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Posts posted by nimblejack

  1. Hi 

    Thank you for that. Yes all is now sorted. They had already got the P45 and all the information required, it was just the previous adviser on the phone that had got it wrong. I rang back stating everything that you said and it was all confirmed as correct. I am now waiting for my letter and then I can apply for a bank transfer. Happy days!

  2. Hi,

    I lost my job last March, claimed JSA...got a job August-December..then got laid off so claimed JSA again very briefly...then got another job in January.

    I have not earned enough to have paid any tax and so am trying to claim it back. However, HMRC are making it very difficult.

    On my personal tax account online (gov gateway) I can clearly see both jobs and earnings reported. Both JSA claims say £0.


    I contacted HMRC who told me they needed info from JSA to process my claim. I spoke with them and then  HMRC told me they had now received two P45s from JSA but were now waiting for the P60 from my employer.


    They now have and say that they need another P60 from my previous employer that I worked for August to December. I think that this is not correct and that I will only receive a P60 from my current employer, the one I started to work for in January? As I left that other job in December, I was issued a P45 and gave this to my current employer. Surely it's the P45 the require and should have already received?


    The earnings are showing online and so I feel like I've hit a brick wall with this unless the adviser who I spoke to on the tax enquiry line is wrong.


    i have done everything they asked. I have been on the phone again after somebody told me what I had said was correct and the guy on the phone at HMRC said he is sorry that the other person gave me wrong information.


    My tax rebate has now been calculated and I have to wait for my letter.


    So if anyone else gets told similar to what I had first been told, it is wrong. Get back in touch and tell them so.

    Thanks for replying DX


  3. Ok thank you for such a quick response. Yes we did claim tax credits for a while when we were both working but not earning a great deal but again, I don't know how an overpayment of that happened but they have written to us although the amount is different every time.


    I did call to set up repayments but they refused..saying deductions from UC will be made until the claim is closed and then I can pay directly.


    However, I might ask for some sort of proof or breakdown as we have no idea what happened or how that overpayment has occurred.


    Thank you for that bit of advice.

    I hope to get it all sorted as soon as possible.

  4. Hi,

    I just wanted some advice from anybody who may have had a similar problem or might know what's going on please?


    Last March, just as this pandemic took hold my  husband lost his job. No furlough, no redundancy pay or anything. Just finished.

    We knew nothing about claiming benefits but we managed to put in a claim for JSA and then UC (they just deducted the JSA from anything we were entitled to from UC)


    later in the year, I made a claim for carer's allowance as I am my mums full time carer. She receives attendance allowance. I waited several weeks to hear anything back but the claim was successful and I reported this to UC.


    My husband got a job again in August. This too was reported to them and his earnings meant that we received very little or nothing during that time.

    He then lost this job in December yet again due to covid and again we reported this and he again claimed for JSA.


    He got another job in January and again told UC and JSA. We received pretty much nothing and the last payment we did receive, they deducted everything that was left for a tax credit over payment that we apparently owe from previous years.


    We have now received a letter in our journal saying that we have had an over payment due to back pay of carer's allowance that I received last year after all the weeks of waiting. Fair enough, I don't really understand still how all of this works as we have always worked but they told us before that all earnings etc and things from DWP get reported to them anyway so they knew what carer's allowance I had received.


    I then replied to ask if we can set up repayments for this and we then had another letter in the journal saying..


    We are carrying out a review of your information, and so I need to speak to you BOTH about your universal credit claim.

    We'll be checking a few details with you on this call to make sure you're entitled to universal credit. You might also be asked to provide additional evidence but we will discuss that on the call. If we can't get in contact or speak with you, your claim will be suspended and ultimately closed. There will likely be an over payment and this will be recovered from you.


    This seems a bit serious

    is there anything I should be worried about? Or is it purely just a review to maybe close down the account now that my husband is back in work and earning more money? It doesn't mention the over payment so I am not sure if it is about that or not but my husband suffers very much with stress and anxiety and now he is panicking over this because he thinks that they are going to make out we have been up to something when we most definitely have not.


    Admittedly, we have struggled with it because we have never claimed before and not been able to attend any face to face appointments etc but as far as I am concerned, we did everything asked of us.


    The only other thing is that I now have £2000 in the bank sitting there as we are in desperate need of another car as this one we have is on it's last legs but I was told you only need to declare £6000 and over.


    Any advice or anyone had the same please? Pretty confused. Thanks.

  5. Yes I got one in August when I got a job and then I've got this one that came yesterday even though I only had one payment made. I think I have got the right tax code but still don't understand why the estimate is so high.

    I definitely shouldn't pay tax this year though I'm sure so hopefully I will get that back but will have to wait until April at earliest unfortunately. 

  6. Ok thanks, maybe that's the problem. I gave my new employer  my P45 from old job that ended January.

    I've has since had a P45 come through the post yesterday from JSA so I don't know what to do unless I take that one in to work as well. I think I will ring up tomorrow and ask what I need to do to sort this out. Did your other half get the tax back?

