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Posts posted by marcus6

  1. Thanks Tawnyowl,


    In fact this was the area manager I was speaking to.

    he said I wasn't helping myself or the store refusing to hand the stuff back Ive been paying on back.


    he said he knows the inns and outs of the law being involved in hire purchase. surely they could give me longer terms on everything but hes saying he can't do that otherthan two items.





    First email I sent them was the 3 Sep where I received an automated response saying someone would be in touch within 48 hours.


    I waited and heard nothing.


    I then sent another email on the Sep 8 at 4:43 PM which I received an automated email saying they'd be in touch as I had stated in the 2nd email I had heard nothing from them regarding my 1st email.


    it wasn't until Sep 9 at 9:27 AM where the Brighthouse rep said they had received both emails.


    Thank you for getting in contact with us. I have been made aware of your

    contact with us via Consumer Action Group, and I have received both of your emails to us.


    I have paased your information across to the Regional

    Manager and asked them to contact you regarding your payments


    . I have explained that you are facing financial difficulties and they would like to çontact you to discuss your account and to help resolve the situation.


    That's the only email contact I've had from Brighthouse.

    Two automated responses and the above email.


    I've gone through my spam folder and trash 3 times and nothing in there from Brighthouse.


    I've received one letter which was this morning from customer services about our chat on phone on Tues gone where I went through the expenditure form with them and they even agreed I had lost a lot each week and that they'd contact area manager.


    I've had no more letters just numerous text messages and phone calls for payment.


    Yesterday when I rang to make payment the y asked for £44.50 but I couldn't pay that so he went away and came back to phone asking for £43.50 I paid £43.


    The letter today from Customer relations is dated the 9th Sep saying about my two emails and that they had tried contacting me to discuss the complaint..

    .I was in the dentist on the Wednesday so couldn't speak to them


    they contacted me later and that was when we done the expenditure form.


    then it says that they have passed it to regional manager to get them to contact me to discuss the problems I'm having with my accout and to put in place suitable measures to help resolve my situation.


    I tried recording the call today on phone but it wouldn't record on the memo thing on the phone.


    I have recordings of calls and the one where they asked for £44.50 yesterday as I had put the house phone on loud speaker whilst recording to my mobile.


    Since speaking with the area manager my head is pounding which has really caused me stress and sure my blood pressure has risen.


    I can't help but cry.

    all I want is them to accept my payment of £40 or as they've asked £43.


    really appreciate every ones support on this forum.

    if it weren't for you lot helping people we'd all be in a worse situation when it comes to dealing with this company.


    Would a complaint to the FCA be worth trying?


    Hi Claire0o0



    you have done as they have asked, and if they will not take the 40.00 a week that you are offering, then they are in the wrong? as you are still willing to pay more then 50% of your weekly bill, its them that are not helping.


    Don't cry anymore, or get upset, as you have done all you can, the only way they can get the items back? is if you let them take them, or if they take you to court?? and they never take anyone to court,


    Please take the time to read over some of the BH posts in here, to put your mind at rest,


    I have not paid BH anything from 2012, as i am taking them to court, regarding the OSC and DLC. i did what you have done and made them an offer of payment? but they would not take it, I even sent a complaint to FOS and some 8 to 10 months later they sent me a letter saying they could not help me Regarding the OSC or DLC, and this is why i'm now going to court.


    you are in safe hands on CAG!

  2. Make sure everything you have is 100% foolproof and concrete as if you take them to court, theyll either settle ooc at the last minute and try and get you to be silent as part of the settlement, or theyll hire a decent solicitor to defend them.




    I don't think they have gone to court before, as the lime light will be on them to much,



    I have a witness, that will take the stand if this goes to court, that i was made to take the OSC and DLC was added at the same time

  3. Hi all,



    I got a letter from BH today, and this is what they said.



    Dear mr XXXXXXX


    Our Ref: XXXXXXXXX


    Thank you for the letter dated the 4th Aug 2015



    As stated in our letter dated the 30th July 2015, we have issued our final response to your complaint under the Reference xxxxxx and XXxxxxx and therefore will not be re-opening your complaint unless further evidence is provided.



    yours sincerely








    Time to take this to court i think,

  4. Hi all,



    I got a letter from BH today, and this is what they said.



