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Everything posted by Mike2012

  1. When I have asked her she told me that she is going through something called welfare rights and they helping her sort through her debts and she also going bankrupt. I just can't believe they would do this to someone I was genuinely just helping.
  2. It's with Halifax, a visa electron card. I didn't know I gave him my card details I just put it in a machine, I never realised what they could actually do.
  3. Hi, I have put a new thread on perfect homes. Could you offer me any advice. I put it under perfect home problems. Thank you
  4. Hi everyone, about 2 months ago I gave my child's mother a lift to a perfect home while she was getting a laptop. While she was going through it all I had my son walking round the shop looking and things. But when she got to the part where she had to pay the 1st payment - they wouldn't take cash only after this one was she able to come on store and pay weekly in person. They said the 1st payment had to be on a card so she asked me if I would let them take it off my card and she give me the cash so I agreed. The person dealing with it asked me to sign something to say I will pay that using my card and never said another word. Then today I find they have taken 7 payments of £13 something totalling £94.59 as my child's mother hadn't been keeping up or going in so they kept my details which I did not know and took it from me. I went in to store and spoke to the manager and she told me she can do that, she won't be giving it me back so go see my ex and take it off her as its her fault. Surely this isn't fair. Please tell me this is not right to do this to me. Thank you in advance.
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