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  1. Hi. Have been following this thread for the past couple of weeks now. Seem to be in the same boat now as some 900,000 others jobseekers who're coming of the work programme. Thought i'd contribute my 2p's worth and class it as part of jobsearching time for this week. Was referred to the Post Work Program Support some 3 weeks ago, thinking that it was going to be a respite from the Work Program, for people who have fallen victim to the Unemployment nightmare in this economy. Went and met my new adviser on the Tuesday, who turned out to be probably the most militant jobsworth I've ever met (most probably 'hitting' his targets for sanctioning people with flying colors). Was told that i would be signing on either daily or weekly and given a different time each time to go in. Turned out that I was very wrong. For the first week I was made to sign on daily, which fortunately got dropped down to every other day the second week, and has now been reduced to once per week. Went to an 'Employability Skills Assessment Interview' today at the local college, which comprised a maths and english assessment on the computer. Basically in the same situation as before except worse, as I now have to jump through hoops of fire in order to not risk losing the money I rely on for living. It seems that the situation has gone from bad to worse as from being referred to the Work Program in 2011, I moved house to a different location and a different Jobcentre and somehow miraculously slipped off Ingeus's radar so they stopped sending me requests to go to appointments, to my pleasure at the time. So went along as always just signing on every fortnight. Was quite content with the £56.50 at the time but have been trying like a man possesses to get a job anywhere over the past 18 months, but in the small town where I'm from there are no jobs whatsoever for the unemployed and the ones that there being created are being taken straight away by the people who have lost their jobs and have experience. To put it plainly there more jobs being lost than there are being made. Having had pretty much given up looking for a job in June following the hell that I've experienced with employers I thought that this new PWPS would be a safety net for survivors of the Work Programme. However what I have in fact found is that it is more like a conveyor belt leading to a sorting box/ meat grinder. All I can say is be vigilant as this is no resting ground for victims of the Unemployment epidemic and public spending butchering. Ended up referred myself back to the work program to genuinely enroll some help in finding anything. Got referred to an advisor, who was nice, but the experiences I have had with employers have been nothing short of traumatic. Having had gained temporary employment in a retail position at Christmas, I suffered a debilitating motor accident, which meant I couldn't return to work for the last month of my contract. They were getting rid of everyone who was temp regardless, I learned however nobody wants to employ someone with a problem as they are all battling to keep their own heads above water. Don't know how this is all going to play out as the the Government are very much making this whole thing up as they go along as I suppose we all are. Was told at the 'Employability Skills Assessment' today that I was originally referred by my adviser to a 12 week basic Maths and English course, despite having a degree. The lady I spoke to there informed me however that the other which were available to people who were referred were either a course in a) heath and social care, b) production and warehouse, c) business and administration skills or d) retail skills. The courses at the local collage last for 8 weeks and are 2 days per week, 9.30 til 6.30, which doesn't sound that bad. However if they expecting me to do 35 hours a week jobsearching activity on top of that (which I wouldn't put past them), I don't think I'll be able to cope. I think the basic picture is that it's the end of the line for people who rely on jobseekers allowance and they're now pigeonholing everyone into a thing or cutting them off. The last year has felt as if I've been on a treadmill where David Cameron is on the controls, increasing the speed by a notch every fortnight. I think that the general idea is to make everybody run at 60 miles per hour or fly off the machine and lose their food. Can only advise anyone coming on to this new regime to just do as what they say and play the game. Have worked around the Universal Job Match issue by telling my helper (not the advisor), each time she prompts me to Allow Access, quite honestly that I already see and apply for the jobs that come up on there as I check it every couple of days, searching for jobs posted in the last 3 days, within the distance of 10 miles, which is the distance it says I must search for in my agreement. Haven't been mandated/ forced to tick the box as of yet but then haven't seen the Adviser cough fascist since being referred, but will be seeing him on Monday, which I am not looking forward to. I suppose the best thing to do is just stay on top of your job search, do as they say and fill in your jobsearch activity form. For me I have to write to 5 employers per week, phone 2 employers, visit 5 employers and check Universal Job Match daily, and also attend this course. Am worried about the course and whats going to happen during/ afterwards. The fact is that I need my jobseekers allowance in order to stay under the sky. Hope that this may be of help to someone. All I can say is expect that things are almost certainly going to get worse. Just got to cross each bridge as it comes
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