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Everything posted by imrantahir

  1. Hello Folks, sent off the SAR and the CCA's as advised in earlier posts. Now I have had a lot of paperwork come back from Barclays. Have not heard anything from 1st Credit, I sent the letters Special Delivery with the PO on the 20th of March. Lombard Direct letters got returned to me, "addressee gone away" as Royal Mail marked it? Now I need to know what I am looking for in all this paper work from Barclays. I also need to know what I should with regards to 1st Credit not replying. Do I need to send anything to Opus, I think they were the original lenders? With Lombard I need a correct address, if any one can help. The one I sent it to was : Lombard House, 339 Southbury Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 1TW. Any help guys, I have managed to get my bother to help me out with this as well now so I need to explain to him the whole process of getting SAR/CCA and then what happens when you have received these and what we hope to achieve by obtaining these. any help... appreciate your help and advice, I just hope I don't end up digging a deeper hole... We have had another letter off First credit offering a settlement of paying only 50% of the debt and the other 50% wiped off???
  2. Considering that both the Barclays amounts belong to separate account numbers, being two different loans am I still required to only send 1 SAR for both? or one each? Man this is confusing the daylight out of me...
  3. hello dx, that's a quick reply... looking through the credit report it says First Credit - "Credit Card from 1st Credit LTD" - £12460 Barclays - £8633 says its a loan account ending in 6075 Barclays - £8215 says its a loan account ending in 0209 Lombard - £4959 Credit Card / MasterCard So for !st Credit I send a CCA to : 1st Credit Limited The Omnibus Building Lesbourne Road Reigate Surrey RH2 7JP Thanks
  4. Final few Questions kind people and I know it is taking me a bit of time to compose and generate these letters but I have been preoccupied with work so I do apologise for the of time it is taking to get them out. How do I find out who was the original creditor for the credit owed to First Direct? I know ask my mum, but I know her memory and she doesn't remember. Thank you for your replies dx100uk, just to confirm Number 1 both SAR and CCA go to the one address, but enveloped separately? Number 2 Need to find the original creditor? Number 3 thank you for the address for both SAR and CCA Number 4 are you saying only send a CCA ? Thnaks again
  5. Thank you for your reply, I apologise for my ignorance but I am confused with the SAR, I am unsure whom I send this too! So ok as follows a break down 1. Lombard Direct - £5319 defaulted current balance : £4995 - default date 05/04/2012 SEND THEM A CCA REQUEST TO THIS ADDRESS: Registered Address C/O The Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc Lombard House 339 Southbury Road Enfield Middlesex EN1 1TW FOR LOMBARD DIRECT WHO DO I SEND THE SAR TO? 2. FIRST CREDIT LTD - £13,180 currently : £12550 (this was a credit card or a bank loan) - default date 31/08/2012 SEND A CCA REQUEST TO: 1st Credit Limited The Omnibus Building Lesbourne Road Reigate Surrey RH2 7JP Again where does the SAR go? 3. BarclaysBank - £8663 defaulted, currently £8663 - default date 24/02/2012 SEND THE CCA TO: The Company Secretary Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP AGAIN WHO GETS THE SAR? 4. Barclays Bank - £8512 defaulted, currently £8512 - default date ? SEND THE CCA TO BUT WHERE DOES THE SAR GO TO? The Company Secretary Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP I appreciate your help and apologise for my lack of understanding the financial market and the way it works, I do know this much that I disagree with credit, through credit debt is unavoidable, keep the public in debt and the profits through interest make the banks fatter. This is why the poor get poorer. Live off what you make, live without credit as I have learnt through my mum. I only spend what I have but yet I am paying off credit for my mum. Its so annoying that she is someone that is gullible and any sensible person would see that mentally she is not all there, so how can a bank give her loans and credit cards? just because she has a house which she got through her divorce? it breaks my heart to see her in this situation and yes she is to blame for signing up to it but the lenders, should not have given her the credit, these loans are not secured to the house or anything, nor does she have an income apart from her disability benefits so how did they work out what she can pay back a month? She was paying around £700-800 a month, she doesn't even get that much in her benefits, and taking into consideration her living expenses as well she would not have lasted long in her depressive state, she would have ended up doing something to her self. I am so relieved that she is in this DMP at the moment which allows her to live a bit more peacefully but obviously she is still aware of this massive amount lingering over her and I want to get this sorted out thorugh the correct channels. Sorry about the rant.
