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Posts posted by Delay

  1. Hello everybody! I need help...

    Some days ago, my girlfriend stole something at Primark :-x for 29 £, so security guards stopped her and they called the police. Police officer came, but he warned her against this kind of behavior, but without doing nothing more, because there was no prior history on the database.

    However, she received an information sheet about RLP taking civil recovery. I'm not English, so I don't really know how it works.

    I will be very happy if someone explain that to me.

    She left her english address, but, because of her upset, she gave her old address: how can she communicate the new one?

    Anyway, the most important questions are the following:

    1) Can you give an idea of the amount she has to pay?

    2)How long does the letter take to be received?

    Thank you all in anticipation.

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