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Everything posted by SJC1975

  1. Hi, We are also stuck with an NRAM Together Mortgage, we took our mortgage out in 2006 when we sold our 1 bedroom home to move to a 3 bedroom home, thinking we was building ourselves a good future, unfortunately we now regret committing to this mortgage as we are now struggling to move home. After several calls to NRAM we enquired about options to help us move or reduce what we owe, in March this year our balance on our mortgage est 110k and unsecured loan at 28k and our house value is 125-129k and the house we want to downsize to in order to free some debt is 100k, but we still have got to find obviously all the solicitors fees and find est of 2.5k shortfall to give to NRAM to move and at the end of it we would still have a mortgage and unsecured loan. Our circumstances have changed some what as since moving we have used the luxury of credit cards!! big mistake, we have littleone and we both work full time and have nursery costs of between 850 - 1k a month I recently went to our local CAB for advice they were not very helpful because we had not defaulted or was not in arrears on anything they couldn't see what the problem was?! Sadly we are financially struggling along with many others, but we are trying to seek support and help and nobody seems to be able to help, we went to a financial advisor about remortgaging and they said we owed to much to remortgage and NRAM just said go to the CAB.. We accept we have created our own credit card debts and we are working to repay these, our mortgage is full repayment but everyone where we go to for advice seems oblivious to who NRAM are and why we have the mortgage we have? There must be other home owners who have the Together mortgage we cant be the only ones..! Would very much like to hear from any homeowners who do have the same mortgage and any who have remortgaged or moved sucessfully? Many thanks
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