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Everything posted by LyndseyAD

  1. Hi I am in desperate need for help. We are in arrears with our mortgage of £12000 due to mental health and post natal depression issues, all of which were declared to our mortgage company Halifax. We now have a date for a court hearing to determine possession. The solicitors involved have been very helpful in even supporting us with a complaint to Halifax as we do not feel they have followed CML guidelines on arrears. We have set regular repayment plans which have failed because they have not agreed our request to change the payment date of the plan to coincide with my pay date of wages. They have also refused us every opportunity to look at ways to manage the arrears - payment holidays, extended terms etc. I have a few questions to ask.... -does a court order go on file as a CCJ -will proceedings stop if we make a proposal for paying back arrears -will proceedings stop if our employers support us in paying back the arrears in full -if the above, will our name be cleared on our credit report allowing us to apply to remortgage with another company? -can we claim compensation from Halifax for the stress this has caused us as a family? I am now back on anti-depressants and therapy after my mental health was beginning to improve. I now feel I am back to square one!! Any help/advice is really appreciated as we're going out of our mind with worry. Thanks
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