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Everything posted by EcoRepublic

  1. Kind of you, but I already spoke with your team, transferred up and spoke with senior staff and your company decision was "Final" as you can see from what you quoted from my original post.
  2. Hi Yes, contacted other suppliers who offer much better rates, but we are not allowed to move until all debts with BES Utilities are satisfied - which I guess is why they're in no hurry to send their invoices to the correct address.
  3. Goodness - just had the exact same issue with BES Utilities. We took over premises that had been empty for a few years in Ashbourne, Derbyshire. It took us ages to find who the existing supplier was, mainly because BES Utilities were sending their letters to the wrong address. We've tried to change to an alternative supplier offering better rates but are unable to first clear the debt to BES Utilities, who are charging us £1.50 per day but are still sending their final bill to the wrong address (either that or not sending to the new address we gave a couple of months ago). We've clocked up 5 units of electricity, worth less than a pound @ their rate of 22p per unit, and now owe them over £44 on top of paying them £86 a month ago. That's £130 for 5 units! So we're clocking up about £44 per month, consuming no electricity and can't pay a final bill because they don't send us one. And we can't move to a new supplier 'til they give their permission. It's as though they are holding us to ransom on very high "out of contract" rates. We asked for some leniency as they had sent bills to a wrong address. They did apologise "that a mistake had been made", but carefully did not admit any mistake, blaming the previous occupants with whom they had a proper contract. In our case they say we have a "Deemed" contract, and can effectively charge what they like. But they are clearly taking their time over tidying up the errors whilst collecting the £1.50 standing charge. Today we were passed to a BES Utilities customer services team member who, when I said I would post the above facts to this forum in an honest and accurate manner said that I was trying to blackmail the company and spreading smear stories about them. I explained that I simply wanted to give them an opportunity to review the case and change their mind about insisting we pay their charge. I did run the story past him again, as above, to check for accuracy and he agreed it was accurate as stated. He said, and I believe him, that he had asked the most senior member of staff available and they had refused to review the case, insisting that we settle up in full. In my opinion I believe that BES Utilities aren't interested in settling matters quickly when out-of-contract customers ask to leave, and enjoy the discretionary charges they can make during any delays. I'd go as far as to say they make efforts to introduce delays, on purpose, in order to further delay, as seems to be the case made by earlier commentators on this thread. I would advise others to think carefully before using them as a supplier, or at least get a Law degree and read all their fine print before engaging them.
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