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Everything posted by Davidgb

  1. Just thinking, I've had a company go bust on me for VAT irregularities, basically they ran up a VAT bill of £120k and then shut down, I have been arguing with the VAT man and the police that it's fraud as the money must have gone somewhere! As it was the company I can't go after the individual, unless it can be proven that they committed an act of fraud. So, if you all go to the police, my understanding of the situation would be that you could then go after the individuals and go after personal assets. I know it's a long game but at least you would have more chance of getting your money back. From the sounds I it you all have documentation in your possession that proves a fraud was committed. Now if this goes to court and taking into consideration that she is currently serving a suspended sentence over the next 18 months, she would be removed from society where she cannot rip anyone off again. Thankfully a forum like this exists for you to discuss what's going on and to find others in the same boat, good luck
  2. I see where you're coming from, but I think the split may have been orchestrated to remove her from the companies prior to her court case for benefit fraud, either way the other one is a LLP so even less regulation and easier to walk away from and he would try and get away from the paddock wood one when it goes and say it had nothing to do with the St Leonards one, either way I would say that the paddock wood one will go into liquidation soon. Hopefully you will all be able to combine your complaints and the police will finally act. I am intrigued by the VAT, is she actually registered? As she pleaded guilty to the benefit fraud at Maidstone crown court, does anyone know how we can find out if she paid it back?
  3. Ian [edited] for and on behalf of Berry & Berry LLP Berry & Berry Solicitors Tunbridge Wells - Tonbridge - Maidstone - Sevenoaks - Paddock Wood - Kings Hill I have had one of my posts edited by the mods, too much personal information by the looks of it, apologies for that. They were busy over the weekend, Jon stayed over. I have not contacted the police on this matter, she has not committed an act of fraud against me, only you guys and you have all the evidence you need, you have copies of all that she sent you, you should take screen shots of her website showing your properties etc etc. She did try and commit fraud against me but it was spotted on the first letter and quashed over the coming months and as nothing ever came of it she has a good defence so not worth taking further, waste of police time, but given the number of you now and the documentary evidence you have, get together and go to the police. I have informed all of the relevant bodies with regards her other actions, we think that we are one of the reasons that the benefit fraud case came about, the timings fit to filling out the online report forms. Jon lives in St Leonards in a flat, think its up for sale on his site or shown as sold, for an ex trader he didn't exactly do very well! If she does get out the swan vestas then it doesn't really matter as I very much doubt that she would have ever produced anything willingly and the bank will have records of everything in and out, assuming you all paid her by cheque or electronic transfer so the paper trail is there. Bet that there are more than one bank account anyhow, be interested to see you all compare notes. I don't know the builder but I know of him, He's called Tony, I know where he used to live in Goudhurst but he sold that,. To the mods, advice on posting the information the other people in this thread have asked for please, pm or open forum? In addition, the police did absolutely nothing when we reported her for driving her Audi convertible with the plate [edited], the plate wasn't even registered to her and they did nothing apart from tell her to take it off and register the vehicle properly, I think she has her own drawer in the filing cabinet at Cranbrook police station! She will be your best witness as she will incriminate herself at every turn. good luck
  4. Thought it would have all gone up by now but probably waiting for her builder to do it with all the rubbish he has on it.
  5. Interestingly one of her friends was and possibly still is a guy called [EDIT] who was a tax advisor at the QED Partnership in Tunbridge Wells. [EDIT]. He folded up everything of his and left massive debts, £1m+ and basically showed two fingers up to everyone whilst his little girl carried on boarding at Kent College! Bailiffs did their best to find him but don't really know what came of that, anyhow, he was LLP and he was advising Lucy on how to set everything up!
  6. If you can get her convicted of fraud then you will increase your chances of getting your money back as once convicted you could argue that she used the proceeds of her fraudulent activities to fund her lifestyle and improvements to her principle asset, her house. You would then have more of a case to get the house sold and the proceeds split between you, long process though.
  7. no not a landlord, an enemy. I just wrote out a reply and tried to post it but seem to have lost it!!!!! They were seen together at M&W paddock wood then at her house I would suggest small claims court asap and try and get a charge on her property, if there is enough of you, you may be able to force the sale of her house, No real assets to her name apart from her house. They advertised her house on with H&H and then M&W and listed it as sold so as to try and throw people off the scent. All you can do is try and warn prospective clients and make sure that she never does this again.
  8. I am not very surprised to find issues with M&W. M&W Lettings was previously Solutions for Men and Women, that's where the M&W came from, another of her failed businesses. She has just been to court for £30k worth of benefit fraud in Maidstone to which she pleaded guilty and got a nine month sentence suspended for 18 months and 200 hours community service. People are finally coming out of the woodwork and Action Fraud are looking into her, they are after as much info as possible so please call, its anonymous, 0300 1232040 and the ref number is 140 800 729 141 I have come across several other disgruntled landlords, she will continue to get away with this as long as no one takes action. The Courior are also looking into her, with a possible story this Friday. Good luck to all of you and please do whatever you can to assist those that can finally bring her to task for all she has done.
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