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Posts posted by martindn

  1. As regular readers will know, I've always been adamant that I can't take money for campaigning. I don't even have advertising on my blog.

    The moment I accept the offer of some well-meaning charity, union, politician or corporation, I would become fettered by them, compromised. They would have control over what I can say or do



    Found an interesting quote. I don't know what she can expect to accomplish, it is still the same system run by a private company of shareholders who has a financial incentive in these assessments. One person cant stop the machine of capitalism, and what this does is now silence a big part of the opposition. Are we really to believe this company would employ a vehement critic just to improve the system that in doing so would inevitably lead to conflict with the ideals of profit?

  2. There still bullying people into this? It was happening to me over a year ago too or is it worse now? in fact the treatment from them even after holding them to guidance is what pushed me over the edge onto ESA. This whole process change is cruel imo, a lot of people wont know the rules or have the confidence to challenge them. Im pretty convinced now that they know its pretty hard to get someone a job, and are just simplifying and hell encouraging the sanction regime, whats worse is those who are employed to do it know they have to comply or join the flock they wont enjoy it.

  3. Usually 1 month 30 days, following the MR outcome to lodge an appeal , but you cannot lodge an appeal until the MR has been done, It would be very unusual for a Decision maker to block someone lodging an appeal, if they actually can do this, As for them overturning the original result of the WCA they can and have done this, although it would come as no great surprise, if this was a rarity in the grand scheme of things


    Thought they couldn't yeah. Maybe he got what they said confused, he did seem adamant perhaps it was an advisor from ESA itself. The mandatory consideration can be sent off with the letter that came with the WCA result right? And i have told him to tell them why he doesnt agree, with a sick note and a supporting letter from the doctor.


    Anyone know the length of time he can apply again if he is out of time?

  4. You need to phone the DWP and request a decision maker to call you with regards to your claim, these are the people with the knowledge to help


    He was told by an Decision Maker after he got the results - this was the person that advised him to go on JSA - that they would not take his appeal because they cant go against ATOS decision, which is BS. Should he ring the ESA line and ask for a mandatory reconsideration, they have to accept it right to allow him to go to the indenpendant tribunal? Is it the decision makers prerogative to say that?


    Edit. What is the length of time you have to appeal a decision? If they have given him the run around to avoid this date i swear i will be outraged, these guys have to help surely? And if he is over the date, what is a the time limitation from the date of his assessment result to when he can apply for ESA again? A year?

  5. Hi there, you guys gave excellent advice in Febuary about an esa appeal and i still appreciate that to this day so i thought i would ask again. I am sorry for the fairly lengthy post.


    Another friend is going through it, with severe mental problems who really should be getting looked after. Hes had drug problems all his life and is on so many different medicines his head is frazzled, he is completely lost when it comes to benefits. He ended up getting 0 points, the usual medical evidence and history or doctors supporting notes not being taken into account at all.


    This is where the problems start, on around the 12th october he received the results of the WCA assessment. He said he would be appealing this decision right away as he does not agree with it, however the person he made the call to asked him to attend an appointment at the jobcentre where he somehow, ended up being on jsa and appealling ESA at the same time.


    It was around the 16th october he started a JSA claim (which he shouldn't have), and has signed on 3 times now, but he so far hasn't been paid once. Jsa tells him its because he has a sick note open on his claim for ESA and ESA cant pay him because he failed. I didnt even know you could have two different claims open.


    I know about how to start the appeals process from your advice last time, but what can he do, close the JSA claim then ask for the mandatory consideration? I feel he has been misled somewhere.




    This is a brilliant video that everyone should see if they can spare the time, especially the wealthy in the country. Im reminded of Nigel Evans the Tory MP who wanted his legal Fees paid after the legal aid cuts politicians should be ordinary people they never feel the pain of there policies nor have the experience of hardship to shape them. A brilliant quote from the video "How would you feel if we voted on making every MP get there electricity and there gas cut off, there fridges emptied, and said to work for 4 months and get there food from a food bank, how would you feel about that? You should realize how your policies effect people"


    Im recently a victim myself, these last 3 months havent been the best, i guess you could argue other countries have it harder, but we have the resources to make it easy for the majority not the minority.


