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  1. I have it in writing, via letter, and also an e-mail stating exactly the same thing. He has obviously woken up on the right side of the bed and seems to be very happy with me again!!!
  2. If I'm completely honest, I didn't leave because the location for of the property is completely ideal for all of my needs and, although that sounds stupid, everything is right on my doorstep where I need it to be. Furthermore, I have moved homes 10 times in as many years and this is the first place where I have felt settled. I am on a rolling contract with my landlord so I can get up and go whenever I feel the need to do so. The landlord guaranteed me that the works would be done. Sadly, it seems, I was never a priority. Paying for the decorating works and the plastering isn't really that much of an issue for me at all. I got a very good deal on the works being done and a lot of friends have pitched in to assist me with the works. The landlord said that the damp problem was my fault but he would get it sorted. He realised the extent of the problem when he attended the property in October 2012. He told me in 4 weeks time, he would have someone in to get it sorted. In February of 2013, I took it into my own hands and got it dealt with. The property is very old and needs a lot of maintenance work doing to it. The landlord can see that I am prepared to put my own money in to assisting with the cost, to an extent. I am not paying for a new heating system, which the property needs or a new bathroom. The sink has been dodgy since I moved in and he told me it would get fixed. Nearly 4 years later, he still hasn't done anything about it. Up until very recently, when things like the boiler have gone BANG, the landlord has been very quick to get it dealt with. It wasn't until recent months that he seems to have changed his approach towards me. I don't know what the reason is but there you go. However, I have a plumber coming tomorrow to repair the boiler and the landlord has agreed that the whole bathroom needs to be replaced. I have told him that I am happy to pay for a bathroom suite but he will have to pay for the labour as it's going to be way out of my price range to get that done. He seems happy with this arrangement and has agreed that the rent shortfall will be halved until the cost of all the works I have paid for are refunded to me that way. And the only reason I am knowledgeable regarding construction is because I was employed in that industry for 5 years dealing with all sorts of madness from behind a desk!! If it hadn't been for that, I think I would have just put up and shut up with regards to all of the issues.
  3. I've tried talking to the local council and they've assured me they've spoken to the land lord who is getting the problem rectified. The thing is, it's not just 1 problem. I have literally had to beg friends and family for financial assistance to sort out the problems he should have dealt with. I am up to my eyeballs in debt, thankfully, with friends and family who aren't hammering down my door to get the money back. It honestly feels like there is no hope at all. It seems that it is quite literally me against the world and I'm losing the battle terribly.
  4. Hi there, Not entirely sure where this should be, but I'm guessing someone will help me to move it to a more appropriate location! I'm having massive problems with my landlord and I really don't know what to do about any of it. I live in a privately owned flat, although the council help me to pay some of the rent. I have been here for nearly 4 years and the list of problems seems to be on going!! When I moved in, it was during the summer months. As the winter approached, I noticed a damp smell and then, almost overnight, my lounge and both bedrooms had black mould around the windows and down the walls. I spoke to the landlord about this and he appeared with an idiot in tow, telling me the damp was my own fault as I didn't run my heating enough. The problem never got sorted, until I recently paid someone to come and seal the walls, treat them for mould growth, re-plaster them and have them painted, with an additional fungicide mixed in to the paint to prevent the problem coming back. My bathroom sink hasn't worked properly since I moved in. It won't drain at all so it has a washing up bowl residing in it to catch the water which is then disposed of. The landlord is aware of this problem and has been telling me it'll be fixed. Nearly 4 years later, I still have no functioning sink. The shower broke almost a week after I moved in. He told me he wasn't prepared to fix it as the previous tenant had had it installed. I explained to him that because he left it in the property, it was his duty to maintain and repair it, should it be necessary. 4 years later... Still no functioning shower. My toilet broke last October and I had to pay for a new one and someone to come and fit it. Now, the boiler has gone bang and I have had no heating or hot water for 3 weeks. My landlord is saying that he will get someone round tomorrow to get the job done. The guy has been coming tomorrow for 2 weeks now. It's getting to a point where I want to throttle someone because I am so stressed out. I have a 5 year old daughter who can't stay with me because there is no heating and no hot water. It's all just getting to be too much for me. My landlord has been explaining to me that he has just spent a lot of money doing up one of his other properties and doesn't have the money to fund the repairs that are needed here. The property he has just finished working on is empty. It makes no sense that he has pumped all of his resources into doing up a vacant property where there is work here that has needed to be done for 4 years. I don't know where I stand or what to do. It's driving me insane. What do I do?
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