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Posts posted by joshmark

  1. Hi All


    We live just off junction 4 of the M5, and they have had some average speed camera's installed for a month or os.


    My dad is a salesman and has 10 points on his license already. He actually went over 12 points, served a 3 month ban and now is on 10.


    But he just got a letter through with another 3 points - this time for doing 46mph in a 40mph average speed check.


    I didnt think they could prosecute until 47mph?


    Is there anything we should know that could help us?

  2. Hi


    Im £17k in debt - mostly to banks - some payday loans - some others.


    I wanted to set up a payment plan through stepchange. ( Because if i go bankrupt I will not be eiligbile for any promotions in my industry )


    My 2 main concerns with this are as follows:


    1 - The people I owe money too will continue to charge interested etc. if this is the case it will probably end up being more than I am paying back.


    2 - I was hoping to earn more soon, and perhaps make a settlement offer of a lower lump sum to the people I owe money too - will this still be an option with a stepchange payment plan in place?


    Wish I just had a job where I could go bankrupt TBH


    all advice appreciated

  3. Hi CitizenB


    thanks for your help


    I will continue with the DMP but Nationwide have given me until tommorrow till respond - Stepchange wont contact them till next week.


    Do i need to call nationwide today or just let them do their thing and wait for stepchange to contact them


    from the sounds of it a default notice wont make much difference to me

  4. Sorry for a new thread but i need answers to this one


    I am currently setting up a DMP with STEPCHANGE - hopefully this will be completed tommorrow.


    However I was just going through my mass of letters and noticed I had missed a default notice from Nationwide for my loan ( Owing £3800 )


    I dont know what it is and it says action must be taken by the latest tommorrow


    Shall i ignore and carry on with my DMP arrangement or do i need to contact them


    I dont really understand what a default notice is



  5. Hi


    I have debts currently as follows:


    £5k - Santander bank loan -


    Reasons it may not be valid:


    I already had outstanding £8k loans

    They were in charge of current account which showed my payments to wonga, peachy, etc. etc.

    They were in charge of current account which showed payments to gambling companies

    Current account also showed consistant missed bills and charges

    When approved my credit rating was very bad I have no idea how it got approved - I couldnt even get a payday loan.


    £5k nationwide loan


    Similar reasons to Santander, along with the fact I applied online and was told I was being sent documents in the post to sign and return, and to attatch proof of my earnings to ( i lied and said i earnt more than i did )

    However this never happened and the money just appeared in my account the next day


    £800 peachy loan and other payday loans


    I dont know why this would be invalid really


    My other debts are CURRENT ACCOUNT overdrafts + charges with both Nationwide + Santander


    And phone contracts i stopped paying etc. etc.


    DO you think any of these are invalid or shall I attempt to contact stephchange about them all?



  6. Thanks so much Rennuz




    1 - I dont understand how you would pay Barclays - £1 per month? Do they collect this from your bank - would you not be worried they would take more? Or do you pay direct and have to check that they actually knocked it off your debt?


    2 - So I would write to Santander and for example offer £5 / month - I offer this as a split of £1/ month to my overdrawn account and £4/ month towards my loan arrears? Or just offer £5 / month in general?


    thank you

  7. Hi


    If i was in debt £20k and i set up a repayment plan through a debt charity I have some questions.


    1 - At the moment my wages are being paid to my Dad - all of my bank accounts are overdrawn. How would I make any repayments without a bank account?


    2 - Do I need to prove my current wage with a pay slip?


    3 - Do I need to prove my outgoings i.e rent etc which I pay back to my Mom in cash?



  8. Hi Guys


    Im an EX gambling addict ( 3 months clean, I swear! )


    I have £20,000 in debts -


    I earn £800 a month

    My outgoings are £750 a month


    I am currently getting something like my wage in charges and admin fees from these people chasing my debts.


    £5k - Santander

    £1k - Santander overdraft + charges every week

    £5k - Nationwide

    £1k - Nationwide overdraft + charges every week

    £2k - Gambling company ( sportingindex )

    £1k - Old car insurance I stopped paying

    £800 - Phone contact I stopped paying

    £2000 - Payday Loans


    Luckily I have a bank account with SECURETRUST - if I didnt have this ( they dont let anyone take money from your account ) I would have no idea how to ask my employer to even pay my wages!?


    I have no physical way of paying any more than £50 / month.


    I guess in interest and charges its currently going up £500 / month ( irresponsible of me, but I was so depressed the thought of dealing with this was too huge )


    I work in a job where if I got promoted I would need to have bankruptcy checks and would not be promoted if I had gone bankrupt.


