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Everything posted by Jonanon89

  1. Last end March (2011) I was concerned about the behaviour of a member of staff on the Teenage Cancer Trust Unit at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff. I do not want to identify the member of staff except that it was a Nursing Auxiliary on the ward as I do not think that this is the point of what I would like to say here. I was concerned about the member of staff's behaviour on the ward as the staff member behaved inappropriately at times with members of senior staff and patients. The Nursing Auxiliary was overly familiar with patients and said inappropriate things to them. What is particularly disturbing is that the Nursing Auxiliary attended a trip and there were child protection concerns with regard to the member of staff on the trip. I heard that the member of staff got drunk with and spent time in patient's aged under 18's rooms. I heard that the Nursing Auxiliary's behaviour was reported to the Ward Sister edit and Service Manager edit and the child protection concerns and drunkness were reported at that time. However, I remember seeing the Nursing Auxiliary on the ward throughout April and then I was told he was off sick and I never saw the staff member again. Therefore why was the staff member allowed to be on the ward when there were child protection concerns. Surely there should have been some investigations before the staff member returned to the ward. What is more, I have noticed that edit is now working for Teenage Cancer Trust itself in a very responsible job. It seems strange that she allowed someone that child protection concerns had been raised about to work on a ward with vulnerable teenagers and then get a promotion?
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