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Posts posted by StupidThings

  1. Hiya all, again, I am so sorry it's taken this long to reply to this thread, I am just trying to sort a lot of things out and have so much on my mind.


    Thank you all for this fantastic advice, it is helping me a great deal, I really do want to get this sorted more than anything.


    The creditors I owe to (theres quite a few)

    PAYDAY UK £129,

    TXT Loans £180 roughly,

    Swift Sterling £188.98

    Wonga (I don't know how much as I haven't heard from them in a very long time)

    Simply be £220,

    Brilliant Gift shop £250

    I also owe mini credit, I haven't heard from them in ages either, I borrowed £90 and the last time I heard from them the debt stood at around £1000 through charges.


    I am in the process of staring payment plans with a couple of the lenders.


    My anxiety about this has gone through the roof again,

    because I have been told that I could be found out through something called 'data matching'

    - apparently the government often check the information they hold about us with companies

    - and since I have given so much wrong/false information like salary/employers to the payday companies

    - it would be easy to be caught!


    I am self employed earning roughly £4500 -£5000 per year,

    I filled my tax return a few weeks ago (and of course gave 100% true information on this!!!)

    but I am now scared that I will be data matched!


    Thank you for reading this!


    I really am thankful to people taking time to give me advice!

  2. Hiya Everyone, I am new here this is my first post.


    I joined because I am extremely worried and anxious that I may have gotten myself into a really serious situation.


    I will be honest from the outset.


    I am in debt with so many different payday loan companies/ mail order companies that I don't even know what they are any more, so has my mum (who I live with)


    In November 2011, my mum got a loan with a PDL company,

    she entered 'MR' instead of MRS and she entered 1 year out of the DOB, she was accepted for the loan and we haven't paid it back.


    I am now so worried sick that that is fraud?


    What happens if they find out, could she go to prison for this?

    She doesn't even remember doing it that way, but that's the information on her online account with them, so she must have!


    Late last year I opened several accounts with catalogue companies (simply be, brilliant gift shop)

    I got credit with them, and haven't paid it back

    - now this is where it gets really awful

    - I didn't pay them back, then I tried to open several more accounts with them (using variations of my own name, and a different DOB)

    I don't know why I even did that, obtaining credit kind of become an addiction and I now feel absolutely terrible

    and worried sick that my stupid actions are going to bite me in the arse in a big way! :-(


    My mum also has several account with them, she also has credit with those companies that we have never paid back!


    I am in the situation now where I cannot think about anything else other than this!


    I do not want me or my mum to go to prison, we owe so much debt that I don't know how even to find out who we owe to

    (on my mums brilliant gift shop account, she used her maiden name instead of her married name)


    I am a very socially nervous person, and my whole life is my Dog (I know that sounds silly to some people but it's true)

    I love her more than anything and I am crying just thinking about what would ever happen to her if we was to go to prison for fraud! I am so scared right now!


    We are currently paying back Rent arrears, Council arrears and water arrears

    - we are sticking to the agreement and all is going well.


    I would ideally like to know exactly who I owe money to, so I can start payment plans with them

    - but I don't know who we owe it to, and I am also really scared that if I try to find out they will discover the untrue information and decide to prosecute us!


    Especially as I opened several other accounts that didn't get credit

    - they may notice that and say that we quite obviously had no intention of paying the debts back!


    I am overwhelmed with guilt and anxious, I wish we had never been this stupid, I don't know how to fix it and these worries are dominating my life it's so horrible. I would simply never cope with prison (and I know it's my responsibility to not get in trouble in the first place, I really know that, but I so wish I had never done this!)


    Does anybody have any advice here?


    Can we go to prison for this?


    How do we begin putting this right again?


    Thank you for reading, sorry this is a long first post that may seem a bit rambling, I am just so scared and regretful. Thanks again.

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