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Posts posted by didnotknow

  1. Just to fill you in on whats going on


    its getting very interesting now


    i have put in an official complaint about westcott as they are clearly in violation of the OFT guidelines




    will be following shortly.


    lloyds tsb


    i am just waiting for a reply


    lloyds have clearly got not a clue what they are doing as they have my partner down as divorced,

    incorrect adresses and telephone numbers


    i am waiting for a final response letter


    they have clearly defaulted on at least 6 of the OFT guidelines and also the consumer credit act of 1974

    and i am also waiting for a final response off lloyds as then it can be taken to the ombudsman.


    I have just received over 15 years worth of so called documents in an A4 envelope which holds practically zero information.


    One number is actually my mums who is going senile and she has been going on about people contacting her discussing the debt and she thinks its her they are talking about.


    Can someone help me i would like to know what regulations state that they cannot discuss or hold incorrect information.

    And not keeping records up to date


    Any help would be welcome

  2. Sorry about this but this is what was at the end of my request to moorcroft.

    So why did they make it out to lloyds.


    I enclose a postal order No 000010 08 8002 89xxxxx the statutory maximum fee of £10. You have 40 days in which to comply. Furthermore, if I discover that you have levied disproportionate penalties against me or collected monies to which you were not entitled, then I shall be reclaiming them and also the enclosed £10 Data Protection Act subject access request fee.

  3. I sent moorcroft an sar as i requested the recording of the phone calls which they hold and the silly idiots made the postal order out to lloyds tsb and sent it back to me so the postal order is useless to myself how do i get the £10 back now please.

    The reason why i did this was because the ico said if they have recordings of phone calls on their system i am entitled to them.

  4. This is an image of the first letter they sent me and they have never sent me anything since even though i sent a letter with 3 issues on the only thing i have heard is from different departments 1 from durham which was for CCA1974 Request and also a reply from the dsar team.

    they will have no alternative but to answer the questions as i have requested.

    I am asking for my questions to be followed by a simple answer so it would be eligible for myself. If you are not willing or able to abide by this request please let me know in writing,within 14 days If I do not hear from you i take it you are accepting this request.

    The chances of a reply within 14 days is very unlikely so the request above would have to stand unless they want to be in default of that as well.


  5. just posting up a letter ive sent to lloyds tsb not holding my breath for a response have had nothing so far from customer care it seems a 1 way discussion with them but im sure they will when it goes to the ICO and the Ombudsman has anyone got any idea why they don't answer to my mail even though it is all sent recorded or have they all gone on holiday


    This is an official complaint


    I am now requesting a Senior manager to deal with my complaint as i believe that you are not capable of dealing with my complaint fairly and truthfully please let me know if you are refusing this request if the bank has no one or does not want to deal with this complaint i am more than happy to go to the ombudsman and the ICO.


    The FSA Conduct of Business Source book rules make it illegal for your bank or your credit card issuer or your lender to treat you unfairly.

    It should be noted that banks cannot act illegally either by treating you unfairly directly - or through their agents.


    I am asking for my questions to be followed by a simple answer so it would be eligable for myself. If you are not willing or able to abide by this request please let me know in writing,within 14 days If I do not hear from you i take it you are accepting this request.


    Why does the bank keep thinking we are idiots?


    Why does the bank keep misdirecting me?


    You are supposed to be treating me with respect and courtesy which you are not.


    Durham, This is where you sent my request to under CCA1974 Request with a 12+ 2 deadline, (which has now expired) which is a legal request.

    The reply from the manager No mention to you regarding a loan account amount to pay.


    I also contacted the department on the letter and they have no record of receiving the letter or the reply they sent.

    Please see the reply letter you should already have.


    I am also requesting another copy of the original reply and also a copy of the original request i made under CCA1974 within 14 days.

    If you have not got the original reply and also a copy of the original request i made please explain why.


    Due to the CCA1974 Request with a 12+ 2 deadline having past the reply will stand as the official reply to my request.(In my opinion is a clear defaut of the request)

    Lending Code March 2011 Section 178 onwards.


    when a debt is reasonably queried or disputed, failing to investigate and/or provide details (possibly including, for example, details of account history, payment schedules and relevant correspondence) to the debtor, as appropriate, in a timely manner or at all.


    Due to the banks actions i am now having to make a complaint about the way i am getting treated now from the customer care department,Is this why we are getting refused access to a manager ?

    This is a prime example how we were treated when our daughter was dying of cancer even though the bank was informed of our mental health problems as we were unfit to deal with our financial affairs.

    And my original complaint (dispute) has not even started yet.


    All replies in writing.


    I would like a reply within 14 days.


    Please read all my letters correctly and carefully without skipping through them.

  6. Sorry i have deleted the image of the letter due to lloyds tsb finding it as if they have no records of the letter they wont know what the reply was so the idiots are going to hang themselves because its obvious they don't know the regulations.

    I think it would be best not to inform them of their blunder so when it goes to the authorities they wont have a clue and will look like complete idiots.

  7. Only the service delivery manager sent the reply and there is no records of them receiving or replying other than the manager who replied as there are no records on their system which does not surprise me the manager does not work saturdays.


    One good thing they stamped the request with their stamp and returned it with the letter


    As usual they tried to hide any evidence of anything at all will be interesting when i receive or if the Subject Access Request turns up.

  8. Please see a letter which i wil be sending Monday if its alright.

    Rang them for a reference number to send complaint to no reference number as it was never logged.



    your reference number xxxxxxxxxx

    This is a prime example how i was treated when my daughter was dying of cancer even though the bank was informed of our mental health problems as we were unfit to deal with our financial affairs.

    Why does the bank keep misdirecting me?

    Also refusing to answer any of my questions?

    You are supposed to be treating me with respect and courtesy which you are not.

    P.O box 43 Peterlee County Durham SR8 2YQ

    This is where you sent my request to for a CCA1974 Request with a 12+ 2 deadline, (which has now expired)

    the authorities being informed.

  9. Thank you for your reply will send stiff letter on Monday


    Defiantly not been sold on i think they deleted all the records in 1998 due to them acting illegally due to mental health problems as we were unfit to deal with our financial affairs but unfortunately for the bank i still have evidence.


    Lloyds TSB have refused to answer any of my questions so far.


    I know Lloyds TSB are reading these posts just to let them know this complaints going to go all the way and refusing to answer my questions is just showing you up for what you are

  10. Hi, I have just received this letter from Moorcroft, I rang the ombudsman up and they started that they had told moorcroft not to contact me while it was still under dispute, But as you can see they have ignored this request. What do you recommend me to do ? as they have always done this every time i have put in a request for the information, the next one they send is usually a letter threatening legal action plus phone calls which i usually start paying again under distress, This time i have no intentions of paying.


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