    Dear mr XXXXXXX


    Our Ref: XXXXXXXXX


    Thank you for the letter dated the 4th Aug 2015



    As stated in our letter dated the 30th July 2015, we have issued our final response to your complaint under the Reference xxxxxx and XXxxxxx and therefore will not be re-opening your complaint unless further evidence is provided.



    yours sincerely




  5. Hi all,


    well i got letter back from BH today they are sticking to there guns,


    They said,>>


    We can confirm that we have reviewed your complaint logged on 10th October 2013 under the complaint reference XXXXX

    As no further information has been provided since your first letter, our decision to not hold your complaint is final.



    I will be sending them a Formal letter before action, now!!


    Hi all,


    LBA was sent out to BH and they have until the 18th to get back to me, and if its not good news, i will then be sending court papers out to them.

  6. My point was that you say its just because they want, and they could save. They could save. They could save the £6 a week for 12 months and then go and by a cooker. But what do they do in the meantime? Sometimes there is NO option but to visit a legal loan shark like this.


    wow take a time out will you!!


    I use to be with BH and i have made do with out them, for the past 3 years, you can pick up 2nd hand items for 40.00 to 60.00 and for most that are with BH thats about how much they pay to them each week, so they could go and get a 2nd hand cooker within 1 or 2 weeks, you don't always need a cooker to eat?

  7. Take a look at this, by right BH should take part payments




    As at 30 July 2012


    Appropriation of payments made in hire-purchase agreements

    10. A hirer who is liable to make payments in respect of two or more

    hire-purchase agreements to the same owner shall, notwithstanding

    any agreement to the contrary, be entitled, on making any payment in

    respect of the agreements which is not sufficient to discharge the total

    amount then due under all the agreements, to require the owner to

    appropriate the sum so paid by him in or towards the satisfaction of

    the sum due under anyone of the agreements, or in or towards the

    satisfaction of the sums due under any two or more of the agreements

    in such proportions as he thinks fit, and, if he fails to make any such

    appropriation as aforesaid, the payment shall by virtue of this section

    be appropriated towards the satisfaction of the sums due under the

    respective hire-purchase agreements in the order in which the

    agreements were entered into.

  8. Just a quick update. Today one of the BrightHouse staff came knocking asking my husband when he will be paying his £53 plus £200 we are in arrears with and charges. he said he'll be into store tomorrow but can only pay the £53. his other 3 items he paid monthly on but since we've lost the tax credits and are awaiting on an appeal for his dla we can't pay full amount and are going to offer to pay £100 per month on those other 3 items plus pay the weekly £53 we pay. They're are going to hit the roof no doubt when he only pays £53 tomorrow. we won't be giving the stuff back as we've paid a lot out and a couple finish in a few weeks. be glad to pay every penny back and be done with.


    Also how do I go about getting charges and insurance back as at one time we had all that before we got our own insurance as I'd like to try.


    Hi beth0o0


    Don't waste your time by going to them tomorrow with the offer as they will not take it, as this is what i did when i fell behind, and they would not take it, they wanted the full arrears paid at the same time, send them SAR for all the paper work they have on you, and then start claiming the charges and the insurance back of them, as there is no law that says you have to have the insurance, and they are breaking FCA Rules by making Customers take it out.

  9. Hi all,


    well i got letter back from BH today they are sticking to there guns,


    They said,>>


    We can confirm that we have reviewed your complaint logged on 10th October 2013 under the complaint reference XXXXX

    As no further information has been provided since your first letter, our decision to not hold your complaint is final.



    I will be sending them a Formal letter before action, now!!

  10. Hi all,



    My wife left me last year, But i have won her over and she will be coming back in 2 weeks time,


    I'm on IC ESA SG , but my wife has put in for ESA, in the last 2 months, as she has fibromyalgia when she comes back to live with me, i understand only one of us can claim ESA?? but she should also be on it in her own right, so what way does this work, as she is not fit for work!! will the JC still call her in to talk about work.



    Please help if you can, as i'm not sure what way all this is going to work, i also get top rate PIP for both.



  11. Good Afternoon vicky87,


    Thank you for getting in contact again.


