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Posts posted by bbfc

  1. It will only appear 3 days before. Its quite a straightforward process and it's set up quite quickly. They will ask for your other 'non-priority' debts, but I don't think they take them into account so make sure you complete the 'Essential Expenditure' section properly. They will then ask for you to propose a payment and date, and they will either accept it or offer you an alternative payment. You can restart the financial assessment if you don't want to accept their offer.

  2. That's fine. Just so long as they aren't trying to screw you any more than they have already. That's just my opinion on their business practice and not you.


    It is just so wrong how they try to get their money first or insist you follow their online assessment etc.


    Well they obviously were trying to from what their online assessment was telling me. I just realised what they were doing and made my non-priority debit more of a priority, which reduced the monthly payment.

  3. Citizen B I didn't really understand that bit. However from experience,particularly with PDL s they do not care about other non priority debts. In two cases they both wanted a sum that if i had paid to all creditors would have left me with negative money each month.


    They originally offered me a payment plan of £480 p/m, so I restarted the online assessment and added some of my non-priority debts (which they classed as non-secure debt, credit cards etc) into the essential expenditure column to see what would happen, and then the payment plan went right down to below £200 p/m. Thats why I think they don't really take them into account. As fletch70 mentioned above, if I had taken the payment plan of around £480 I wouldn't of been able to pay any of my other creditors.


    I was meaning the total amount not the monthly installment. In my example if minicredit came back saying i owed them a reasonable amount i would talk to them. They know that and until they do they can whistle


    I owe just over £1200, which is total amount I needed to repay from what I borrowed in January. I have never defaulted on a PDL and this was the first time i had ever contacted one to arrange a payment plan.

  4. I would always suggest contacting the PDL company's before you default. I did this with Wonga and it was all straightfoward and quite easy to setup actually. I've gone from owing them just over £1200, to paying back £173 p/m for the next 7 months. I can now sleep at night and my whole months wage is not used straight away to pay back a PDL.

  5. [email protected] is the best one - they replied within a few hours. Tried [email protected] but never got a reply. They will email a standard reply which details what you owe and that you can complete the online financial assessment. At the end of this they will ask you to make an offer, the will either accept it or propose an offer to you. Make sure you complete all the details in correctly. If you are unhappy with the offer they make you can restart the assessment.

  6. This is the same situation I found yesterday and I also agreed 12 payments.


    1 day in arears and same frozen balance.


    Seems the thing to do is default, phone them and get the I&E form, complete it then either accept their offer or reject it (as I did) and email them.

    In my case they came back that afternoon with an offer of 12 equal (within pennies) payments....


    All info is emailed to you and displayed on your account page...


    Not what I did.


    My payment is due tomorrow. Emailed them they enabled the link on the account page, I filled in my details and now i can pay my £1200 loan back over 7 months. Very quick and helpful.


    Wonga seem to be the best of a bad bunch.

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