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Posts posted by __Fred__

  1. So are you able to strip it and have a look at what the problem might be?


    Can you tell if they have removed anything to get access to it?

    I checked it and it didnt seem like anything was missing. I call a repair centre to ask them and one of them told me that it could be a problem with the motherboard but in not so sure, im triyng to get a second opinion about that. Maybe some movement or something like that. But there wasn't anything missing i was pretty sure. That's the thing, it's hard to give an explanation cause i could be easily lying basically.

  2. So they know it would turn on then?

    No probably not, that's the main problem i have no way to show them that the pc was working before I send the pc to repair. I should ask them to turn it on the store to see if it was working, big mistake there.

  3. So they have inspected it then?


    In order to find the fault, and then call the place where it needed to be sent to be repaired, to be told 'they don't have the part'?

    Yes, the guy opened in front of me and checked the fault, and told me they were going to call the repair centre. After the 14 days they call me and tell the repair wasn't possible cause they didn't have the parts.

  4. Ok! Yes they told me that the fault couldn't be repaired in site and when they called the place were they are suposse to repair the "serious" fault the just didn't have the parts needed (a motherboard probably, which i can find in any computer store) and spend those 14 days in the store.

    I have contacted by mail to the customer service, the mail of the CEO, i went to the store 4 times, i called them. I suposse i gave them options, but you're right when you say i didnt specify what i want, i just waited to them for a solution. But the thing is that they told me that they can't do anything about my pc.

  5. After the advisor checked your laptop they must have filled in and given you some paperwork before you left the store, what does it say about the laptop?

    It says the details in general from the store and me and in fault says unexpected fault.

  6. I understand what you're saying......


    What I mean is, did you go in there and tell them what the fault was that you were having with the laptop?


    You can't just have gone in there, handed them your laptop, and said ''here fix this will you'' and walk out.


    You must have told them what fault it was that you were having with it for them to take it in in the first place.


    The fact that they cannot prove or disprove if the laptop was or wasn't working is their issue and not yours.

    Yes i told them the problem and the guy checked it in front of me. The only problem is that is my word against them in terms of if it was working before i send it to repair.

  7. So when you went in and told them what the fault was with the laptop, did you mention that ''it won't turn on''?

    Did they not test it at the time ie, did you show them the fault?


    Or did you tell them what the fault was?


    Methinks they're taking the proverbial here and they know it!


    Who did you speak to on the phone? The manager?

    I wouldn't be happy with their response, and I'd escalate it further, get the area managers details off the store manager.

    When i send the pc it was ok, and when they returned it to me it was when it wasn't working. I talked with the guy from the email the ceo and they told me that about the pc they cant do nothing cause they cant confirm if the pc was working before i bring it the 1st tine.im going to call citizen advisor or something to see what i can do.

  8. Hi, i just received a call today and they told me that they can't do anything cause they have no way of knowing if the pc was working before i send it so about the pc they cant do anything, they wanted to give me a voucher of 25£ (haha!!). b****rds, i suppose i learned my lesson and NEVER get near to a currys anymore.

  9. Well finally seems to be light at the end of the tunnel! I received a call today from the CEO and he's gonna personally take care of the problem, and in a few days im gonna receive another call from him. Hopefully we can find a solution. Thanks a lot to all of you, and as soon as i have more news again i will post them :)

  10. Fred, CAG automatically puts a space in email addresses posted on the forum, so when you copy/paste or type in the email given you earlier on, make sure there are no spaces :)

    Yes I saw that when I wanted to send the email, that's why I asked :D Thanks for the info! :)

  11. Nahhhhhhhh never... Would you please read my thread on the Surface Type Cover. Gives you a good idea how to deal with them

    Yes I read it :clap2:

    It's amazing, it's like you have to beg for something done when you are paying them for a service. I use the PC for gaming, but I need it for other things too, Im applying for new jobs so basically I need it. It looks you have to reach an extreme to get something, Jesus...

    Thanks again mate, as soon as I have some news I will post them :)

  12. Thanks for all the fast answers!

    fkofilee: the address is all together right? including the .com? Thanks :)

    I have emailed them a couple of times, as if you go by phone they put you to wait eternally. Im still waiting for the answer, honestly I send the email yesterday and today.

    Bazooka Boo: Thanks for the answer. The CEO is the mail that fkofilee gave me right? I made a good scene at the store, I was very angry and believe me im a patient guy. I have emailed them to all the addresses i have seen on their webpages.

    Thanks for the help!!!

    btw: sorry for posting in the wrong place, and thanks for moving it :)

  13. First of all I want to say hello to everybody, im new here, and I registered because I hope someone could give me some advice.


    A couple of weeks ago I send a desktop pc to repair to the Curry's store located in Leyton, because my pc has a broken pci slot damaged from the graphic card slot, but it was still working, the only problem was that couldn't use a graphic card. After 14 days (the only day that they were in contact with me) they call me and say that the fault can't be repaired and that I can come back and pick it up with a refund (90£).


    They gave the refund and the pc, but yesterday I tried to connect my pc and it wasnt working. I went, again for the 3rd time, to the store to ask what could be done, and they told me that they didnt even send the pc to the repair centre (14 days for that!) and the pc was always in the store.


    Obviously they told me that nobody touched it or use it without my presence, thing I dont know because the pc was working before I send it to the store, and now it isn't.



    I went again today, and they told me that nothing can be done, no refund, nothing. They took a 400£ pc with a fault in the graphic card and now its not even turning on. One of the guys even told me if I wanted to buy a new pc there, it's atrocious. I have contacted the customer service and the knowhow from the company but the didn't gave me any answer. They don't want to repair it or refund me, and the pc it's just a little than a year old.


    I was extremely angry and went out of the store cursing, which I shouldn't but I was out of my mind. I have send mail to the page citizen advice to see if they can give me more information.

    Sorry fot the long thread and thanks for any help.

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