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  1. I worked for British Gas until last may so hopefully I can give you advice. Firstly, before I left the policy had changed for people with disabilities. If your partner is disabled and a prepayment meter is difficult for him to operate there is no need for a credit check and British Gas will arrange to change your meter without charge (even if you have a debt). Secondly, British Gas credit vet pass scores are incredibly high and difficult to attain. In may when I left the pass score had gone from 650 to 900 (the max score attainable is 1400). The vast majority of people who we credit vetted failed. Also, if you had a debt with british gas in the past it must have been paid off for the previous 12 months before british gas will exchange your meter, even if you have passed the credit check. As far as consumption is concerned, the price of gas has gone up by over 100% in the last 6 years. Expect to pay about £4 per day to heat an average house for a few hours per day. If you are in receipt of benefits british gas will rebate you £130 to your electricity account (or meter if on prepayment). This is called the warm home discount and you can apply for this from may 2013 (you get payment in march 2014). I hope this helps.
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