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Posts posted by davem8383

  1. thanks for the reply, ill have a read of that tomorrow. ive been looking into this all day and the information has stopped going in now!!! i was hoping to get them to settle fairly quickly at that ammount. after a quick work out today the figure im out of pocket is more than i thought, around the £7k mark. i just want an end to this now!! do you think im being unrealistic in my expectations??

  2. hi locutus,


    ive done a few searches and a bit of a read up on those. would it be a good idea for me to write to orange once (if) the default is removed with my expectations for compensation. it seems that the benchmark set by the durkin case is £8k for tarnishing a persons credit worthiness and would it help my case to include reference to these cases. To be honest its probably cost me in real terms about £5k over the last yr so if i could achieve that ammount id be happy. Or am i being unrealistic here??


    thanks in advance


  3. thanks for the reply, ill have a read, the only thing i could see possibly being a problem with proving my losses is that the default has meant that everything i have appliead for creditwise has been rejected so any credit we have is all in the wifes name. we havent been able to remortgage because of it but like i say everything is in the wifes name including the mortgage so would this affect me being able to claim for that. we should have been able to remortgage last yr with me on the mortgage to a lower rate take some equity out of the house and pay other things off, instead we couldnt and we've had to pay interest on other stuff for the time that defaults been there.

  4. Hi guys,


    After reading neumerous threads on here about other people having similar problems to mine i could do with a bit of help and advice.


    In april 2011 Orange defaulted me for £25.10 which i did not know i owed due to them holding incorrect details.


    they have after 11 months of me trying to sort this out accepted that this default shouldnt have been registered against me

    admitted the errors that they have made and have emailed me this morning to say that the entire account will be removed tomorrow.

    now this isnt the first time they have said this so im not holding my breath!


    So heres where i am, if they dont remove it where do i go as after 11 months this is starting to wear thin! if they do remove it i expect to be compensated for the losses i have occured.


    I know i havent included much detail here but will update if anyone picks up on this.


    I would be greatful if anyone who has experience with cases like this could help,


    i recently read up on philhargs thread and the support he recieved was amazing.


    many thanks in advance


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