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Everything posted by SickAndTireddd

  1. The Sanctions are pushing the country into poverty in a big way. I'm currently unemployed but busting my backside trying to find the jobs that just are not there.. They are filling our country up on immigration and then sanctioning us when we cant find jobs... I lost my job as a construction worker because it was cheaper for my employer to take on 2 polish guys who have no regard or knowledge for health and safety, so i was paid off.... I was Sanctioned for 6 months in total 4 weeks, then 4 weeks again straight away another 4 weeks, then slapped me with 3 month sanction all straight after each other. All because i had to return to Glasgow to attend court and be a witness against a polish man who raped/gang raped and abused me. He got 16 years in prison after a 2 week long trial( was over the papers and everything), and in those two weeks trial i missed 1 job center signing and 2 work program appointments due to the trial, (that they were fully aware of, even had court letters and numbers to speak to legal representatives, prosecutor fiscal everybody but the judge himself) so they saw fit to sanction me 4 times for 6 months in total,. My sanctions only just finished in October last year, yet even now, i only receive £25 per week as i am currently having over £100 taken from every payment because i am now paying back rent and council tax arrears that happened due to my unfair sanctions. £25 a week, thats less than i was getting on hardship allowance on sanction, and im still expected to starve and use this money to find work, ooh and did i mention i am a single parent with 3 kids, whos on the verge of doing something illegal just to put food in our mouths.... The state of my counrty brings me to tears, the state it has left my family in has me on the brink of doing something really desperate and probably illegal.....
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