    It however seems my only option.


    What can I do in my position!? - And how do I pay a bankruptcy fee when I am bankrupt!?


    Please tell me what I could do...


    I feel like I will be in this position or worse in 20 years time...


    I am working hard now but see no way out from all extra charges and bills etc...

  9. Santander UK Ltd

    2 Triton Square,

    Regent's Place,


    NW1 3AN,

    United Kingdom



    I am writing to you with regards to 2 accounts I have with you.


    ( my account info here )


    I am writing to ask you to clear all of my debts in entirity.


    A bit of background information:


    1) When you gave me my loan I was a vulnerable gambling addict.

    2) When I was 18 year old I had £40,000 – I now have nothing and am total £16k in debt.

    3) I have been free of gambling for 3 months now.

    4) I am currently employed earning £839 per month. My outgoings are £812 per month. This does not include any of my debt repayments, as I can afford none.




    £839 / month wage

    £300 / month rent

    £100 / travel bus pass and train

    £60 / month pole tax

    £150 / month food

    £100 / month clothes

    £30 / month mobile phone pay as you go

    £50 / month social spending

    = £49 / month spare ( usually this goes on other bits and bobs )


    I believe that when you gave me the loan you were not following correct responsible lending procedure's – for the following reasons:


    1) I already had many outstanding loans including one for £5000 with nationwide.

    2) You were in charge of my current account, which showed many payments to gambling and payday loan companies.

    3) My current account was consistantly going overdrawn.

    4) On the day you approved my £5000 loan, I was rejected for a £100 payday loan.

    5) I was outstanding £3000 to gambling companies.

    6) I was consistantly having direct debits bounce from loans I could not afford to repay, phone contracts I did not keep up payments with etc.

    7) To be frank I was deeply shocked when you accepted the loan, but I was a vulnerable gambling addict and that the loan was a solution when it was putting me further in debt.


    Even if I believed you had followed all the correct procedures I would still be asking you to clear my loan for the following reasons.


    1) I have literally no way to pay this back. I have £20 spare at the end of every month. My bank account is drastically overdrawn.

    2) I have no assets

    3) I can not see, even if you froze my interest for 5 years, that I would be able to pay any of this loan back.

    4) I am currently seeing a councillor with depression and suicidal thoughts.

    5) I have absoloutley no idea how my situation is going to end. I have no idea how to pay anything. I am glad if I can afford anything to eat apart from cereal.


    Other information


    1) I am currently being contacted by Steph Atkinson – a producer for the BBC who may want to interview me for a documentary regarding young people's debt.

    2) I am writing a letter similar to this to all of my debtors.

    3) I am writing a letter to 2 gambling companies, one of which let me run up debts of £3000+ which took me 6 months to pay back ( I was earning a lot more back then and did not have depression ) but when I actually paid them back they immediatley offered me a £1000 credit limit. They are meant to ban problem gambler's – they actually encouraged me to ruin my life.

    4) I used to be around 16stone, I am now around 11 stone, cant afford enough food to eat and am extremely depressed.


    As per the above points, I can see no way that correct procedures were followed nor can I see any way that it would be possible for me to pay back these debts.


    I welcome you to put in a request to make me bankrupt if you will not cancel this debt. I have no way to pay it back. I cry every day because of this mess I have got myself in. But I have been encouraged to get further into debt with your loan and gambling companies giving me credit. I can not afford to make myself bankrupt or else I would. Even though I hate the fact this would be on my file for life, what choice do I have?


    I believe for you to clear my debt on both my loan and my current account would be


    1) Responsible

    2) Prevent me further depression and give me hope that my whole life isnt going to be spent crying over letters adding more charges to my account.

    3) The best course of action for you aswell as me, as I have no way in this world of paying the loan back.


    Even paying £1 to send this letter is hurting me.


    I have been advised to send various “standard” letters but I wanted you to know my situation and give you the opportunity to do what is best for us both.


    I never wished my life to end in writing letter's like this.


    Please help me.

  10. Hi CitizenB


    Thank you - I will look into the PPI

    A long time ago, I have been too depressed to deal with

    My only asset is my car worth about £2000 - I can put this into my Dads name if that would help?


    I am going to write an email / letter of hardship to all companies explaining my situation, having no way to pay, seeing a counsillor for suicidal thoughts, and also the unfairness of the loans being given to me, I will then ask them to write off the debt and if they wont I will ask them how they suggest I pay it back with nothing?


