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  1. Hi, I'm really hoping that someone can help. Last November 2011 I received a letter from Lowell group, via my mother in laws address. They say I have an oustanding balance of £197 from an account card with Monsoon. That a CCJ has been registered against me and that I must pay the outstanding balance. I contacted them, and explained that while I did once have a Monsoon card, I made my last payment (in full, as I did every month) when I moved from Somerset to Sussex in 2008. I moved to France in 2010, and had received no statements from Monsoon, (we had redirected mail) from 2008 onwards. They suggested I contact Monsoon. Which I did. They tell me that the debt had been sold to one company and now Lowell. I asked for copies of my statements as I disputed the debt. I was told that they were no longer held on file and would take up to 5 weeks to be produced. 5 weeks later I called back. They said it can take up to 6months to check the archives!! In the meantime I sent a letter to the bulk order court who had registered the ccj against me. Disputing the debt and asking for it to be overturned, on account that I was out of the country and I had not received any communication from Monsoon. This week my mother in law received some calls from Scotcall. I called them this morning and explained the situation. (the debt has been sold on to them). they tell me that someone from Lowells will get back to me. Obviously, if I owe the money I will pay it. Although I was told not to pay by Lowells as it was in dispute. Where do I stand? I have never heard back from Monsoon, Lowell (in writing) or the courts. I'm trying to deal with this from France and it's proving to be very difficult. Can anyone advise?
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