    *(Please move it if it is)

  7. Live and let live as far as im concerned, people in power do a lot worse for a lot more, look at the torys they are selling off the future off our children to there business chums and/or to benefit stocks they own. You would end up potentially ruining someones life, and for what? How does it benefit you and your family to save the state a bit of money? Im more concerned about Tax dodgers than benefit cheats.

  8. So we received the trubunal form low and behold its messed up , in the pack is several "hearing enquiry forms" all named under different people round the country all except my friend, the original letter acknowledging the appeal is labelled under my friend. What a cluster**** this whole system is. Do we have to restart this whole process? They gave us 12 days to send it off from the 6th march and they cant even ensure we get the right forms, what is worse is that other people will have ours and we theirs.

  9. I had daily signing on when i first came off the work programme 4 or 5 months ago, you claim it back at the end. Weekly is not so bad, in fact its quite lenient in the new regime. The appointment on monday for you will be a very basic 5 minute "Exam" on maths and english just to see if you need extra help. I did not get travel expenses paid back when i had it, though to be fair i did not ask on this particular day.

  10. Sincerely, Margaret. :panda:


    Thankyou very much its all ready to go, i was going to send off her medical note inside the appeal for the assessment rate, but is it definitely required to go to the delivery centre? I just love how none of this is explained by them, they either presume you know it or they do not care enough to explain.

  11. Thank you for the help, i did read it all and she submitted, and just today received the 'Mandatory reconsideration letter' which turned out same as the WCA. What do you do from this point? Is there any specific forms or items she needs to appeal and receive Assessment rate? 'Fit'note i assume? She has had no money for 3 or 4 weeks now, so we have had to support her she has been too ill to go on JSA especially mentally having been on it myself i can understand why.

  12. So a family friend got 0 Points on an Atos medical. Despite having had a heart attack, arthritis in practically every joint, depression and just recently developed sciatica and taking so many tablets she could set up a chemist in her kitchen, they declared her fit for work. I mean they told her over the phone to sign on at the same time as she was crippled and in bed for 4 weeks unable to move. Her only choice is Sign on jsa if she wants to, i dont know, eat at all while waiting for the Appeal. Is there anything she can do? I mean its obvious to everyone if you sign on while waiting for an appeal, naturally you are going to fail said appeal as it means you agree with the decision.


    Is this government really mandated to destroy what little the unemployed and ill have? Whats especially worse is how a 5 minute appointment, asking irrelevant questions, has more bearing over decades of experience with your family GP.

  13. I agreed to lend my brother some money off my card for food and gas, i have social anxiety and depression and so i barely leave the house anymore so obviously he knew my pin so he could get it. Ive trusted him in the past with it before, except this time i didn't get the card back straight away. About a week later on september 15th when i did, i realised £155 was put in and taken out by wageday advance. Now i asked him about it, and we had a big argument he said he didnt tell me because he was going to put the money back anyway. It turns out a friend of his gets these loans all the time and helped him do it, obviously he knew all my details as we are immediate family, but he used his own email address as he didn't know mine. The due date was october 12th for £194 and i have no idea what the interest is but i am guessing its extortionate as these usually are. Obviously i cant prove to the company that it isnt my debt, ive thought through it and thought through it no end but no solution comes up, and i dont want to acknowledge the debt by contacting them. Is there any options here at all?

  14. What good does daily signing do? if you're waiting for an hour, that's an hour gone for which you could be job hunting instead.


    The advisor i was with yesterday said, what the claimant has been doing for the 2 years at the WP is obviously not enough, they want to do an intensive job search with everyone for 14 days see what help they need if any to help propel them that much further. Its worth the hour or so taken out of your jobsearch daily according to them. If you was to ask me its more of the same except every day quick in and out they dont really have the time.


    How can people afford to go and sign on every day?


    You are entitled to every penny it costs to travel to a JCP office on a non regular signing on day. Get a day rider or your equivalent to get full value out of them.

  15. First of all i doubt most JCP could cope with people signing on daily, ours struggles with fortnightly ones :lol:


    And even if they could cope they would need extra staff.


    They dedicate 9am till 10:30am at my local JCP for daily signers, there was plenty when i was there it was so full we was waiting upto an hour after specified time to sign on. Out of a floor of about 30 people, 3 staff was there to service those daily signing on, they do not have enough staff to do it, that does not mean they wont it looks like they are doing it for everyone who come off the WP at my JCP. They call it "intensive help".

