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Everything posted by kittykatek88

  1. Hi im new to this forum , im looking for some help and advise regarding swift advances i took out a mortgage with them back in 2004 for mortgage amount £133.000.00 interest charges £38.044.93 less payment recieved £22.448.92 sub total £148.596.01 since taking out the mortgage I got in to financial difficulty falling into arrears i was then threated with reprosssion I paniced and got a new morgage and quick as I was a single parent and had to keep a roof over my children head to my suprise i was given a redemption figure of £165.580.77 which included various charges ie , default charges , post default collection cost , arrears letters and charges I'm not sure if I will even get anywhere with this but have been reading various forums regarding swift and think maybe i could tackle this or have I left to late if any one can give me some advice or help with this i would be truly grateful
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