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Everything posted by mi227

  1. We moved to a unit only rented part of it. The council were charging us the higher rate as retail for the whole unit. This went to court and at court it was agreed the evaluators were to come out and measure which parts we were in and adjust our account accordingly. While we were waiting for them to come out the council sent the entire bill of £5500 to the baliffs. The first we knew of this was when we were at a funeral and we received a call from the baliffs saying they are outside the unit and are going to break in and take all of our stuff and police would back them up. We left straight away to address them. A few wks later, the evaluators came out and adjusted our account and now we only owe £222.81 as we are covered by the small business relief however the baliffs are still asking for £1193 and will be back to receive it within 5 days.
  2. hello im mike i owe money for my council tax so say...but have not payed it unless they give me the right bill.... long story this is for a business i have had the bailiff round and they what to do a levy but i own the business name not the equipment eg i own nothing apart from a few little things eg pens paper the rest i rent off someone eg equipment, tools pc seats and so on so can they still do a levvy or if they do take stuff and there is proof what happens this is all long and very stressful as i don't relay own any think its just a council mess up that taking a long time to sort
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