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Against all odds

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Everything posted by Against all odds

  1. Hi Difusion, This is going to be very hard to get money back after 7 days. I cancelled after 3 days and still having problems. This is more of a warning for people who are considering. Since I cancelled thay have been trying to encourage me to take one of their cheeper course for the money I payed. When I refused I sand me a parcel through the courrier with empty black folder in it saying that after consideration they are happy to offer me their materials worth almost £2000. (?) The parcel was opened by my partner, who send the parcel back as soon as realized what was inside. What a crap! Stay away if you can. If anyone know of any action group or watch dog group to join and support the victims of that cheet let me know. Does anyone know where their next intruduction course is taking place? They seem to be doing these courses in different place every time.
  2. Hi, I am just batteling now for my refund. Cancelled 2 days after signing. Returned my home study kit. Now they are saying they have not received it and want me to pay fo it -1000 pouds forit My credit card company seems to be taking it reluctantly and suggesting me that I should sign an agreement with Tigrent accepting 5% admin fee and oter unacceptable condition. I say I am not signing another agreemen with them. I signed one regretting sincerely. I will be more than happy to join campaign against T
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