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Posts posted by justfornow

  1. Hi All,

    Received a letter today saying that my husband does NOT need to attend a face to face....

    It says that they now have enough information.


    Well I don't know what the outcome will be, but that is a big relief to us.


    Thank you for all the advice I have been given, and I will do letters of complaint as I agreed that I would.


    If anyone else is going through the same thing (dealing with the robotic system that is ATOS) then from my experience it was all about who I got to speak to on the end of the phone line, seven times I spoke to different people (robots, who all seemed to be reading from a script) until Monday when I spoke to a nice lady, who listened and did what she said she would do, she also said that she would chase it up for me.

    And I believe that this is the only reason I have got a paper based assessment.

    So my advice is to ring and ring and ring again until YOU feel like you are speaking to someone who is listening, because if you don't think that they are listening, then they are not, and they wont be taking notes either as in my case.


    Thank you again for helping me, I really needed it.

  2. Hi,

    Bit of a mixed day. Went to see the GP, he is all about the money, he firstly said he would ring up, and even asked which number to ring, then 50 seconds later as he was reading what they wrote, he said :- they can ring him directly, he has filled out loads of pip forms, that is private work and he needs to get paid. When Ii eventually picked my jaw off the floor I did not know what to say, he said they MUST ring him. So that was that.


    I left and did not feel like phoning atos, but I did, I spoke to a really nice human, she was very warm and understanding and put me at ease. She was surprised that they have treated us like this, and she said that they have probably just generated the letters again. She also went on to say that they have never contacted the GP ( I had only just found that out via the GP that morning) she said that she would not cancel the appointment, because that would generate more letters. She told me that they have an internal email system that in some case's they can put a rush on the medical team to give a answer as to if you can get a paper based assessment, she said that they make this assessment within hours, but they tell the customer 10 working days, she took all the information about my husband and read it back to me, she said that they now have notes to work with, apparently no one wrote anything about my several previous phone calls.

    I presume I will receive letters on Wednesday, she also said if I did not hear anything I must chase it up.

    So that is how I have left it till Wednesday.

  3. Hi,This is what has happened today, I can't get an appointment with GP till Monday 8.40am that's ok, give me time to ring dwp and see if there was anyone there he could talk to.

    Phoned DWP, spoke to the first robot, he put through to a second robot, they sounded like they were reading from a script, did not matter what I said they said the same thing which was .-

    DWP make the final decision, BUT it is ATOS that do the report, that they make the decision from. They said that Atos must not have enough information on my husband to do a paper based assessment? I told them about the Gp writing a letter, they said that that does not matter, as the GP will not be able to answer all the questions that they want to ask.

    I will be putting a complaint about they way I was spoken to, Oh and the DWP informed me that "there are so many horror stories of people who say that they are very ill and then it is proven that they are not" I said yes there are, but I bet there is a lot more horror stories of people who said that they are ill and DWP say that they are not only for it to be proven that the person was ill after all but it is to late then, they are dead, but lessons will be learnt. He then just wanted me to get off the phone.

    Oh and neither one of them took his name or national insurance number, which is the first time ever, the last one said that they are the supervisor.

    So I will have to give this some thought over the weekend.

    Thank you all for your help



    I have now got an appointment to see the CAB on 28th, I will be seeing the GP tomorrow morning, but I can't see him sitting there and phoning, (I may be just panicking).

    The person I spoke to at the DWP said that they would speak to CAB, then Atos said that they would not, as it would be atos that they will be ringing, who is correct?

    I will also chase up the MP, as they have not got back to me yet.

    Thank you

  4. Yes I have made 4 copies of each.

    Now I just need to get the GP to speak to them tomorrow, it took him four days to do five lines, so he wont be talking to them any time soon I think.

    I will ring DWP tomorrow, and see what happens, then I will send the letter off, Recorded delivery.


    Hi,This is what has happened today, I can't get an appointment with GP till Monday 8.40am that's ok, give me time to ring dwp and see if there was anyone there he could talk to.

