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Everything posted by Pandar

  1. This is a long story but... to start in 2007 I had a mobile contract which I phoned, made my last payment and cancelled over the phone (or so I thought) turns out it wasn't cancelled until 2 months later when I questioned why have I received 2 bills since cancelling (the first possibly crossed/assumed as coming late) spoke to a manager she properly cancelled it of that date and I argued I was not willing to pay as i'd asked how to cancel when making my final payment and I'd been told by their employees it could be cancelled by phone and that they would do it (and obviously the employee I originally spoke to hadn't) she apologised and I have disputed it from day one but basically it was passed on to debt collectors. I have sent out ALL of my paperwork and there is now nearly a cm thick of it to EACH of the following companies inclusive of orange that have contacted me over the years: debt managers ltd (2012) Fenton cooper (2011) Rockwell debt collection agency Pace forward Bryan carter solicitors Fredrickson international limited (2010) (Had a bit of a break here) Wescot (2008) Scot call NCO (2007) Northern debt recovery Midas legal services Orange (2007) And every time I've sent it all out they've gone quiet then it's been passed on to another company! I'm sick of sending it out, I'm sick of hearing about this debt. I'm not one to avoid paying if I owe something, I pay it, but I refuse to pay for a mistake made by an orange employee nearly 6 years ago misinforming me in the first place.. I'm not willing to pay for something I don't owe. I have also read about acknowledgement of debt, if I've sent them this paperwork or spoken to them on the phone does that class as acknowledgement of debt? I'm fed up of sending paperwork, I'm fed up of arguing, but I will not pay. What can I do?
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