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  1. Thank you for your time, they were only holding the propert for 2 days, it was a new listing. How much do you think I will have to pay.
  2. thanks for you reply. i have not paid any deposit. i have read some articles and they stated that i would be liable to pay forthe term of 6 months
  3. Hi I applied to rent a property but failed on income threshold, my brother offered to stand guaranty ur, but he failed due to low income. they said I could pay the 6 months rent up from plus 2 months deposit. I agreed and signed the contract today, they money was going to be sent to me my my ex husband , but has now backed out. I have not paid anything to the agency. How do I stand with the contract. Will my brother be in trouble and will I be taken to court , I do not have this money. Please help. I am supposed to move in on monday
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