    Phoned DWP, spoke to the first robot, he put through to a second robot, they sounded like they were reading from a script, did not matter what I said they said the same thing which was .-

    DWP make the final decision, BUT it is ATOS that do the report, that they make the decision from. They said that Atos must not have enough information on my husband to do a paper based assessment? I told them about the Gp writing a letter, they said that that does not matter, as the GP will not be able to answer all the questions that they want to ask.

    I will be putting a complaint about they way I was spoken to, Oh and the DWP informed me that "there are so many horror stories of people who say that they are very ill and then it is proven that they are not" I said yes there are, but I bet there is a lot more horror stories of people who said that they are ill and DWP say that they are not only for it to be proven that the person was ill after all but it is to late then, they are dead, but lessons will be learnt. He then just wanted me to get off the phone.

    Oh and neither one of them took his name or national insurance number, which is the first time ever, the last one said that they are the supervisor.

    So I will have to give this some thought over the weekend.

    Thank you all for your help

  5. Yes I have made 4 copies of each.

    Now I just need to get the GP to speak to them tomorrow, it took him four days to do five lines, so he wont be talking to them any time soon I think.

    I will ring DWP tomorrow, and see what happens, then I will send the letter off, Recorded delivery.

  6. Just been to get his letter from the Dr, £16.50 to pay it said on the envelope ?


    To Whom It May Concern


    Dear Sir/Madam


    Then my husbands name and DOB and address.


    Mr ---- ------ suffers with severe anxiety and due to this will not be able to undertake a home assessment.

    If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact myself.

    Yours sincerely


    Dr name and medical number


    Do you think that that might be enough ???

  7. What a day, now the DWP lady that I was suppose to be speaking to, has had to go home early???? I stupidly spoke to another woman, and she said virtually word for word what you said they would say.

    I then said about section 2.3.8 in the pip-assessment-guide, she then said how do they know it will course him stress ???? I said ask his GP, I was again getting nowhere, so I left it with I will ring back tomorrow, oh and this person said that she was senior to the lady I was supposed to be speaking to.

  8. Oh, thank you for that, I feel that I have just been given a fob off, my husband has lots and lots of problems, but one he did have was throwing his clothes away (not just clothes and shoes, I got up one morning and he had cut my new three piece suites two arm chairs into tiny pieces so that it could fit in the wheelie bin, this is 2002, after he had been sectioned) Since then he has gone through fazes, and now this is making him very very upset, he has started to wash his hands more, and he has started to throw things away( or gets me to do it). And he does not know about all of it, he just thinks that they MAY want to interview him soon. So I have got to do all this discretely, and he knows that there is something wrong.

  9. Hi Just rang Atos again, spoke to another robot, she said the same thing, after several minutes she started to become human she told me that they hardly do paper assessments, and that there will not be enough information about my husband? she said that they wanted a face to face so that they can ask him a lot of questions? They can't get all the information and answers to questions they want from his GP. They have contacted the GP surgery 5 times (which I think is a lie) (two years ago, whilst we were going through this with the ESA, and I took it to a second tribunal someone told me to ask for my case file history, and they sent me about several hundreds of pages including asking his surgery questions and getting paid to answer, they never asked the GP anything).

    She said that she would see if he could get another home visit, so I told her that he would not speak to anyone, she then said that she could not cancel the 1st Aug appointment, I told her that I was going to see my MP, and phone the DWP, she then said get the GP to ring up and speak to atos, just phone atos no name just whom ever he gets to pick the phone up.

    So that is how I have left it with Atos, he still has his Aug 1st appointment?

  10. Hi,

    GP letter not ready till 4pm, he has not signed it????? CAB are fully booked up, I was told to try next week? Contacted my MP, lady said they will contact me. Then I phoned DWP the lady who deals with (this type of thing) won't be available till 3 30pm.

    So total waste of a morning.

    Could someone tell me who does have the final say( is in charge) Atos or DWP.

    Thank you again for your help

  11. Hi, Just phoned atos, got a very robotic woman on the phone. She would not let me cancel the 1st Aug appointment, I can't see GP till tomorrow now ?

    She has told me to ring them on the same 0300 number, she was adamant that I should not contact the DWP, as they are not dealing with it, she is ?

