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  1. The thing is though, I wasnt smoking on the platform... I had a lit ciggerette that I had ran up the stairs with and forgotten to disgard. I also was not ignoring the inspector, I simply did not hear him as I had earphones in. He took great offence to me 'ignoring' him, when I clearly just had not heard him. He seen my earphones as I turned around when he grabbed me. I had to take them out of my ears in front of his screaming face in order to hear him. He was kicking off because I was ignoring him, but the thing is, I was not ignoring him. I didnt hear him due to headphones. I immedialty disgarded my ciggereted as soon as he told me. He was extremely aggressive, shouting and grabbing my arm. I reacted. I shouldnt have, I accept this. It was stupid of me. I did not assault or threaten him. I tried to take the £100 bus pass back that he had snatched from my hands. I did not grab him, I grabbed my bus pass. He said that he would have just told me to get rid of it, but because I 'ignored' him, I am now getting a court order. Is this not massive overkill? It seems it to me. Anyway, thanks for the 'advice' people. Its much appreciated. I like the bits where you called me really nasty names. Not only was it a huge contribution to the thread, it made me realise what a ****** I am, so thanks. Upon some self reflection, I thought it prudent to cancel my initial complaint about the guy, despite him being an aggressive man who was litteraly spraying spit in my face as he shouted at me for daring to 'ignore' him (As explained, I did not ignore him). What I wanted from this thread was someone to tell me the likely outcome of this incident, but noone can. Cheers
  2. Yeah I'm not exactly swimming in glory here tbh. I ****ed up. He was being a complete bellend and I reacted to it.
  3. This morning at Chichester Metro station... I got off the bus and lit a cigarette. I seen the metro pulling into the station as I was at the bottom of the stairs so I quickly ran up them and put my network one ticket in the machine and walked through the barriers. I headed to the back carriage of the train so I could throw my unsmoked cigarette in the bin before I got on the train. Someone grabbed me from behind and spun me round. It was an inspector shouting at me... I had my earphones in my ears so I removed them and said ‘Sorry mate, I didn’t hear you shout, I’ve got my earphones in’. He demanded to look at my pass, so I got it out of my pocket and showed it to him. He then snatched it out of my hand and said ‘I am going to write you a court order for smoking on the platform, I told you to put it out but you ignored me’. I replied that I didn’t hear him, I had my earphones in and that I was putting the cigarette out anyway to board the train. He said something like Tough your getting a court order. I tried to take my pass back off him. I grabbed it but he wouldn’t let go. He spun round and started screaming at me to let go of him. I only had hold of my buss pass, not him. His eyes were huge and he was spraying me with spittle as he screamed at me. His friend then came over and the original inspector asked for my address.. . I shrugged my shoulders so he threatened to call the police . I thought this was absolutely stupid... My train then left the station... I was now late for work so stupidly called the inspector a ‘f****** P****’ to which he sarcastically replied I was being abusive as well now. All of this because I didn’t hear the guy say anything to me because I had my headphones on and was in a rush. I am now extremely worried that I am about to be fined £500 by court order, which is frankly an insanely stupid amount of money for such a minor indiscretion. I have emailed Metro and complained about the inspector and how he was behaving. I am just wondering what may happen now? Thanks
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