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Everything posted by Bluebelle77

  1. Not a single phone call since lunch time yesterday........ The calm before the storm perhaps......
  2. Will get it done and down to the post office. Thanks again for you're help.
  3. Thanks. Will get onto that now. Is email or written letter the best way to send it?
  4. Another 3 missed calls so far this morning. Urgh, do these people never give up? Again it is just PDE. Wonga and PDUK have both been helpful enough. I have an email from PDE confirming what was said in one call yesterday but they are still insisting on calling, time to start the complaints I think! Any advice on who is best to start with would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I have just sent them yet another email, this one about harassment. If the phone starts again tomorrow I will complain to everyone I can think of, phone finally went on silent today as I'd had enough. Thanks for the advice renegadeimp, it's good to know that there are people out there who know how to deal with these vultures.
  6. Step change, figured after a look around on here for a few weeks they were the best option (hopefully?) PDE are unbelievable, 15 phone calls today, 3 of them answered and no one knowing what the other had done. I did finally get an email off them though confirming the suspended interest and deferring the loan until 5/03, hopefully by then they will have received the dmp details. No doubt they will still feel the need to call ridiculous amounts a day but at least I can tell them it's getting dealt with Wonga and PDUK are still being really reasonable, no calls just a few emails. Wish I had never gotten myself into this mess but we live and learn I guess. Will keep you all updated with the ups and downs.
  7. Yes like so many I am opening my eyes to 'the payday loan trap' Thanks to the great advice on here I have started taking control of the situation, I have payday loans with Payday express £322 Payday uk £519 Wonga £869 ( in the process of trying to get this reduced) As with most I was rolling over one loan to pay off another just to re loan to pay the rollover charges on another.... ( I wish I had used my brain for something more productive) As of Friday I defaulted on all 3 and then the calls and emails and texts started. I was expecting as much but do PDE have to be so persistent? Anyway, bank cards have been reported stolen, letter sent off to bank for all cpa's to be stopped, emails sent to pdl companies telling them I can't pay and a dmp set up...... Wonga and PDUK have been ok up to now, suspending interest until they hear from dmp. PDE (I eventually answered the phone as none of my emails were responded to) were a bit rude but nothing like I expected, and have suspended interest for 14 days until they hear from dmp. The bloke on the phone said they could still refuse my dmp and interest would start again until I pay them so will see how that one goes. What I can say is its such a relief to get it all out there in the open, the man from the dmp company was lovely and not at all judgmental. Maybe...... Just maybe I will get a decent nights sleep tonight. I know it's only the start but I already feel so much better. For anyone worried about taking the first step I would say don't be! I was terrified to admit to anyone how stupid I have been, but thanks to this group and a bit of a 'you got yourself into this mess, now get yourself out of it' chat with myself I'm taking the first steps to get myself out of the payday loan nightmare.
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