    Could not talk with her, she was very cold. We are not going to take your word for it that he is house bound. I will go to the GP surgery today to get the letter, and she what that says.

    I have got the MP email and phone number, also my local CAB.

    It is not even 9am and I feel so tired.

  12. Thank you for writing, I will ring them tomorrow before I go to see the GP, he said he would fax them a letter, so all I can do is ask. I will ask them if there a number for him to contact them on.

    I will also ring the DWP and tell them what is happening, and if there is a person I could get him to speak to on my behalf.

  13. Hi reallymadwoman,

    Thank you for replying. I am sorry to hear that you are going into hospital. I will give them a ring tomorrow, I get the letter off the GP tomorrow (was not ready today)?

    I will complain, and (if you are feeling up to it) you can help word it. I will also phone DWP and tell them what is happening ( I do not trust Atos).

    I will let you know what's happening tomorrow, as you well know it is very tiring, having to deal with this and speak to people on the phone who tell you one thing but do another.

    Look after yourself, and take care.

  14. Phone the DWP office dealing with his claim and complain to them, if that doesn't work, try your MP, local CAB or your council's welfare advisor for help.


    The letters are almost certainly standard issue ones sent out by someone pressing a button with no thought to the consequences. Since they've already agreed a home assessment, it's barmy that they've gone back on that and that they've done it before waiting for you to send your GPs letter.


    Email this address custrelations@atoshealthcare.com with the subject 'Complaint' and set out what has happened so far. If possible, enclose the letter from your GP or say you'll send it a.s.a.p. Finish by saying that if they don't resolve the situation satisfactorily within the next 5 working days you will escalate your complaint further.



    NOTE - miss out the space in the email addy - there's some technical reason that I can't remember for it being put in by the forum.


    Hi reallymadwoman ,

    I will indeed ring them tomorrow, can't cope today.

    So yes, he was supposed to have a home visit on Monday 25th, I phoned to cancel, I told them that his GP had written a letter saying that it would be detrimental to his health, I told them this on Monday 18th July, these letters are dated Monday 18th of July, one of which is stating that he can have a home visit. So if I had only received the two letters, than I would be back to the beginning, but it is the 3rd letter that has got me worried, it gives a time and place for a assessment, which is 12 miles away from where we live.

    So do you think that it would be a waste of time to talk to atos, because they don't listen, just go straight to DWP. I will also get my MP details and do what you have suggested.

    Thank you for your input.

  15. I wonder if a charity could provide you with specific advice regarding being an appointee? It sounds like your husband has OCD amongst other things - check out charities and see if they might be able to help. At the very least, you may find an online support group and it can be a huge help knowing there's someone who understands what you are going through to whom you can speak more or less any time of the day or night.



    Received 3 letters today, two saying that they still want to see my husband, and the third saying they have arranged for him to attend a assessment 12 miles away on Aug 1st, what is going on, they were all dated 18th, well I rang them on the 18th at 1pm, so they did not give it much thought. I am fuming, and I do not know what to do next. I already know that they don't listen to a word I have said or wrote.

    Please has anyone got any suggestions of what I can do next. I am due to get a letter from his GP today, the girl on the phone on 18th told me to send it in, I have got to ask myself what is the point, then I look how unwell my husband is.

    Do you think that they have just given me the standard brush off.

  16. Hi reallymadwoman,

    Yes he does have OCD, he used to wash his hands so much that they were always bleeding, he still washes his hands a lot, but now he has gone on to other things?

    Yes, I am really going to look around for help groups, I can't take much more stress, but I probably will ?

    Thank you again for taking the time to write, I have just got to put it to the back of my mind waiting for the letter (probably telling us that he can't have a paper based assessment).

    Like I said the lady on the phone was very nice, and she spoke to me like a human, not like the first woman I spoke to, she was like a robot, it all depends who you get on the phone.

    Thank you

  17. Hi, The GP has given me a leaflet about a carers group who meet once a month on a Thursday, so I will give that a try.

    I wrote to the DWP about 2 years ago, about being my husbands appointee, they never got back to me, and since then I found out that you have to fill a BF56 form in, then get interviewed, then they want to speak to him, so that was a none starter. Is that the type of thing you mean about getting formal authority?

