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  1. Nram have given a partial response to the more minor issues presented in the complaint but requested more time to give a full and final response to the CCA / redress / illegal charging order complaints. However, upon chasing last week, I was advised they would have a F&F response by mid February. I held off going to FOS when their 8 weeks was up as I was promised over and over that it would be a few more weeks - it's now been 6 months! How is everyone else getting on?
  2. I've tried to PM the few people who've messaged me on here but it's not allowing me to. I'm awaiting a full and final response from NRAM, which is allegedly sitting with their solicitors just now and will be with me in a few days. Will keep you up to date. If anyone wants more info, pm me your email address and I'll get in touch that way.
  3. Yeah I thought that our case may be kinda pivotal to the group action. I'll be interested to see what they come back with. If we are being provided CCA regulation status then everyone else needs to be afforded that protection and we must all be given redress for the regulatory and statement failings that the under £25k customers are. If not, then they must be held to task for taking us to court under CCA and for having so many people signing misrepresented contracts. I can't remember dates etc of the court action etc but I've been in contact again to ask they provide all the correspondence and court papers so as soon as I receive this I'll contact the action group and the member you mention. Feel free to PM me for any details I can help with in the meantime. I am considering looking for a lawyer as I feel a bit over my head, despite my industry contacts.
  4. (this was in response to the question regarding having court papers served etc. I haven' t worked out how to quote yet...) I actually don't undertand myself how it got to the point of court without us knowing. But the judge did revoke everything to the pre-charging order status and made them pay us costs for our time having to deal with this error. I was a bit green and niave re finances when this all happened and with hindsight there were clearly a comedy of errors at best at NR which led to it progressing as far as it did. I now work in financial services and only now can appreciate just how serious the issues are and have finally got a fire under me to take NR to task. I got a response back from the CE office within 30 mins of sending the email complaint. I spoke to a compliance contact who said something in the complaint has rattled them.
  5. I'm in this position. Together Mortgage, £30k unsecured, pre-contract and offer state covered by CCA 1974, northern rock obtained a Charging order on us by taking court action under CCA, neglected to tell us about the court action until it had been carried out. The judge ruled in NR's favour in our absence. Took months to get it sorted. What was our arrears to be taken to court? 3 weeks, the rest was admin errors at NR. When we finally got back into court to rectify it the judge admonished NR and made them pay costs for their mess. In light of this new info tho, it throws up serious concerns. Either my loans is regulated under CCA in which case I'm due redress for their failings under the CCA or my loan isn't covered by the CCA and the court action was illegal and my contract is unenforcable. I've gone down the route of misrepresentation of contract, unfair relationships and TCF outcome breaches but I'm sure thee are more legal breaches therein. The thing is, if they come back and say ok, they agree my account is CCA regulated due to them not wanting to concede to the court balls up, it sets a precedent that they'd need to offer all other customers the same courtesy. If it's not covered and they took me to court under their protections of an act they're now saying I'm not protected by, how can they possibly enforce the agreement? I've submitted a huge complaint letter, will now just need to sit back and wait. Would love any assistance or advice with this possible.
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