal to accept our offer.

  8. 1. Is your friends wife on sick pay or in receipt of ESA?


    2. If disabled is she in receipt of DLA/PiP? If not have they applied?


    2a. If she gets DLA/PiP is she getting all the benifits they are entitled too? (SMI)


    2b. If not in receipt of DLA/PiP has she applied yet?


    3. You need to find out if this is a current debt or for previous years or both.


    4. If in receipt of ESA alone how long?


    Run the benefits advisor to see if any other benefits are available to you. The debtor should notify the LA that she is disabled and vulnerable.


    Finally the blue badge on display is correct. But, if there is an interest in the vehicle sadly it's still at risk. This was recently noted on a case in Birmingham. ...




    1. She's on ESA

    2. Yes, she receives PIP

    2a. Yes, I have done a benefit check for her online and she is receiving everything she should be.

    3. The debt is made up of two previous years. Her ex-partner was in control of all of the money and wasn't paying anything by all accounts.

    4. She has been in receipt of ESA for around 2 years now.


    Thanks for your help :)


    BA - Thank you very much for that letter, I will adapt it for her and get it sent off recorded first class. If she makes this offer of payment and they refuse are they entitled to then press on with enforcement which will then add further charges? Or do they have to return it to the council for attachment of benefits?

  9. Hi,


    Thanks for the reply.


    The council is Bolsover District Council and they are aware of her reliance on sickness benefits. I wrote to the council at the same I wrote to B&S to explain our friend's disabilities and the very heavy-handedness of the bailiff. They replied saying they had spoken to B&S and they are satisfied that they are handling the case 'sensitively'.


    I have no idea regarding Council Tax Relief, to be honest, nor what percentage is payable. That's something i hadn't even considered. The problem I am having at present is that B&S are saying any dispute must be taken up with the council and the council are saying it's nothing to do with them any more and we must deal directly with the bailiffs.


    In the mean time the 14 days are fast ticking down until they remove the hold on the account and start taking 'further action'.


    In regards to an attachment of benefits, how would that work? Is this something that we can request?

  10. Hi everyone,


    I just wondered if someone can give me some advice for a friend of my wife's. She's in terrible financial trouble due to an abusive ex-partner who left her in a lot of debt.


    She's currently being chased by Bristow & Sutor for Council Tax arrears totalling £2,200. So far, the bailiff that has been visiting her has refused to accept any offers of payment whatsoever and has demanded the balance in full. He was always very aggressive and threatened to force entry and remove all of her furniture on multiple occasions, which we all know he can't do.


    I have written to them on her behalf and they have agreed to put her account on hold for 14 days to give her time to 'put her finances in order' after which they said she must contact them to make payment.


    My wife's friend is disabled and is in receipt of ESA. She has, however, said that she will pay them £50 per month. This is a huge amount of money for her and I know that she can't afford any more than this.


    If she offers them this amount and starts paying it to them online, are the bailiffs entitled to refuse the offer as insufficient and press ahead with further action? If so, what action can they take?


    Any advice would be very much appreciated.


    Kind regards,



  11. Hi everyone,


    I've searched the forum and can't find anywhere else to put this thread so here it is.


    My friend moved into a new council property in July last year. Before moving in and sorting out her Housing Benefit she had to take in proof of income, which she did. Everything was fine and they gave her the keys.


    She received a letter from her landlord today (the local council). They claim that Housing Benefit wrote to her in February asking for further proof of her income (she never received any such letter) and because she has supposedly ignored this letter, her Housing Benefit was stopped two weeks ago. The Council are now demanding payment in full of over £180 to cover the past two weeks, otherwise they will be seeking a court date for eviction.


    She telephoned the council and spoke to the woman in charge of this and she was very rude and told her she won't accept weekly payments and if the amount isn't cleared in 7 days then she'll be seeking possession of the property.


    My friend told her that she'll take all the proof of income into the council and the Housing Benefit will be back-dated but the council lady said this isn't good enough and won't be processed in time to avoid court and then eviction.


    My friend is obviously worried to death now and scared she's going to end up on the streets. She's disabled and living in an adapted property and wouldn't cope with being homeless, frankly.


    My question is, can the council behave like this or this just a case of a council employee on a power trip and taking a bad day out on my friend? My friend has no history of arrears and has been a model tenant.

  12. Thank you very much for the advice, Slick. I'll get onto both of those immediately.


    Regarding the bank, sometimes when you're dealing with something like this for so many weeks you kind of get bogged down and it takes someone else to point out something pretty simple that was staring you right in the face. Thank you very much again, it's appreciated.

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