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Posts posted by mckinnell30

  1. Regarding Consumer Action Group Thread Vodafone Nightmare (WRT135 ref #12232236)


    After speaking with Lee I thought all my problems were solved, however, they are not.


    I have now emailed Lee back 3 times with 3 different problems that have arisen since we spoke on the 5th Jan but still no reply.


    I am receiving texts from vodafone with incorrect bill amounts.


    Then a strange letter saying that I have been disconnected.


    Yesterday I received another letter from vodafone saying welcome and that I had entered a new 2 year contract, which of course I have not.


    This is all complete rubbish and needs sorted. Hopefully Lee will be back in touch!!! I will keep you all posted.

  2. Right, quick update on this long running saga.


    Finally got hold of Lee who is infinitely more knowledgeable than anyone else who I have had to deal with. After speaking with Lee everything appeared to be sorted out.


    However, a couple of days later I'm getting more weird texts, letters and emails from Vodafone. the texts are saying bills are due for strange amounts, the letter says I've been disconnected and owe them money and finally the email I received today is saying thanks for joining Vodafone and has my contract end date extended till January 2018


    I've emailed all this back to Lee over the last couple of days over various emails but he has not got back to me yet.


    Do I need to raise another complaint on the WRT social media thingy or should he see this thread??? he doesn't seem to be reading my emails


    What do you all reckon???



  3. Yeah I totally agree... I have dealt with god knows how many companies for various things in my life and absolutely never experienced anything like this!!!! as I said it is like it is some sort of wind up.... I really don t think any sane person could get it so wrong if they tried, the trouble is it has not been one single person, it has been loads of different people from call centres all around the world lol. The real insult though is not replying to my letters that I sent recorded delivery, absolutely no excuse for that.


    Still no contact from VF, I suppose they have 48hrs from when I submitted the online wtf thingy so we'll see? I really am dreading the whole 191 and live chat experience again it has ground me down big time so hopefully someone will be in touch soon!!!

  4. Hi and thanks for your reply and advice.


    I think my Credit file is ok as I just re mortgaged and nothing was flagged up. I never got into arrears with VF I just paid on-line every time my DD never came off so hopefully everything ok in that dept.


    To cut a long story short the main problem is the continued complete and utter incompetence of VF and there reps whether on-line or the call centre. Also, not replying to my letters that were sent recorded delivery so I have proof that they received them.


    If you count up all the hours of my time I have spent on the phone or on live chat trying to sort these problems out it would literally add up to days!!! which is bad enough but at the end of every conversation you are repeatedly assured that everything is sorted and that is the end of it only to find out a couple of days later that little or nothing has changed and you have to waste more of your precious time dealing with these inept clowns (again).


    Anyway, I'm hoping this guy (Lee) that gets mentioned on here will get in touch as he seems to get good press.... he certainly couldn't be any worse than the rest of the VF people I have had to deal with. I actually said to my wife yesterday that VF seem to be deliberately trying to upset me, as surely it is not possible to continually get things so wrong and never get anything correct unless you were actually trying to make a mess of things for some bizarre reason lol.... I mean REALLY??? how difficult can it be???


    Thanks again for your advice and I will keep you posted on here if anyone gets in touch

  5. I'm completely at the end of my tether with this company and unfortunately there is not a short description of how they have messed me about.


    It all started when I got my bill at the end of July 2015 for £330.15 which was incorrect and a mistake by Vodafone. I had been overcharged by around £158 which was eventually credited to my account.


    I have been with Vodafone for over 10 years; I have three mobiles on my account and would consider myself a very good customer. I have never missed a payment in all the years I have been with Vodafone.


    • When I received this bill for £330.15 I called 191 to query it and the adviser agreed that it was wrong and told me that he would fill some forms in and have it sorted in 24hrs


    • 48Hrs later I called 191 again and found it still hadn't been sorted, I then called 191 repeatedly for the next 6 days speaking to various advisor's trying to get this sorted out. Eventually I was told it was definitely sorted and I wouldn't hear any more about it.


    • On Sunday 2nd Aug I got a text saying that if I didn't pay my bill that my service would be restricted, I assumed (wrongly) that this was a mistake as I had been guaranteed by your advisor that everything had been sorted out.


    • On 9th Aug I got a text saying that my service had been restricted as I hadn't paid my bill. I then called 191 (again) and was told that it was a mistake by Vodafone and the restrictions would be lifted within 2 minutes.


    • One hour later, still no service on any off my mobiles, (again) I called 191 and was told that they had forgot to lift the restrictions at the technical end and that they would do that now and it would all be ok.


    Finally after this last telephone call my service has been reinstated.


    I put all of the above in writing and sent it to the customer service department recorded delivery and never even got a reply. I followed it up 1 month later with another recorded delivery letter asking why I had not had a reply, again still no reply!!!


    When I got this big bill the first thing I done was cancel my DD as I was not giving Vodafone a free reign to just take whatever they wanted from my account. Once it was all sorted It took me till Dec to get the DD set back up again this took loads of 191 calls and live chats and wasn't sorted till I eventually went into a Vodafone store and the guy told me a box had not been ticked and that is why it had never been set back up again.


    The next saga was trying to get world traveller added to one of my numbers for a trip to the USA, again, after numerous 191 calls and live chats it was supposed to be added. Unfortunately when I got to the USA I found that it had actually not been added and the phone wouldn't work.


    To top this all of I received a call from the Vodafone sales team on Thursday 17th Dec 2015 (01709 918625) saying that I was paying to much per month and that she could change my price plans to save me money. I gave her both barrels about all of the above. I got an apology and was told she would put a note on my account and someone would be in touch to discuss, I've I heard this a million times now but no one ever gets back to me.


    After I got this of my chest we then discussed the various options on my account. I agreed to have one of my numbers increased to 6gb of data unlimited calls and texts for £41 per month and another one of my numbers changed to 6gb data and unlimited calls and texts for £33 per month. and she also offered a refund of £120 for charges I had incurred for going over my data usage.


    Yesterday Mon 22nd Dec I receive 2 emails from Vodafone, it now turns out that they have put one of these deals on the wrong phone and they are actually charging me £49 per month for both plans and not the figures agreed on the phone. and no sign of the £120 refund.


    When I found this out I went onto my online account and it was saying the same info, I then started a live chat and got the usual muppet who didn't have a clue what he was doing and couldn't do anything to help. Hence why I am now on here looking for a way forward???


    I am extremely disappointed, exasperated and absolutely fed up with Vodafone and its call centres. I have much better things to do with my time than spend hour after hour on the phone to their staff because they keep making mistakes and getting things wrong.


    Any help or advice would be much appreciated,


    Thanks in advance



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