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  1. Update: Inspector came and repaired the split which seems to be ok so far. I'm happy with this as we like the existing mattress. He did say in his report there was no signs of misuse so if it splits again we will see what our options are.
  2. I thought I'd share my experience so far with Bensons for Beds. Back in 2009 I bought a Reylon 1440 Memory foam mattress and to be honest I've been very happy with it until recently when the side where my partner sleeps collapsed at the edge. We turned it, as we do every 3-4 weeks, but it remained the same. I took the cover off to have it cleaned last week and found a large split in the foam all the way down that side so I emailed photos to the Customer Service center. I called them a few days later and was told to go to the local store and take a look at the replacement option, the Airflow 7000 Plus. My partner and I did that yesterday but felt this mattress was far too soft. When I called them this morning to ask what other replacement options there were I was told they would send out an inspector, due to the age of the mattress and asked questions about our weight, how often the mattress is turned and what the bed base is. My partner and I are both slim and weight around 21 stone combined and we turn the mattress frequently. I'm now waiting for the inspector to come but due to posts on here and the Guardian articles I'm feeling very despondent. I'm also concerned the replacement offered have so far been the Airflow model that seems to have shocking problems and endless complaints. I'm not sure if I can request another type of mattress as a replacement or a refund, as it's 4 years old, if / when we get to that point?
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