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  1. Thankyou for your advice it puts my mind at rest that i wont lose my home.
  2. Hi. I dont understand it either..and surely if i cannot pay the £186 before the 14th and i go to court and tell them it will all be paid at midnight and put in advance as there has been a standing order set up with the bank then would they still go ahead with the eviction or do a suspended possesion and yes my disabled son lives with me . He is 13 and i have a 17 year old daughter living here as well.
  3. Hi. I have received a reply from the council thanking me for the monies paid and they have now said as long as i am able to pay the the remainder 2 weeks rent so there are no arrears then i will not have to attend court and they will just ask for a 12 month suspended order but i have told them that this is not possible as all the money i had paid nearly all the rent arrears of £2000 and the £186 owing will be paid on the 15th and a months rent in advance and all they said was if there is even £1 arrears you will have to go to court. I have tried calling the cab but it always goes to a recorded message as our local office is appointments only. I shall call shelter and see what they say...i am thinking i might be better trying to loan the remainder rent just to stop court action. I have lived in my home for 20 years work 48 hours night shifts and still manage to support my disabled son and because i may be short 2 weeks rent i could lose my home i think i would be better off if i didnt work and had my rent paid for me ...but i will work until i die i am just surprised the council can be so ruthless.
  4. Hi. I fell behind with my rent after taking a lengthy time off work due to a back injury which i needed surgery for. I have been given notice of possesion and due to go to court on the 14th october. The council have said they will stop court action if i pay all the arrears plus a months rent in advance . I have returned to work and done as much overtime as possible to try and pay everything. But i can only manage to clear all the arrears and pay the rent up to the 1st of october so i will be 2 weeks rent in arrears of £186 when it goes to court on the 14th.....however i get paid again on the 15th and am able then to pay the remaining arrears plus a months rent in advance..i am terrified that i will lose my house for thevsake of 1 day...i have sent the council an email with the receipt for all the money i have paid but no response.. will i be evicted for this arrears . Thankyou in advance for any advice.
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