    I apologise that you have not yet received the payment history that was requested from the Customer Relations team.


    I have been in touch with them this morning and it is being re-sent to you today and should arrive early next week.


    Many thanks



    Web Relations



    Hi jason, you say its being re-sent, please don't say things like that how Dumb do you think we are, it took BH months to send me my paper work and it was only when i got onto ICO that you then sent the info i was asking for, why does BH think they can do what they like and get away with it, time someone did something about the way BH act, and i hope i'm that person,

  12. Hi Marcus, I'm interested to know did you Brighthouse surrender your goods to them or have you still got them as I know they were demanding the goods back? hope you go all the way with this as it will give every one else hope.


    Hi rosey-789



    yea they wanted the goods back, but as i had paid so much of most of them at that time, i held onto them, and thats when this all started, this has been on going from 2012, i have sent them letters for a refund for miss selling OSC & DLC at the start of 2013 and then i got a letter back, saying they can not see how it was miss sold to me, so then i took it to the FOS and they got back to me about 10 months later and said there is not anything they could do as BH now come under FCA, so now the time has come to take them to court, i sent BH a letter 5 weeks ago and they have 3 weeks to get back to me, before i send them court papers.


    If this goes to court i will make sure most media outlets know about it, if i am the one to make sure they can not get away with doing things like this to someone else then so be it........... i will not give up

  13. Good Afternoon marcus6


    Thank you for your question.


    When an account falls into arrears, the individual circumstances of a customer are taken into consideration when a renewal payment is made.


    If you have any specific questions regarding your payment, I will be unable to discuss them on this public forum due to Data Protection. Therefore I ask that you contact our Customer Relations Team directly, either by calling 0800 526 069 or by emailing [email protected] and quoting reference 216873.


    Many Thanks,



    Web Relations Team




    why do you keep on with replys like this??? are you a BH Bot? just a yes or no to my Q! above will do

  14. Good Afternoon marcus6


    Firstly let me start by apologising for the delay in replying.


    To answer your question, if a customer was to miss a weekly payment, then they would be expected to pay a late fee of £5.50 as well as the weekly payment they missed; as this is what was agreed when the agreement was signed.


    If a customer is having difficulty in making their weekly payment, then we would offer them the below option to try and help them:


    • Returnability – The customer can return their item with nothing to pay, arrears would be cleared and the agreement terminated.

    • Pick up and Hold – The customer surrenders the goods to your store for an agreed period, during which time no payment is due, they can then resume the agreement if and when their finances improve.

    • Alternative Product – The customer can surrender the goods and discuss with their store the possibility of taking alternative items within the same product range, at a lower weekly payment.


    We will always try to work with our customers and help them where we can.


    Many Thanks,



    Web Relations Team





    Hi Jason,


    I understand that what you are saying, But if i miss a payment? do i still have to pay the DLC or OSC for the weeks missed ?? my understanding of the LDC & OSC is they stop and then start back up when payments are back upto date, should i have to pay for the weeks missed or not??

  15. So does that mean that existing claimants will have the WRAG element removed from April 2017?



    I've never understood the WRAG. You go to a state medical and are found unfit for work but then pretty soon after you are advised of the outcome of your medical you find yourself infront of your local JCP for a 'Work Related Interview' and then enter into a situation of trying to manage your health condition but at the same time being hounded to find work even though you're unfit for work. I always thought the extra WRAG allowance was to fund the frequent medical appointments you needed to manage your health condition over the top of trying to find work (the JSA element) so with that removed to me the WRAG becomes pretty much redundant and they may as well say anyone that doesn't meet the descriptors for the support group (very few claimants) are magically 'fit for work' and just face a life of misery on JSA constantly being pressured into getting jobs they have no realistic chance of getting with their health condition, although still very real, there and in need of management, pretty much dismissed.


    Its only for new claims, the ones that are on WRAG now will keep getting what they get now.

  16. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

    Currently those who claim the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) element of ESA get £30 more than JSA. But from April 2017, those who are able to work will get an equivalent rate. That is currently £73.10 for someone over the age of 25, or £57.90 for 18-24 year-olds. The WRAG element of ESA currently pays £103 a week.

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