    As for answering the door, not only does he not like me answering it, I have to spry and wash it after they have gone, well that's what he thinks I do? When the post comes, I have to get it, tell him that there is nothing to worry about and wash my hands, oh after sealing the contents of the said post in a bag, well that's also what he thinks I do. His latest one is I can't put washing out on the line just in case insects go on it, the same for having a window open more than a millimetre. Over the years I have had argument after argument with him, now I am just sick of it and I am very tied, it is easier for me just to let him get on with it. Like I have said about 2 years ago, whilst this atos was happening the first time, I was so frustrated with it all, that I just had a massive row with him and threaten to leave him, that was the day he had a second heart attack. even then he would not let the ambulance men in, they looked after him on my door step, then took him off to hospital.

    I agree I do need to start to look after myself more. I will look around on the internet for help groups near me.

    Thank you again for taking the time to help me, because you have.

  18. I have just phoned again, this time spoke to a very nice woman, who listened and even suggested a paper base assessment ?? But she said she will give the details to the medical team to decide if

    he can have a paper based assessment, I also told her that the GP was willing to fax a letter to them, and she said they don't have a fax? Oh well the appointment for 25th is now cancelled, and I am just waiting now.

    Thank you for your help, I will keep you up to date.

  19. I had a paper based assessment once ATOS finally accepted that they would have to come to me - the doctor that was going to do the assessment got the file the day before and decided it would be a waste of time as there was more than enough evidence for enhanced awards of both components. Don't expect anyone to have read a single thing that you send before the day of the assessment, they just issue appointments willy nilly and rely on claimants to contact them if the appointment is in any way unsuitable.


    In your situation, if ATOS won't back down I'd let them turn up and let hubby do his thing. Ideally I'd be recording every word on my mobile as well just in case the assessor comes up with 'there was no one home' etc.


    Hi, I rang them at noon, they would not speak to me only my husband, I told them he would not speak to them, so I was put on to a senior person, and they said I can speak to them but they would only answer yes or no to my conversation, it was getting me nowhere, so she said to ring back tomorrow morning. So that is how I have left it, they have always spoken to me before?

    If the atos GP, comes to my house ,my husband won't answer the door to them, so I can't either, so what is the point???

  20. Hi reallymadwoman,

    Thank you for writing. He will not let anyone into our house, even when he was having a heart attack the ambulance men had to wait at the front door (they were so nice about it). He has many many things mentally wrong with him, but I can deal with most of it. But this assessment I can't do that for him. I have just seen the GP, and he said that he will write a letter to them explaining that my husband can not see them on 25th, it would be detrimental to his health. I am going to ring them this morning to explain that he will not let the Atos people in. Last time ESA wanted him to have a face to face his GP wrote a letter, and they backed off for a bit (they said he will have a home visit in the future, that was two years ago) So they will also want him to have a home visit soon. They stopped his DLA about 2 years ago, and we had to appeal this twice at a tribunal. They know full that he does not go out of the house. I have told the GP that they might want him to fax a letter to them, is that what they usually do.

    I hope that they will just accept a paper based assessment, but I can't see that happening.

    Thank you again.


  21. Hi Jedicris,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    I have looked into Lasting Powers of Attorney for him, but you need it to be witnessed ? He has been sectioned in 2001, they virtually just sedated him, then released him to my care, the tablets he was on, made him sleep for 19 hours a day, he was on them for 2 years, still had mental health problems, he saw a mental health nurse then at a day centre once a week until she said something to upset him, never been back since. He has got much worse since then, the GP keeps saying he will section him, then says that might make him worse? He has had two heart attacks, and really any stress really upsets him, I am scared he will have a 3rd attack. It is all left to me, I have to fill the forms out, I have to speak to people, I have to see his GP, it really is starting to take its toll on my health. I just wondered if there was any help out there for relatives of mental health patients, to help us cope.

    Thank you again.


    Hi Jedicris,

    Thank you again, I will do that, I will look at the site you gave me, I am so focused on looking after my husband, I never thought to google support groups.

    Thank you

  22. Hi justfornow,


    I'm not sure that I can give you any practical support but felt that I can at least give you some moral support in this situation.