    Seems like the best starting point to me.


    Do you think a letter would be better as an email will not be read by people who are high up?


    Kind Regards

  11. Hi Guys


    This has been my situation for months but I am finally out of my depression and can deal with.


    When I was 18 I had £40k inheritanceicon and I became a gambling addict.


    Currently I have nothing and:


    £10k in bank loans

    £3k in payday loansicon

    £1k in outstanding phone contract

    £2k in debt to betting companies

    £500 in debt to car insuranceicon company i stopped paying and they continued to insure

    £2k in overdraft fee's with various banks ( and growing )


    I have done nothing about these but send most of the companies an email telling them I have depression and not 2 pennies to rub together


    I am at work earning minimum wage - getting paid into my Moms account as all of mine are -£


    I would like nothing more than to go bankrupt and forget about it all -




    A) I am a clever guy and work in an industry were being bankrupt would severely impact my career chances into future

    B) I feel a lot of these loans are illegal - I was already hugely in debt when I got given some of the loans, - I could not have matched the affordability criteria - Santandericon loaned me £5k even when I was already massively in debt, and they could see my current account - overdrawn all the time - constantly paying back fee's to gambling companies.

    C) The gambling companies have had over £30k off me over the past years, and I have been in debt with them so often, yet when I come out of the debt they still offer me huge credit limits... this is ILLEGAL!


    So what are my options and what do you think is best?


    Option 1 - Pay back all - this would requite them to freeze interesticon and would take around 3 years by my guess - but I would need to get a bank account sorted to pay them back from? All of mine are massively out of pocket.


    Option 2- Bankrupt - really dont wanna do this as It will be looked into if i get offered a promotion and will most likely stop any promotion from happening


    Option 3 - Try to get the debt wiped!? I honestly believe some of the companies I may have a chance -


    Santander for example gave me my last £5k loan - They held my current account info which showed I was consistantly overdrawn, consistantly taking out and paying back loan companies - and was already in huge debt - I have no idea what criteria I matched that allowed them to give me the loan.


    It seems like my choices are spend 5 years paying back or go bankrupt and lose all career prospects!?


    i would enjoy seeing the gambling companies in court too... as sometimes I was £1000 in debt, paying back for 6 months, and then boom they give me another £1000 credit limit....


    Please help me as I feel I have no option, sometimes the worst seems the best option...

  12. Hi Guys


    This has been my situation for months but I am finally out of my depression and can deal with.


    When I was 18 I had £40k inheritance and I became a gambling addict.


    Currently I have nothing and:


    £10k in bank loans

    £3k in payday loans

    £1k in outstanding phone contract

    £2k in debt to betting companies

    £500 in debt to car insurance company i stopped paying and they continued to insure

    £2k in overdraft fee's with various banks ( and growing )


    I have done nothing about these but send most of the companies an email telling them I have depression and not 2 pennies to rub together


    I am at work earning minimum wage - getting paid into my Moms account as all of mine are -£


    I would like nothing more than to go bankrupt and forget about it all -




    A) I am a clever guy and work in an industry were being bankrupt would severely impact my career chances into future

    B) I feel a lot of these loans are illegal - I was already hugely in debt when I got given some of the loans, - I could not have matched the affordability criteria - Santander loaned me £5k even when I was already massively in debt, and they could see my current account - overdrawn all the time - constantly paying back fee's to gambling companies.

    C) The gambling companies have had over £30k off me over the past years, and I have been in debt with them so often, yet when I come out of the debt they still offer me huge credit limits... this is ILLEGAL!


    So what are my options and what do you think is best?


    Option 1 - Pay back all - this would requite them to freeze interest and would take around 3 years by my guess - but I would need to get a bank account sorted to pay them back from? All of mine are massively out of pocket.


    Option 2- Bankrupt - really dont wanna do this as It will be looked into if i get offered a promotion and will most likely stop any promotion from happening


    Option 3 - Try to get the debt wiped!? I honestly believe some of the companies I may have a chance -


    Santander for example gave me my last £5k loan - They held my current account info which showed I was consistantly overdrawn, consistantly taking out and paying back loan companies - and was already in huge debt - I have no idea what criteria I matched that allowed them to give me the loan.


    It seems like my choices are spend 5 years paying back or go bankrupt and lose all career prospects!?


    i would enjoy seeing the gambling companies in court too... as sometimes I was £1000 in debt, paying back for 6 months, and then boom they give me another £1000 credit limit....


    Please help me as I feel I have no option, sometimes the worst seems the best option...

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