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Everything posted by chowlett

  1. ok but im not even with that bank now but had letters saying i owe over £500 i know its been taken by cfo but how no overdraft etc... .. don't get it and no one listens... . I've reported them like u state last year but still nothing I've now reported them to watchdog... . i just want my debt wrote off don't want any.monies.....
  2. I've emailed watchdog this company have scammed and stole off thousands of people wether they took out a loan or not.... it needs to be stopped.... i think if monies are took off ur card from any pdc banks should call inform u I've been left in alot of debt.... its a sad state of affairs.... i wonder how many other companies have done this or how many other companies are really cfo....
  3. how do i get a charge back never even heard.of one : / my old bank are saying nothing they can do
  4. this company needs to be stopped and shut down. .. never had a loan have checked my emails etc and yea I've had alot of emails off them but never a loan. ... not a clue how the got my bank details but they have taken out nearly £200 over time.. . spoke to them fobbed off told i have an outstanding loan with cfo... lies changed my bank as told it was best now i owe Halifax £500 and more... . have tired and tried with this company and my old bank with no luck... .. now I've.in debt with a very poor credit rating.. ... how the hell do they take money which isn't there and u don't owe.. .. i have learn my lesson keep my debit cards well inside in my purse and use cash. ... never had a any kind of payday loan and never will... . please keep fighting there crooks like i will.. . just a note theyare now offering credit cards had a email today they trade under mt.. .. I've also wrote to watchdog about capital finance after hearing how wonga cash were ripping people off and taking money. ... any advice on my situation would be grateful..... no one seems to be listening to me.. . thanks
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