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Posts posted by hoverfly

  1. Yep, the response I thought I'd get!!! :roll:


    We won't pay you because we're covered by "the scheme".


    dx - you say above that you've come across people that they've paid... are there any posts on CAG that say Welcome have repaid the medicare and charges after the scheme start date of 2 March 2011? I've been looking but haven't found much.


    Many thanks

  2. Hi there Hillards


    As yes, I've had one of those letters before when I tried reclaiming the charges on my accounts.

    They may be insolvent but it doesn't seem right that they get away with not paying for what

    they've done to so many of their customers!


    I don't trust them at all, which is why I've been trying to get some help to work out their

    compensation calculations.


    I sent them an email asking why they felt the medicare wasn't mis-sold (they didn't refer

    to it in their letter). I should expect another letter about "the scheme" then! :x

  3. The reason I ask is that my spreadsheet calculations are about £700.00 more than what they

    are offering me - £250.00 of that difference is the Medicare but there's still a large gap.


    If I add what they have offered me £1779.63 plus the two figures in column Q £121.33 & £342.67

    and then add the Medicare of £250.00 that brings the total to around what my spreadsheet tells me, which is about £2500.


    Do you understand how they work out their calculations... the figure on my spreadsheet is way off what they're offering me and I was wondering if my spreadsheet is wrong or if they've short changed me.

  4. The reason I ask is that my spreadsheet calculations are about £700.00 more than what they

    are offering me - £250.00 of that difference is the Medicare but there's still a large gap.


    If I add what they have offered me £1779.63 plus the two figures in column Q £121.33 & £342.67

    and then add the Medicare of £250.00 that brings the total to around what my spreadsheet tells me, which is about £2500.

  5. I included all insurances in my spreadsheet and even added in my letter that I wanted to reclaim them.


    I'll have to give them a call tomorrow about that then.


    I also have a question about their compensation calculations - on the second page of each loan calculation in column 'Q' (value of adjustment to this account or subsequent account) - would that be the amount that I was under rebated on PPI at the end of each loan? Have they added that into the figures on the front page or have they short changed me?


    I can't really explain it very well because I can't get my head around it.

  6. Hi there,


    I've had a response from WFSL to my PPI complaint for the first two loans (pre Jan 2005).


    They are upholding my complaint but have not included the Medicare in


    their calculations from both loans, which in total is an extra £250.00.


    I did add these to my original spreadsheet and also stated in my letter to


    them that I wanted to claim those back aswell.


    Considering they added the Medicare with the original loan disbursement


    (under insurance premiums advanced) and then added interest on these,


    do you have any idea why they aren't paying this back with the PPI claim?


    Many thanks

  7. Hi all


    I've recently had a reply from WFSL to a charges reclaim and

    they've come back with the attached "Scheme of Arrangement".


    Having a look around on this site, I've noticed that some have

    been refunded unfair charges before the start date of the

    scheme, which is 2nd March 2011, and others haven't.


    On my letter it states:


    "During my investigation I have taken into account the date on which

    any relevant fees were charged to (and subsequently paid off) your accounts.

    This is important because the date on which each transaction

    occurred may affect whether we are able to offer redress."


    "Welcome Finance entered into a 'Scheme of Arrangement' (The Scheme)

    as of 2nd March 2011. As the above accounts had fees applied/paid before

    this date I am unable to investigate this account due to this Legal Arrangement."


    Does anyone understand what this is all about, as I'm baffled?


    Many thanks :-)

  8. Ok, I've had a reply for the FSCS PPI reclaim and they've

    decided that I'm eligible for compensation.


    They've sent me their calculations but I'm utterly confused! :???:


    They've calculated my loss at £922.21

    They've paid me £829.99 (90% of above figure)


    The spreadsheet I sent them works out at around £1,300.00

    and I can't work out where the possible shortfall is.


    Do they not add the 8% interest in their calculations as I've seen that

    Welcome do?


    I was wondering if anyone understands how they work these figures out.


    Many thanks in advance :-)

  9. Sorry about the length of this:


    Having recently requested a copy of my credit report from Experian, I noticed there are 2 defaulted accounts for British Gas – one for electric, one for gas.


    • This was my parents’ property – they had moved out and gone their separate

    ways and I stayed there until the property was sold in October 2008.


    • British Gas started the account in my name from 03/07/2008.


    • I didn't call British Gas to say that I was the new account holder – I don’t know

    who did but they got my details and the meter readings from someone.


    • I didn't make any payments on the account whilst living at the property but

    they say I registered for online billing in August 2008 – I don’t remember doing this.


    • I moved from the property at the end of September 2008 and they say that

    meter readings were given to them once again – certainly not by me!


    • I had no forwarding address when I left the property as I didn't have anywhere to live.


    • I (very stupidly :roll:) made two payments of £20.00 on 06/03/2009 (don’t know why).


    • British Gas defaulted the accounts on 06/06/2009 – Electric £50.00, Gas £53.00.


    Firstly, I sent a letter stating the breach of ICO guidelines on placing defaults after such a long period of time and asking for the defaults to be removed as I hadn't made any payment on the accounts, but they came back saying that I paid £20.00 on each account in March 2009. I hadn't remembered this but on checking my bank statements, I can see now that I did.


    I then sent a letter explaining my financial difficulties in 2008 and asking, as a gesture of goodwill and because the amounts are so small, would they remove the defaults, but again they said no. I even offered to pay the outstanding balances.


    I sent a SAR to them, which I've just received back. There are statements dated 07/08/2008 and 15/10/2008 for the electric and gas accounts but no other correspondence from them after the October statements.


    There are no letters chasing the outstanding balance or saying that they will default the accounts if I don’t make a payment, and I certainly didn't receive anything via email.


    I didn't actually speak with them to set up the accounts, and from what I can remember they didn't send me any information stating that they report on credit files. If I’d have known this, I would've made different decisions at the time.


    Would going down the DPA route achieve anything – stating that I didn't know they were acting as data controller and that I hadn't given my consent for them to report on my credit file?


    Also, considering I hadn't made a payment from the start, July 2008 to March 2009, why did they not default the account sooner?


    Is there anything else I can do to try and get these defaults removed or will I just have to put up with them until next June?


    Thanks in advance :-)

  10. Hello


    I've put the weekly payments on the spreadsheet for loan 3 and have worked out the percentage that was PPI on each of them. I do have another couple of problems though...


    I'm trying to work out the PPI rebate I should have had from loan 2 - have I worked this out correctly:


    I made 13 payments of 138.30 and 1 payment of £60.00.


    It's the Loan Analysis Calculator I'm getting confused with here... after 13 payments of £138.30, I'm left with £2424.69 of the loan.


    I made 1 payment of £60.00 (£60.00 x 26.05% = £15.63) ???? – is this correct? If it is, do I then take the £15.63 off £2424.69.


    (26.05% x £2409.06 = £627.56 PPI

    Insurance rebate from WF - £203.32

    Under rebated - £424.24)


    Also for loan 3... my problem once again is with the Loan Analysis Calculator - how do I work out the balance of the loan after making the payments I've listed below:


    I made 32 payments of £29.84

    1 payment of £37.07

    1 payment of £45.38

    3 payments of £39.86

    1 payment of £3.56


    I find it more straight forward if the payments are monthly! I can't get my head around this to work out the rebate of insurance I should have been given when the loan came to an end.


    Thanks again for your help :-)

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