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Julian Le Saux

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  1. Hallo, I work in a GP's surgery, and like a lot of others on this thread we've been paying PRS fees for 3-4 years, in order to play music in our Waiting Room, and all of a sudden last Autumn PPL got in touch and said we'd have to pay them too. So we stopped playing the music, because the fees were too much for us to afford; but they're still invoicing us, and in fact they've placed collection of the fee in the hands of an agency. I emailed them and then rang them to say we had stopped playing the music, and the shirty young lady I spoke to said we would still have to pay, because we didn't inform them straight away when we stopped last Autumn. It's a bit like me sending an invoice to a patient for missing an appointment when the patient never knew we'd made him the appointment in the first place: it's nothing more nor less than sharp practice in my opinion. I'm thinking about contacting Trading Standards, but if anybody knows of a quicker way to get rid of these shysters then I'd be very interested to hear it.
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