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Posts posted by soulsister14

  1. received a letter saying i that may be eligible for income based E.S.A for the period 24/04/13 to 07/04/15.

    I was in receipt of Contribution based E.S.A at the time.

    I am currently getting J.S.A.


    Will this have any effect as to whether I get the back payment of the income based E.S.A or not, or do I need to end my J.S.A claim ?


    also the letter states that the form needs to be retuned by 13/07/19 and that it can take up to 7 working days to reach them by post.


    Does this mean I have up until 13th July to post it or that I have to post it 7 working days in front ?


    any advice is greatly appreciated

  2. There are rent arrears from the previous address which I vacated 2007.. the problem is the amount the council say I owe, along with x husband, amounts to  £1799. I disagree and have told them as much. I believe the amount that is owed to be much less, as, at the time I was in the property, the rent that was paid fortnightly, was added onto the balance outstanding, and so the rent arrears were going up and not down. They have failed to get this sorted and I would like some advice on how to proceed further.. thanks in advance 

  3. Someone with "learning difficulties" receiving D.L.A even though this person is fully able bodied and can do things for them self,has no mobility impairment whatsoever and has even held position of company director with a firm that assists people with "learning difficulties" sounds fishy to me

  4. took the said form to post office only to be told system was down and therefore couldn't get any stamps.


    That being said,

    I spoke with the P.O manager and explained to him the situation that it was an appeal form etc,


    he listened and then gave me 2 stamps,

    to the cost of postage out of his own pocket,

    but said would not be able to get proof of posting should I decide to post it.


    I have one calendar month from the date on the letter (20/07/16) within which to appeal,


    I am in doubt as to whether to actually post it, if the system is down,

    and it doesn't get there on time you get the picture, delays etc etc

  5. I followed the link to SSC1 at their site as stated in my previous post but it was broken,


    and no, I didn't get any names,


    simply because I requested that one person deal with it and got the answer..


    .. we are all qualified to deal with it

  6. I spoke to someone over the phone who supposedly filled out a form and e mailed it, presumably to a "decision maker"

    and was told to "call back in a couple of days for an update", which I did.


    I also told them I do not have a contact number as I don't have a mobile.


    when I rang back the person I spoke to knew nothing about it as there was "no record".


    The same person then asked me for a contact number.

    I explained that I had already told them I didn't have and was calling from a friends phone.


    I didn't get the call back the next day as they had promised.


    I was in the process of sending the necessary documents which they requested,

    when I received a letter dated 29th May that said something like..


    "we have looked at all the evidence again, (what evidence????) regarding your MR and we have decided that blah blah..


    the letter also stated that should I wish to appeal I would have to go directly to Her Majesty's Tribunal Court to have the case looked at again.


    meantime, the link to the necessary forms that I need to complete at that site are broken and therefore cannot open said document.


    I was given a number for HMTC (after being kept hanging on the phone for well over half an hour by DWP).


    I then rang HMTC and explained to them the problem regarding the broken link at their site,


    however, his answer....

    "you need to go to the website and download the forms!!!!!!

    so that is where it's at now!!!!

    just going round in circles!!

  7. to cut a long story short,


    claimed J.S.A 16/12/15 after E.S.A was stopped following interview at Jobcentre.

    I received 24 letters, all from MAXIMUS work program.


    Those 24 letters consisted of 2 of the same letter, sent out by 2 different people.


    one letter stated that as I failed to attend an appt on 3rd May,(signing on day),

    (out of all the letters received not one of them was a letter informing me of said appointment),

    it would be re-booked for 10th May.


    another letter, also dated 10th May, headlined YOUR INITIAL APPOINTMENT,

    obviously sent out by someone else, (no name, no signature)

    stated that my initial appointment would be 17th May, again, signing on day.


    another informed me that as I failed to attend appt on 10th May J.S.A would be sanctioned as of the 18th.


    I collected this bundle of post on 3rd June as I have mobility problems with my leg and told them as much


    I also gave them the following information:

    the place where my post gets delivered keeps a record of all mail received,

    and each envelope is date stamped individually upon arrival for which I have to sign before they release it.


    a friend has now advised me to go back to the Jobcentre and to re-apply for J.S.A.

    any advice would be appreciated

  8. thanks... actually the information came from the C.A.B website

    I would think that who ever you spoke to at the CAB wasn't as clear as they perhaps could of been, and what they actually meant or should have told you is that the hardship payments made will be deducted from any arrears owed in the event of you being successful at MR or tribunal hearing,But they are not a type of loan that has to be re paid as such,
  9. according to .gov website, a hardship payment is a reduced amount of J.S.A, that doesn't have to be paid back.


    However, according to C.A.B, it is a loan that has to be paid back when sanction ends.


    I have submitted a mandatory reconsideration and have been informed that it will be backdated when they finally get it sorted out.

  10. I applied for a hardship payment on Fri 03/06/16.


    I was told I had been awarded it from when my J.S.A was sanctioned on 18/05/16,

    but the payment has yet to appear in my account.


    What I would like to know is,

    what is the time scale between applying for such a payment and actually getting it ???


    I rang the benefit enquiry line yesterday, (Mon),

    when it didn't hit my account,

    and was told it takes 24 hours for it to appear on the system.



    Despite them promising it would be in my account within a matter of hours of phoning,(apparently, it takes 3 hours to process the payment),

    I still have not received it!

  11. I signed on just this past Tuesday and today I checked my bank account and find

    that my JSA payment has not been issued.

    I am wondering as to why my work coach did not tell me at the time I signed on, as, surely

    there must have been some information on the system to say that it had been stopped ???

    And why did he allow me to sign on if that is the case ??? :???:

  12. I am getting cut off all the time and have to keep on re-connecting when I am on the internet. It is only doing it with The Cloud, and there are 2 places where I encounter the problem (both Caffe Nero).

    That being said, in Pret Manger, (also The Cloud), it works fine!

    A message comes up when I try to connect saying the connection is limited, but someone in Caffe Nero seems to think it's my laptop, he said it was working fine on both his laptop and his phone! any help appreciated

  13. I was in receipt of E.S.A and was attending back-to -work interviews.

    during the interview I was pressurised to apply for voluntary work as part of my entitlement.

    I informed the person interviewing me that I was already doing voluntary work at the church on a Tuesday lunchtime, where I clear tables etc.


    Shortly thereafter, I was sent for a medical, during which I was asked about my work capabilities. I explained that my condition was stress-related and went into some detail about how it affects my ability to work on any given day.This has never been a problem previously, and my E.S.A claim has continued. I was informed that since I hadn't scored a record 15 points, the level needed in order for the claim to continue, the decision was taken to stop it.


    I was told to apply for J.S.A, which at £146.20 per fortnight, is a lot less than I was previously getting on E.S.A, where I was receiving £214.70 per fortnight. I still believe my claim should not have been stopped, as I am almost certain that the reason is because I informed them, albeit unwittingly, about the voluntary work I was doing at the church, for which I received a free lunch.


    Any advice much appreciated

  14. I dont get why people dont like win 10. Its sleeker, faster, more secure, more stable, more compatibility. It seems the ONLY peopel that have an issue are the ones using 10 year old tech where mobo compontents arent supported, and even the manufacturer of the hardware itself gave up support years ago.

    I aren't using a 10 year old machine, my laptop is just over a year old, and besides I know someone that downloaded it and said it was a heap of junk and had nothing but trouble and advised against it

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