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Graham V

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  1. We too declined Barclays partner company's offer to conduct the Probate service and used online company The Law Wizard who's supported DIY service was excellent and saved hundreds of pounds. Now my wife and brother in law have grant of probate and as a co-executor of their mothers will have submitted proof of identity and address. Barclays then wanted further evidence of my brother in laws address because he didn't have passport or driving licence. We did this but protested that as someone suffering from depression and anxiety this further check was causing undue stress to my brother in law. Now Barclays are insisting on proof from his doctor that he is sound enough to act as executor. So after submitting all documentation requested on the 6th Nov we are now waiting for a doctors appointment on the 5th December before we can do anything more. I will be closing my Barclays Premier account of 36 years in disgust when we reach the end of this disgraceful process as I do not want to leave my children with this problem when I shuffle off. I may yet consider legal action for discrimination of people with mental difficulties. Surely the grant of probate should not be challenged in this way ???
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