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Posts posted by nikkicw

  1. I had an aqua credit card, which I did stop paying last year.

    Before I was able to come to an agreement, they sold the debt.


    I have sort of ignored them, but I did speak to them on the phone several weeks ago, well Restons their solicitors, and


    I did say I wasn't prepared to discuss anything over the phone at that time,

    but they did agree to send me a letter with a repayment proposal/my expenses. This did not happen.


    I have been looking after my sister who recently had an op and came home to a letter from The letter from Northampton Courts, which I opened today.


    I have until tomorrow to respond.

    states that the claimant(Arrow Global) claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant under a contract between the defendant and New Day Ltd dated on or about Jul 17 2013 and assigned to the claimant on Feb 22 2016.


    Do I admit to the debt or fight it.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Printed and ready to go. Is it worth requesting statements and the address to which the card was issued? I have never received anything from Capital One. The first I knew about a potential debt was from Cabot Finance. As I said I did have card a number of years ago, but was unaware of any outstanding balance

  3. Have recently received letters fro Cabot finance regarding a debt that they bought from capital One.


    Have also received a letter from their solicitor threatening to take me to court if I don't get in touch to negotiate.



    I did send an email a while ago asking for proof that this debt was actually mine, but received no response.


    I did have a card with Capital One some years ago,



    but have no paperwork with which I can even match up any account numbers.


    Advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.


    Apparently I owe £540.


    Thanks in advance


  4. Have also received letters from Cabot Financial and their solicitors Mortimer finance threatening court action regarding a credit card debt with Capital One. I did have card with them some years ago, but was unaware of any outstanding debt and have no records which I am able to verify even the account number. I have had no letters from Capital One directly saying that they have sold the debt, just these ones from Cabot and then one from their solicitors.What route should I take regarding a letter. Should I request proof of the debt eg. statements, last time card was used, and address the card was issued to.

    the debt is for £540

    Thanks in advance

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