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Posts posted by jrb1989

  1. Hi Oddjobbob,


    The dealer says in the letter that it's now fixed but I drove past about 20 mins ago and it's still at the back of the garage. I'm hoping Small Claims will say that it should never have been sold in the first place - which he admitted on the phone. He even said in a letter that he's only repaired it as a gesture of goodwill because it comes with no warranty. (Even though he is a dealer).


    I know I won't get anything back but the £400 for my old car, which I'm ok with and I really wish I got taxi receipts now as well!

  2. Hi Rebel11,


    I have ony sent the original letter stating that I'd like a refund within 14 days and all the things wrong with the car etc. The LBA template says about mediation and ADR, should I just cut this out of my letter as negotiation has not been successful? I was also being mindful of Bankfodder's advice: " don't be swayed or delayed by any attempts to negotiate or to reach any compromise.."

  3. Hi BankFodder,


    Thanks for your reply. I paid £1400. £1000 on debit card and I got £400 for my car trade in (which is now up for £1750!). I also received a response to my original letter this morning telling me:

    -I was advised at point of sale that the warranty only covers the engine and gearbox

    -I was happy to originally take a repair and that the other faults I reported did not effect the safety of the car (lights on speedo not working, air con not working and blowing hot air, bonnet release cable needed re attaching). They undertook all the jobs "not covered by the warranty."

    -The delay was only small due to circumstances eyond their control and the car has now been ready since 13th May. It cost them £250 in labour and parts to repair the vehicle.

    -The vehicle holds no profit for them and they have accepted a loss as a good will gesture.

    -They would not have done the work on the car if I didn't want the vehicle back.

    -I need to collect the rejected vehicle efore Monday 19th May. If I do not, they will put it in their storage yard and charge me £25 per day.


    I'm just amazed by this sense of "goodwill gesture" of fixing a car bought from a dealer that was taken back the very next day as doing me a favour. Wouldn't they have needed to do the work anyway in order to sell it?

    Since this is the response within 14 days from my letter, should I wait until the end of the 14 days from my previous letter or go straight to small claims now I have a response.


    Thanks for your help!

  4. Hi guys,


    I purchased a car 2 weeks ago from a second hand dealer. I drove it the next day and on the way home (at night) and realised that the lighting on the dash had gone. I couldn't see how fast I was going, how much fuel I had etc. I thought, "I'll take that back tomorrow and get that fixed."


    The next morning (less than 48 hours after purchase), I noticed a massive oil puddle under the car I've just bought. I drove the car back to the dealer and he apologized and got a mechanic from the garage next door to take a look. When he dipped the tank, there was zero oil left n the car, it was bone dry. The mechanic said it was a rear crank shaft oil seal that had gone and that although the seal itself is cheap, labour costs would be substantial.


    The dealer said that he would cover the costs but would have to get his own mechanic to take a look. This mechanic was on holiday and would not be back until Monday. (Today was Friday). I said it wasn't ideal because I'd have to find a way to get to work, but I'd deal with it, so I got a lift where I could. I did ask if I could use a courtesy car and his worker said there were no cars available and even if there were, I would not be insured.


    When the Monday came, he phoned me and said that he had ordered the seal and that the worng one had turned up. He was very sorry, but I would have to wait a further 4 days. Thinking there wasn't much I could do, I thought I'd be reasonable and get a hire car, so paid £142 for a hire car for this 4 days.


    The day came when it was going to be fixed and surprise, surprise....another phone call and another delay. A friend of mine who is a mechanic (but unfortunately lives the other side of the UK) told me that the laour time for this job is about 5 hours tops. This time, I wasn't prepared to wait any more or pay out for taxis or hire cars and so I said I wanted my money back instead. I said I'd waited enough for this repair and the car was not useable.


    When I phoned and explained to the dealer that I wanted my money back, I explained that I was having to pay out daily costs for taxis, hire cars etc to which he asked why I didn't get given a courtesy car. When I told him I had asked and was told no by his co-worker, he apologized and said that I had been given the wrong information and there were indeed a choice of 5 cars I could have used!


    Having these faults within 24 hours and still not fixed 13 days later, I persisted and said I wanted my money back. (The £1000 I paid on debit card and the £400 trade in I got for my car). When I asked if the car had been PDI tested, he said it had not been and "do you really think I'd sell you the car if I knew it was like this? Trust me it's as much trouble for us as it is for you."


    He then said the car was not actually his and it was another dealers. He would phone them and see what they wanted to do! 20 mins later he called and said the dealer said he wasn't willing to give me a refund and I'd just have to "wait it out." I said that this was unacceptable and that the receipt was for his dealership, not someone else's and the money was paid to his dealership too!


    He asked if I wanted him to repair the vehicle when he gets round to it and I said he could do as he wished as I was rejecting the car back to him and would not be driving it again. The car is still with the dealer with the faults. I ended the call and have written a letter stating why I want a refund and that I would like a refund/response within 14 days. The letter was sent tracked as well. My question is.....what sort of chance do I stand if this goes to small claims?


    (Sorry in advance for using too much info, I didn't want to leave anything important out so thought I'd give as much detail as possible!)

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