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  1. Update. Email below from Resolvecall advising no longer dealing as account returned to Capquest. We refer to the above account which was passed to us for collection. Our client has requested that we return this account to them. As we are no longer dealing with the account we request that no payment is made to ourselves. If you have been making payments please ensure these are cancelled. If you do have any queries you can contact us on 0141 212 8500. Collections Department Resolvecall
  2. Not quite sure how to take that reply dx. I have found all the info helpful but this is the 2nd time that I have felt slightly aggravated against for posts I have made when all I seek is support. Its easy to just say 'forget about it'
  3. Yes, I do read them, I meant I will find out one way or another , i.e by letter, I should of quoted court. I cannot do anything else really other than wait to see if Capquest try that, maybe they will after I confirm my current address but like you say its been 16 years. It seems as if I will have to swallow a visit from RC at some point but I will not confirm any personal details, they will probably knock on my neighbours doors as others have said they do but hopefully they will advise Capquest that I am a not going to be an easy egg. I have a Ring door camera and will clearly state to leave & not return, I am also tempted to pass them a Removal of Implied Rights of Access letter to leave with.
  4. I have no intention of dealing with RC. I wonder if the CCJ was given to Capital One or Capquest?. Capquest are obviously the owner of the debt now with RC 'assisting' them. I will send the letter to Capquest ensuring they have my current address, at a minimum it will prevent any visits to the other addresses. Obviously if Capquest want to try and enforce the CCJ I will find out one way or another. Thanks for all your help, it is really appreciated.
  5. I didnt know it was Cap 1, I clicked on the link in the Resolvecall text message tonight which produced the 2 letters and I was able to confirm. So I just send the letter to Capquest stating my address and thats it? Thanks
  6. Yes, I have reference numbers, I will remove the WP. I wrote 'request' as thats what you suggested lol. I note reading through some old posts that people have sent the SB to Capquest only for Capquest to reply saying 'send to Resolvecall as they are now managing this account' It doesnt seem Capquest want to deal with any letters/requests but I dont want to converse with Resolvecall in any shape or form.
  7. 1st letter from Capquest. 2nd from Resolvecall. 1st Letter: Your account will now be managed by Resolvecall Limited We are writing in relation to your account, with which the balance of £xxxx remains outstanding. We note that you have yet to contact us to discuss a suitable repayment option for your account. Your account will now be managed by Resolvecall Limited, a debt collection agency who work on behalf of Capquest Debt Recovery Limited and are also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Resolvecall Limited specialise in visiting customers' properties to help engage and enable a discussion with you on your current financial situation and agree an affordable repayment solution. They will contact you regarding payment of the outstanding balance and manage all contact and correspondence moving forward. Please be reassured that they will write to you in advance of any visit to your property, providing a timescale of when the intended visit will take place, and providing you with the opportunity to call them and discuss your account over the phone ahead of the visit should you prefer. For all future questions and support, please contact Resolvecall Limited directly. Yours sincerely, Capquest ************************************************************************************** Resolvecall Reference Client Reference Amount Due: £ Re: CAPQUEST DEBT RECOVERY LIMITED We are acting on behalf of CAPQUEST DEBT RECOVERY LIMITED who have purchased this account from CAPITAL ONE and have been instructed by them to assist in collecting the outstanding balance on this account. You will have previously received a letter from CAPQUEST DEBT RECOVERY LIMITED instructing us. Please contact Resolvecall immediately upon receipt of this letter to discuss your account and enable us to understand your present circumstances and reach an amicable solution that meets your present situation. If we don’t hear from you within 7 days your account will be passed to our home visit team to make a personal visit to your home, our agents will ensure all relevant social distancing guidelines will be adhered to. Please contact Resolvecall on 0141 212 8470 Letter on its way to Capquest. Thanks everyone for your help. Hi, Is the below ok please? Capquest Debt Recovery Belvedere 12 Booth Street Manchester M2 4AW Ref: xxxxxxxx Date: 6/11/23 Dear Sir/Madam, *WITHOUT PREJUDICE* I refer to the above reference number that you have recently supplied. Please note my correct and current address, no other address is to be written to and you must remove them from my file. You must also remove all phone numbers for ANY address including any mobile numbers that you have, you must also remove all email addresses you have related to me. You may only make contact through writing to the above address, no other form of communication is to be used. I request this under The Consumer Credit Sourcebook rules. Yours Sincerely
  8. But I am not 100% it is Capquest or do I assume? Noting no written request to Resolvecall.
  9. Hi Folks, May I ask a question please? I am unsure what address Resolvecall have for me and want to ensure I receive any correspondence from them (which will go unanswered of course). They could have 1 of 3 address and one of them is my elderly fathers (86), 2 is my mother in law and finally 3 is my current address. Would I be in any danger of writing to them to advise my current & correct address and if so how would I word it? I just want to make sure my father or in laws are not at the receiving end of a door knock from them, its not fair on them. The earlier letter, and in fact the only letter received from any DCA in the last 15 years was Capquest ( who Resolvecall do work for I understand) who wrote to my in laws address. That letter was returned to them by me a few months back recorded delivery stating 'not known at this address'. Thanks
  10. Thanks Bazooka Boo, I will give them the credit they deserve when & if they knock
  11. I donk think ill ever find out, unless of course I converse, perhaps written only.
  12. So in theory, then the dca has no powers whatsoever with regards to trying to enforce the CCJ. I know they have probably brought the debt for pennies and just chancing their arm to make some money back. They could, however, apply to the court could they not to enforce the CCJ from 2007?
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