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Elaine Williams

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  1. Hi Gillian, as Montedarlo has said, don't give in. I was a little nervous but also comforted by the fact that if it did go to court and if I lost I still wouldn't have had to pay anything. But having followed the CAG's step-by-step process and having used all their templates it was easy and I was quietly confident. I had to go into the court just to hand in my forms and waited 2 weeks for my cheque. Don't except half of what you are owed. The bank wouldn't offer you half if they didn't owe you anything. You will win! Elaine
  2. Ooops! Sorry about that. Thank you The Consumer Action group without you I would not have been able to claim my money.
  3. Thank you moneysavingexpert.com, I went through all the stages you wrote on your site about claiming back unfair bank charges and I got my £505.67 back from Alliance and Leicester. You were right when you said they are letting people go further along the claiming process which resulted in me go as far as putting in a small claim in my local court (which took minutes to do) but a couple of weeks later I got my cheque today . They have now decided to review my account as I don't seem to be accepting their terms and conditions. Good luck to the rest of you!
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