  16. Finished my daily signing on, was not all bad the actual signing advisors was really nice respected the decision to decline access to a UJM account. Applied to 56 jobs in the past 2 weeks, 3 replies, all negative. So back to normal signing on been told to expect a course or work experience at my next appointment. I said i would not take part in any work experience/activity unless i had a guaranteed job at the end, and asked for statistics to prove that said work exp would help me (considering i have done 2 x 13 week work placement/experience before on the old new deal which helped about as much as a kick to the nuts) of course she said she personally did not have them but they exist in the system produced by "ministers" or some such tripe. I even had a minor argument over working for nothing, to which the always delightful reply of well you would work for your benefits, despite the fact that it is designed to support while seeking a job, not your wage for a 40 hour working week.


    So is the whole work experience scheme mandatory? If it is do i have a case to argue if there is no conceivable gain to be made to my employment prospects? I mean i have worked for the past 2 years, ive done the 2 placements while on JSA, what gain can i possibly get working in a charity shop? Meh i have a sneaky feeling they are trying to push people to sign-off, all i can do is crack on i guess. Finish any ****ty scheme they give me and one day a reply i get from an application may not be negative.

  17. So i am asking for my mum youll have to forgive me im trying to get every little bit of information about it but she either has trouble remembering minute details or did not ask for information directly from Eon. But she says this was over 20 or so years ago she applied to be on a plan called staywarm at a fixed price for unlimited energy/electric after seeing it advertised in the paper, it was apparently for anyone on benefits at the time. Now maybe 4 or 5 years ago they told her she was too young to be on the plan (60 or older) and so put her on a normal tariff and slapped a huge bill on her at which she pays £30 a fortnight (plus the normal bill.


    Now what i am asking is, my mum recalls telling them her age of course, and i am not familiar with what this tariff was at all was the age limit always 60 year old? and if it was not and it changed to that limit at one point is it down to her to Notify that she is too young? Or EON? I mean she literally went from an unlimited tariff at a fixed rate to a pay meter which has charges on aswell as a £1000+ bill.


    Im going to be ringing them up myself shortly to find out what the hell is going on so i will add more details in later.

  18. The way I see the guidelines, 'normal' signing for everyone is once a fortnight and if they want people to attend at any other times then it's all classed as 'extra attendance' and has to be paid for. A few underlined extracts from the Jobsearch Review guidelines which I assume would apply to PWP clients too;


    I got reimbursed today i had even printed off the information you pasted in case i had trouble, but to be fair i had a really nice advisor and she asked me for my ticket without me even asking, so its all good. Thanks for the help anyway i am sure i will need to ask one of them in future.


    in my case it costs me six quid each time I go to the jobcentre so no way could I be expected to pay that on a daily basis.


    Guess its a benefit of living in a smaller town you have to pay less for the bus, its £2.10 return and £10 for a weekly pass for me, at least you get it all back, that must hurt though if you had to travel to a job/job interview - damn.


    Don't forget to log all the daily signing on sessions - length of time to travel to them etc as it should form part of your job log.


    When i fill my log out its usually just the jobs i have applied for, i never bother adding in where or what i travel for, or the websites i visit, saves a lot of hassle.

  19. Here's a quote from the DWP guidance on paying expenses current as of 19th July;


    'The claimant is entitled to have their full travel expenses reimbursed if:

    Their appointment is held in their normal office of attendance but not on the normal attendance day (the day that they would normally attend a fortnightly Jobsearch Review)

    They are a postal claimant who is attending an advisory interview; or it was not possible to notify them of a cancelled appointment and they subsequently attend the office. However, this will only apply if it is not possible for the claimant to be seen that day.

    Always pay travel expenses to claimants who are entitled to them. Payment does not depend upon the claimant asking.'


    So you shouldn't even need to ask for expenses - but I bet you'll have to as they often 'conveniently' forget to offer them if you don't ask. Another quote from the same document;


    Thanks for the info, i am sure they will try to get out of paying it though, for example i am due to sign on tommorow which is not my regular attendance day (wednesday) but because i am now on a daily signing on program could they perhaps imply it is my usual attendance day until i cease going daily?

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