    I think I shouldn't pay any at all this year. Thanks for replying

  7. Hi,

    I apologise if this is in the wrong section, I just need a bit of help from anyone who knows about this please.


    I have always worked and paid tax.

    Last year in March, I lost my job due to the pandemic. I was made redundant but received no redundancy pay as I had not been there for 2 years.


    I then claimed benefits and new style JSA until I managed to get another job in August. I then again lost this job in January thanks to Covid and restarted my claim for JSA as I still had a few weeks left of the 26 you are allowed to claim.


    as this was sorting itself out, I got another job. Cancelled my claim for JSA and have began the job.


    My personal tax account lists all the jobs I have had since April 2020 and the JSA. I have already paid around £250 in tax and am still being deducted tax each week.


    My estimated earnings are over £39,000 for some reason and have no idea how this is possible. I have worked out that I won't have even earned my tax free amount. My actual earnings including all jobs and JSA will be approx £11,000 and my tax code is 1381MX


    Will I be able to get back all the tax I have paid this year? I know I might sound a bit stupid but having always worked and never had this happen before, I am not sure how this works.


    Do I need to call the tax office and ask about this high estimation? Many thanks for any help.

  8. Ok thank you.


    I also have MMF hounding me over two debts from 2008.


    A friend has told me that because I moved house in 2010,

    the companies might have kept writing to the old address

    and so can prove they tried to contact me

    and that this would mean statute barred doesn't count.


    I'm sure this is not the case.

    I thought it meant six years from the last payment or written acknowledgement from me of the debt?

  9. Thank you, yes some were the companies that are now showing up.


    One letter came today from Ruthbridge, threatening to take things further.


    It does annoy me, I do feel like letting them try but at the same time I just want them so bog off and leave me alone


    I will just type a quick email like you have suggested but from a new email account that I will set up.


    Then they can harass that as much as they like because I won't even log back in.

  10. Hi,

    Sorry I don't know a whole lot about this but I have suddenly had three old debts pop up from different debt collection companies threatening me with further action etc.


    It seems to have happened as I made an inquiry with a PPI company a few months ago but didn't bother going any further and I am now wondering if that has opened me up to all of this.


    I think these three debts are statute barred as I have not made any contact whatsoever or made any payments or acknowledged the debts for at least 7 years, maybe longer but knowing how sly some of these companies can be, I wouldn't put it past them to fake an acknowledgement or some form of "contact" and so it worries me about emailing them or writing to them and stating that these are statute barred debts.


    I am worried that they may try to trick me. How can I prove that I have not made any contact for all of these years? They could easily just say oh yes you have...I don't understand.


    Can anyone please give me some advice on how I can stop these writing to me and making threats or maybe give me the best wording to put in an email?

    As saying "you can not enforce this is as it is statute barred" is in itself admitting to the debt I suppose.


    Also, there is no doubt it is at the very least 7 years since any contact was made.


    Many thanks.

  11. Yes thanks, I have just spoken to the creditor and he says we can alter the date as long as payments are made each month and maintained so presuming he is right and is willing to do this, all will be ok. I do see now the importance of being honest!! But it is my own fault and I shall just have to cut back a bit somewhere else. Lesson learned.


    We both received a claim form each.....said the same reference number on both but now rather than paying the debt between us, it looks like we both have to pay the full amount each!!!! I am not clear on this but I will be finding out.

  12. Hi,


    I have just received a CCJ and all I got back from the courts was a letter telling me that the creditor sent the court a letter after they had received my admission and offer of monthly repayment, and that they had complained that the offer was too low.

    The court has now ordered that I pay a larger amount each month and that the first payment should be paid to the creditor by the 22nd of this month which is a week before I even get paid.


    I won't have the money by then and it's also more than I was expecting. Will the bailiffs come if I pay a week late? Or do you think the creditor will allow me to make the payment on the 29th if I explain my situation?


    I do feel like it is a bit unfair as they have decided that not only do I have to pay more than I offered, I also have to find it in just over a week.


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  13. Really?? Hmmm....well they are still advertising the 0845 number on their website! Cheeky hey? Thanks for the replies, the loan account is now showing on my list of accounts online but the funds haven't yet been paid into my account. I think possibly tomorrow, but thanks for the help

  14. No I didn't get any such link but others who applied have said that they did. Mine was just the whole application from start to finish and at the end it showed my agreement, asked me to sign and then said my first repayment is 1st May and the money would be in my account in 2 working days. That was Saturday at around 7pm

  15. Hi,


    I am new here and looking for some help please.

    I applied for a loan on Saturday through my online banking and I think it has been approved. However, I'm sure that at no point did it say "congratulations", "accepted", "accepted in principle" etc, but it went all the way through to the end, showed my agreement and asked my to sign it by ticking the box, and then showed me a page with my first repayment date, loan account number and said that the money would be in my account in 2 working days...... so you would think that was that. Right?

    However, having spoken to a friend who did the same recently, she said that she was given a link to enter her email address and a password to "sign online" and also, was told her money would be there in 24 hours.

    So now I'm confused, any help would be great before having to ring the 0845 number.

    Thanks guys.

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