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Posts posted by graceava

  1. hi everyone, i have got myself it to some debt with british gas/severn trent, totalling 800pounds.

    i rang them up to arrange a payment plan and they agreed to a direct debit of 100pounds a month and i gave them my bank details and thought that was the end of it.

    about 12 days later i got a letter of income support saying that they were taking 50pound a week to give to BG and severn trent. this leaves me with 20 a week.

    i phoned IS and explained that i had already arranged a payment plan but they contacted BG and BG told them i had agreed to have this money taken out of my benefits. income support said that BG decides how much they take and they can't do anything about it. so i asked if BG can just send them a letter and take as much money as they like out of anyones benefits? apparently they can.

    this is leaving me in a very bad situation, im going to struggle to pay for the basics like nappies and baby formula.

    does anyone know of way to get this amount lowered? thanks.

  2. hi, thanks for replies. me and my freind took it back today as currys insisted the 'system' wouldn't allow the to book a pick up.

    i went in, explained the problem and was handed a new tv without them even looking at the damaged one!

    then as i was leaving the person serving me said he was just going to check if i needed to sign anything and we went to the refunds counter. the man there said that he should have rang samsung up for an RA number before exchanging it but it was to late now and that was that.

    i don't know if i got lucky but im quite impressed with currys service.

  3. HI,


    4 days ago i bought a LED samsung 40inch smart tv from curry's for 450pounds.


    i hadn't got it out of the box till today as i was waiting for a friend to come over and put a wall bracket up and fix the tv on for me as i was scared of dropping it.


    after setting it up and fiddling with the settings a bit i noticed a small hole in the screen, it looks like its been poked with a needle. it is quite noticable as it is white.


    how is this possible? i


    have rang currys and they have asked me to bring it in but that is going to be hard as i don't drive and live 30miles away from the shop.


    i asked a freind to come with me to pick it up originally, i could ask them to take me back but not sure when.


    should i insist that currys pick it up and deliver me a new one as it is there fault for selling me a broken tv?


    i am really worried the are going to say they will repair it,

    then ive spent good money on a not 100% perfect tv.


    any advice would be really helpful, a


    lso has this happened to anyone else?


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