  6. Hello Crew, I apologise I have not been back on for a while... I have prepared the SAR and CCA to go out to the 4 lenders. I am unsure if I need to send SAR to Barclays / Lombard / 1st credit. Will I be required to send 2 CCA/SAR to Barclays, one for each account? Anyone help with the correct address, I had a look at the stickies and there are several addresses in there. I don't want to send it to the wrong department and prolong things further. I appreciate your help. I went and got an Equifax Report as well which confirmed the amount of debt and lenders that the debt was with, noddle was correct. Thanks folks
  7. I agree its irresponsible lending on behalf of the lender, at the same time I cant defend my mum for taking out the loans. Either way I know she cant afford these loans, has nothing to show for it on top of this she had taken out money against her house which leave me with mortgage repayments to fulfil as well. I have no choice but to try and sort this mess out for her. dx100uk, I will send cca request out to each of the people she owes money too, do I need to send anything else as well? where do I get the addresses from to forward the cca on to?
  8. hello dx100uk default dates added in above 3 and 4 I believe are different as they have different account numbers and have different starting amounts, same bank providing the loans on the same day
  9. Right finally my mum returned from her treks and has had time to sit with me to go through her personal stuff, she was very reluctant as usual and finds it hard to release personal information. Anyway I tried to get her an Experian credit report and could not as they require a credit card to confirm identity. She has no credit card... I resorted to getting a report from noddle which stated the following: 1. Lombard Direct - £5319 defaulted current balance : £4995 - default date 05/04/2012 2. 1st Credit LTD - £13,180 currently : £12550 (this was a credit card or a bank loan) - default date 31/08/2012 3. Barclays Bank - £8663 defaulted, currently £8663 - default date 24/02/2012 4. Barclays Bank - £8512 defaulted, currently £8512 - default date ? The rest of the balances were £0 and it also shows her Motgage status. Total Debt equates to £35674 total remaining is £34720 I feel like I just hit a wall, I have paid my mums debts off before, here I am again. Feel a little lost right now. A few questions... I was misunderstood that she had Citi/Opus account, may be it is the one that 1st credit have taken out??? 1. is there any chance noddle missed anyone out? I have asked Payplan for a copy of people we are paying at the moment with the full amounts. 2. Next steps? Send CCA to Payplan? Where can I get a CCA / SAR Send SAR to original creditors? which I will confirm with mum. 3. Any other advice? I sincerely appreciate all your guidance and I am very grateful for all of you trying to help. Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year Thanks
  10. rebel11 / Dx Thank you, see I didn't even know what these things were and that they were tools that we are allowed to use. I will be reading over it this weekend and get the letters in the post on Monday. I have a starting point now and I will get here credit report and let you know what it says Thanks
  11. hello dx100uk thank you for your quick response the original debt was with OPUS balance remaining £12550.02 Whom do I ask for a CCA request and what is it? Same goes for the SAR? I will ask for them so long as I know who I am meant to be asking I think she has PPI but have never tried to reclaim it as we were told that she cant claim it back due to her DMP in place, will this show on the CCA/SAR??? by credit file do you mean her credit report? I will get one from Experian asap, need to sit with my mum this weekend and get these sorted out. You got me going now mate, may be there is still hope??? Thanks again for your quick responses
  12. Hello People, I am new to this forum and my understanding of the laws revolving debt is very minimal. I would appreciate your help, its not for me but for my mother. My mother aged 56, has her own house as a result of the divorce. My mother suffers from depression, anxiety, panic attacks and has spent some time in hospital due to mental health issues where she received shock treatments. Now I don't understand how the banks have managed to give her loans equating to nearly £50,000 when she has no income apart from her DLA and she has a history of mental health issues. My mother has always had the ability to spend money with out thinking and has lost thousands because of her behavioural issues. I my self have had to spend my life working to pay off her debts. At the moment my mothers debt equates to around £27,000 this is from one unsecured loan and several credit cards. It has been some time now my mother has been in an agreement with 1st credit for the loans which has resulted in making life slightly easier. I was paying £750 per month just to pay the interest on her on loans. I then had her put in to a debt management plan with a company called Pay plan who have reduced her payments significantly and more manageable. My mum has been in the DMP a couple of years now and has made regular payments and is feeling a lot less stressed thankfully as am I. We have today received a letter from 1st credit who have made us an offer of paying off 40% of the total of £12,550 = £5020.01 but the offer is only valid till December and then If we were to pay in January we would write off 30%, feb 20%, March 10%. I need help with this, what are my options? should I pay them off? should I make them an offer? should I just continue making minimum payments as I am doing now? will I ever have the opportunity of writing off a 100% of her debt? do I have any other alternatives? I was told that my options are limited as mum owns her house with some equity in the house, the value of the house is probably £100,000 with a £30,000 mortgage which was again spent by mum and given to thieves who leached off her. She did have a cash house but being gullible and silly she gave a friend some money who we have never seen again, she spent some on the house to make improvements 10 years ago. All help, if any would be appreciated.... Any advice?
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