    This is a very troubling situation, ATOS/Captia will not care about the circumstances, either they conduct the assessment or the benefit is stopped.

    You will then have to go through the same process as before and all the resulting stress and trauma. Not Good.

    I fear that the same will happen when his ESA is due to be reviewed.

    I assume that you have tried reasoned discussion with him, as to how his actions will affect you both.

    Is there anyone else that can reinforce the consequences to him?


    You mention the GP but has he seen any specialists for his mental health issues, if so can they assist in any way?

    If not, can the GP do a referral to someone?


    I think that you should also start the process of getting Lasting Powers of Attorney for him. This will assist in acting for him.

    Definitely get a letter of authority to take to the GP.


    I also fear that he is in danger of being "sectioned" due to his actions. It could be argued that anyone who discharges themselves from hospital hours after a heart attack, is "a danger to themselves" .


    An unpleasant thought to face is that all of this is having an effect on your health, both physical and mental. You need to look after yourself as well. That may involve making unpleasant decisions but they need to be considered.


    I wish you all the very best in this.




    Hi Jedicris,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    I have looked into Lasting Powers of Attorney for him, but you need it to be witnessed ? He has been sectioned in 2001, they virtually just sedated him, then released him to my care, the tablets he was on, made him sleep for 19 hours a day, he was on them for 2 years, still had mental health problems, he saw a mental health nurse then at a day centre once a week until she said something to upset him, never been back since. He has got much worse since then, the GP keeps saying he will section him, then says that might make him worse? He has had two heart attacks, and really any stress really upsets him, I am scared he will have a 3rd attack. It is all left to me, I have to fill the forms out, I have to speak to people, I have to see his GP, it really is starting to take its toll on my health. I just wondered if there was any help out there for relatives of mental health patients, to help us cope.

    Thank you again.

  23. Hi, I wonder if anyone can give me help.


    My husband has been on DLA & Income support for several years, now they say he has to be on PIP. He has various mental health problems over the years now he has another one, he will not leave the house, he has only left the house 3 times in four years twice during a heart attack and the last time last year with a severe panic attack, on all three occasions he was in a ambulance and off to hospital. He is frightened of so many things (to many to mention) but two of the things he is most scared of is hearing people talk, and germs.


    So he will not go and see a GP, he discharged himself after a few hours in hospital after his second heart attack, (which was brought on by me telling him that I have had enough, and was demanding that he see a GP) .


    This is the problem, he has to have a visit next Monday 25th at our home, there is NO WAY he will agree to that, so what shall I do, I have a appointment tomorrow with his GP, I was thinking of asking for a letter from him telling them that he is too ill, our old GP did this two years ago, but they have just ignored this.


    I do know that they can not just take my word for it, that he is too mentally ill to speak to them, he wont even speak on the phone to people. When they wanted a face to face about 2 years ago, and he would not attend, they cancelled his claim, he had a Tribunal case, (which he would not attend) they eventually awarded him (after the second tribunal) his claim, and they back dated his money.


    This took months of having no money, I am frightened that this will happen with his ESSA as well, the only reason they have not bothered yet, is because they said a home visit will take time to arrange? All this is keeping me awake at night, he will not see anyone, he wont go anywhere, all I can do is go to see his GP.


    Has anybody got any ideas what I can do.

  24. Hi Margaret,


    Thank you for the information.


    I received a letter today from atos saying that next weeks appointment is cancelled, do not turn up.


    It says we are reviewing medical information that we have received.


    As regards the subject access information, I am still going through it, I am finding the hand writing very hard to read.

    A lot of the information that I gave them, someone (a expert no doubt) id contradicting virtually everything I write, i.e


    Can your husband be left alone, I say no , they say yes, is he all right to walk in places he does not know, I say no, they say yes, will he take is tablets by himself, I say no, they say yes.

    I have given them information all through 2012 saying that he was not well, and he cannot look after himself, and all we got was to lose my carers allowance, and his middle rate DLA.

    Then we won the upper tier hearing, and he was awarded lower rate DLA.


    So I can not afford to lose this case.


    Thank you for your continued help and support.



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