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  1. Hi SabreSheep SWALEC's Warm Home Discount gives as much as £140 off the cost of their electricity providing you qualify & one of a number of electricity companies also doing the same thing. Unfortunately, if of working age, there must be a match of at least 2 criteria under certain headings. Unfortunately, I could only do that, if I were to have the receipt of my Council Tax Benefit/Reduction (CTB/R) counted in, but as I am a single occupant, it has not been straightforward. Because of the proviso added to the tick box for receipt of CTB/R, in the past my application has not been accepted because of the ambiguity that has been read in it, which I am seeking to straighten out. What you said, is just what I thought - that a single occupancy reduction alone is not enough, but, if after the reduction, CTB/R is still receivable - as with me - the tick box should be accepted! However, what has been happening is that the officials have looked at it differently and decided that, just in receiving Single Occupancy Discount whether or not I get CTB/R on the amount left to pay, I am disqualified. This would imply that no single occupant could ever hope to use that tick box in their claim, which did not seem right to me and the very basis for my query. This is also why I would also like to know if there is any official documentation in writing to refer to, which I can't seem to find, so that I can get definitive proof one way or another. With many thanks for your valid points, which all helps!
  2. Hi id6052 - Thanks for your reply in trying to help &, yes, I refer to the 25% single occupancy discount! Specifically re a tick box under Section B of SWALEC's Warm Home Discount Application Form 2014-2015, labelled - & I quote - 'Council Tax Benefit (Please note this does not include single occupancy Council Tax discount)', even though, as you rightly point out, Council Tax Benefit (CTB) is now Council Tax Reduction (CTR), but the same principle is at stake. In my case, my eligibility entirely rests on being able to tick this box. However, in past years, when I tried to claim, I've been turned down. My thinking is I should be eligible, as previously explained. But, because of ambiguity, the decision-makers will take a different understanding & I've been left wondering who really is right? So I'd like to find out, if I'm genuinely right (by still receiving CTB/CTR after single occupancy discount is taken into account), or are the decision-makers, who want to say, just because I receive single occupancy discount, I can't be eligible. In other words, for the purpose of the claim form, to remove ambiguity, what is the true official interpretation of the proviso, 'does not include single occupancy discount', when applied to CTB/CTR? Hoping this reads better to arrive at the answer.
  3. Hi Rebel11 Thanks for your understanding and assistance! I hope there will be an answer out there, as I have had this question for a few years, but have always had to accept what was said in a letter, which made no reference to any official guidelines. It was only when I had a new invitation to complete one of the Claim Forms again, and finding a friend with the same view as myself, that I was prompted to revisit the issue.
  4. Lost eligibility with 2 different Claim Forms where it has rested on being able to tick receipt of Council Tax Benefit in order to qualify. Although, I do receive Council Tax Benefit, I find I invariably get turned down, because of the interpretation of a seemingly ambiguous clause that goes with it, ie 'does not include single occupancy Council Tax discount'. Those spoken to on helplines over the years have not been sure themselves, and trying correspondence has been long, drawn out & fruitless. To my mind, it has always meant that, if after taking into account any Council Tax discounted as a result of single occupancy, there is still Council Tax Benefit received, a single occupant should remain eligible. However, the decision-makers take the line that, just by receiving single occupancy Council Tax discount, there is automatic disqualification, which would suggest that single people could never be eligible. Therefore, seeking clarification in law, if possible, so it is known precisely how the matter should stand. With many thanks, as I cannot find anything official in writing to help.
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