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  1. Also didn't spot the "new" part. So probably not helpful in the slightest.
  2. Hmm, not sure if this is at all helpful but I didn't receive my V5 for my car either. It must of been quite a bit longer than 6 weeks - it being my first car I wasn't sure how long it would take, but it didn't really matter, was just enjoying being on the road . I did eventually ring them and ask where it was, they told me I'd have to pay for a replacement too. But the interesting thing is, the address they had (the updated address) was incorrect. It was the correct street, but they couldn't tell me the house number (probably data protection) they had - I wondered who on the street could have my V5. My options where to either pay the money and fill in a V62 (iirc), knock on doors and see who had it, OR "sell" it to my sister/family member/trusted person. They could receive a new V5 free of charge using the same form (again iirc) and I would send a letter to the DVLA saying that I was no longer the owner. Then again could swap back once the new V5 was received. A bit long winded! Also thinking about it now, this could invalidate the insurance as it stated on the policy that the main driver (me) was the registered keeper. This would put an extra 2 previous owners on the log but wasn't fussed after already reaching 11. BUT when the tax came close to renewal I somehow managed to receive the V11 reminder The address had the house number 78.. my street only goes up to 30 and I lived at 28. Clearly somebody, or something (automated scanner) had got my number wrong. A "7" for a "2", quite possible I thought but although my handwriting may be complete spider writing it definitely said 28. On the phone to the DVLA again and explained, took some slight convincing but "we'll update that and send you a new one out". So this might be worth checking, as it might be more common than I first thought, my girlfriend is now called Bath instead of Beth on her V5 after an address change. Sorry for length! Paul
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